Jumat, 19 Januari 2018


Nitro: Video-gaming blockchain with emerging economy


Brief Overview:

The Nitro is huge project based on video gaming run by online syndicate. Developers have curated a completely an Eletronic Marketplace with its own Ethereum cryptocurrency token known as NOX token. The milestones for entering Nitro is to participate, connect and grow. And the only way to participate in the Nitro platform is by purchasing NOX token and sub token Nitro Dollar NOD ( 1 NOD = 1 USD).

Missing dots:

There are missing dots between the Gamers, Game studios, publishers and platforms and financiers. Gamers cannot connect with game producers and producers cannot reach out gamers and publishers. And there is need to connect gamers and publishers with financiers.

Why there is need of Nitro:

There is increasing demand of video games with a lot of competition, there must be some developers who made video games. There are 3 types of video game developers number 1 are the Hobbyists, they produce non-commercial facet of gaming, second comes the large corporates, they are known as corporates because they consists of a large network of studios and their main focus is to develop the actual game. They are the dominators of industry. In the last Promising Game Studios they are not that prominent one but they do have commercial and creative potential in video gaming. Nitro provides these developers, gamers, financiers and publishers a platform.

Target of Nitro :

There is no easy way for everyone to enter in this video gaming industry because there are limited companies, mostly are private. There must be geographical limitation or concentration risk, so Nitro provides the general population a platform where they can buy video games and developers develop video games by their funds and can earn attractive revenue.

Nitro activities flow:

In order to accomplish its goal, Nitro perform following functions step by step, first they issue NOX token for all transactions. Then they curate a studio known as PGS for proposal of video gaming, these proposals are then voted and those with maximum votes are funded. In post funding the funds are divided among the developers who proposed for the game and develop and the Nitro platform. Nitro send few proportion of this revenue back to the aid new proposals. In the end, sub token NOD is given in order to use this in video game.

How to do this:

To get connection between stakeholders and Nitro platform, there must be participation in the PGS. Developers interact from all over the world. These partners include Global Mobile Game Confederation and iCandy Interactive. Then you have to communicate with all the stakeholdes, gamers, studios and publishers for all the dealing and transactions. In order to grow revenue is divided, revenue is shared with Ethereum’s Ether (ETH) occasionally, to NOX holders, and for new video game proposals

Benefits of participations:

Following participants get the benefits from Nitro platform:

Game studios:

1. Accessibility of funds

2. Greater Marketplace to work

3. Improved quality

4. Immediate feedback on video games

5. Earning through in game token purchase (NOD)


1. Chance to get participation

2. Improved quality of games

3. Economic benefit

4. Rewards in terms of tokens

5. Place to find studios


1. Reduced cost

2. Highest efficiency

3. Feedback from developers

4. Economic benefit


1. Safe place to invest

2. More connection with stakeholders.

Join the Nitro Project as soon as possible, and for more information please visit the following Links:






Username profile BTT : Galih_al karim

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