Senin, 12 Februari 2018


The core of the bakery patented technology (NUCLEUS)

Is a general statement that when someone lacks information that is the biggest form of ignorance because people can cheat you of your own information. Have you ever wonder if it was possible to know what your customer as a businessman or businesswoman like or as a customer have you ever wonder is it possible for those selling you a product or service to know your preferred choose of goods so that business transactions can go on that is what nucleus Vision brings to its user. A means by which retailer can get exclusive information about their clients and customers are rewarded for giving out their information about goods and services and other information.

Nucleus Vision was Founded in 2014 at Harvard University, Nucleus is an end-to-end technology solution that captures and delivers unvested data to retailers and other brick and mortar businesses through its proprietary technology( blockchain and sensors) in real time. The Nucleus solution, which currently has 19 IoT sensors deployed in 10 live storage facilities, will provide a valuable data network for unique visitor IDs and user data. Nucleus proprietary IoT sensor technology does not depend on RFID, WiFi Bluetooth or even facial recognition technologies to work.
In the long term, the intention is to bridge the gap between the online and offline retail world. The company is supported by several major investors, including Tim Draper, Reliance Capital and more. Telecommunications play a vital role in the operation of our technology and nucleus Vision has partnered with Vodafone, Reliance Communications and Idea Cellular to market our platform.
The initial direction of our adoption strategy revolves around the retail sector. However, the Nucleus platform has applications in different markets.

Nucleus Retail:
Nucleus built the world’s first IOT (over blockchain) contactless identification system while building the world’s largest universal loyalty program using cryptocurrency. Nucleus’ IoT solution enables retail brands around the world to create and execute a customer-centric shopping experience that leverages data from in-person and online channels. The platform uses block chains, sensors, data and smart analytics to create automated solutions that drive customer loyalty. For retailers, the Nucleus IoT solution provides information on previously unattainable customer behavior, such as the ability to track customer visits, aisles and trips in stores, favorite products and brands, and predict customer behavior. future behavior of customers. This creates a personalized customer experience that ensures greater customer satisfaction. With our blockchain technology, Nucleus aspires to seamlessly connect the world online and offline. As part of this process, we aim to improve the shopping experience of the 2.6 million walk-in customers who visit 91 million physical stores worldwide, all in real time. Giant companies around the world have traditionally monetized their customer data solely for their own benefit and have retained exclusive control over that data. Nucleus transfers the power of data monetization to the customers themselves, allowing them to take full control of their own data and the power to monetize it. The nCash token will be the currency for this data exchange, to remunerate data providers and to reward customers for sharing their data. It is decentralization in its truest and strongest form. Nucleus Security’s IoT solutions have already penetrated residential and industrial security systems, and this will become a huge opportunity in the coming years. Right now, the industry is sorely lacking a comprehensive, intelligent solution that also takes privacy into account. We believe that Nucleus is ready to tackle this problem. Nucleus Intelligent IoT sensors can become an indispensable component of broader residential, commercial and industrial security systems by identifying potential threats and intruders, and securely transmitting these data to the relevant authorities via our blockchain network. This information can be used both in real time, where premises can be monitored for unexpected people, as well as after an incident, where our IoT sensors can be used to identify attackers. Micro-payments in the form of nCash tokens will allow this secure data transfer between the various parties involved and our sensors. Nucleus will enable a secure, untrusted, independent and unauthorized data exchange ecosystem on blockchain, to help make the world safer for everyone.
A world powered by a smart kernel

Strengths and benefits
Nucleus has invested three years in research and technology development to build a patent-pending sensor technology that overcomes all the disadvantages of existing retail technologies such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi tags, to identify real-time nobody moving nearby. a Nucleus ION sensor.

Revolutionary customer identification for IoT:
At its core, Nucleus is an IoT-enabled client identification ecosystem. Nucleus’ scalable technology has a 12-layer stack that efficiently integrates with the technologies and systems of advanced technology providers such as Intel, Radysis, ODM, and geo-specific telecommunications operators. Because Nucleus produces data that was previously uncaptured, our technology is able to provide valuable information to retailers, especially after running data across our neural layer.

Already on the market:
With Nucleus’ smart sensor technology, retailers can now directly identify and interact with customers as they enter the store. International distribution brands, such as Giny & Jony in India, are already using Nucleus to offer personalized offers to customers on their mobile phones. The ION network sensors are developed in accordance with telecommunications standards, to ensure that the Nucleus platform remains ready for use and complies with the data and privacy requirements of the global telecommunications industry. Over the past two years, Nucleus has worked with national and international regulatory authorities to implement the regulatory and privacy frameworks applicable to our technology.
Offering differentiated products and new generation:
Our assessment of the technologies currently available on the market has revealed several gaps in authentication and analysis in IoT products related to marketing. Our assessment of these technologies has shown that no other product could provide more than 15% of the information in the physical retail world. Because of this superior performance, retailers have expressed their enthusiasm after seeing the Nucleus solution in action.
Differentiated customer experience
Brick and mortar retail customers hardly get personalized prices, personalized offers or preferential treatment to be a loyal brand or store. This stems mainly from the store’s inability to differentiate customers in offline stores. With Nucleus, customers benefit for the first time from personalized pricing, accurate recommendations and real-time offerings in brick and mortar physical stores. Customers also get nCash tokens every time they visit or shop at a Nucleus powered store, and are also empowered to monetize their shopping data

NCash tokens is a universal loyalty program, where customers can use nCash as loyalty points for all Nucleus network business partners.
Customers can cash their ATOM tokens on crypto cash for cash, or choose to use them as loyalty points on the Nucleus ecosystem.
Customers may opt out of an enhanced and personalized shopping experience, as well as the right to receive nCash tokens, and their data will not be shared with any of Nucleus’ retail partners.

Nucleus is composed of several layers of technology, which together power our next-generation platform. Nucleus technology is a function of four main components: ION, ORBIT, NEURON and nCASH.

Orbit Blockchain: Authorization and Data
The Nucleus Blockchain platform, Orbit, is the foundation on which customer identities, customer data and nCash tokens circulate accurately and securely across all parties and systems.

Neuron Layer
The Nucleus Neuron Intelligence Platform is a state-of-the-art analytics engine that leverages the power of deep learning, blockchain and IoT. The Neuron platform allows retailers to take advantage of time and opportunities when customers are most receptive. Neuron connects retailers and customers at the right time to bring an element of pleasure and surprise to the retailer’s customer service plan.

nCash is the decentralized cryptocurrency of the Nucleus ecosystem, used for various transactions across Nucleus. nCash has two main objectives: 1) it is the backbone of the Nucleus Universal loyalty program (retailer reward system), and 2) it is a currency used to allow the transfer of data from a party. to another.
Nucleus network retailers can reward their users using nCash, which can be used by any retailer on the Nucleus network. nCash is a non-exploitable ERC20 Ethereum token with a 10 billion nCash token.

The detailed information : 

Username profile BTT:Galih_al karim

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