Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

SCAVO Technologies - Mining Farms Life Contrac

Hello all community greetings.

if you are interested in joining the Scavo project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you see their vision and mission, because it's important to understand accuracy in reviews so you don't hesitate to invest.

therefore I invite you to see the Scavo project and let's look at Scavo's review below.

What SCAVO ?
SCAVO's technology is based on commercial model SCAVO Token. Each Token SCAVO was acquired by investors we represent the right to receive benefits from all that is produced by agriculture mining for life (as long as it is the holder of a Token), understood as a period in which the benefits exceed the costs the operations required to maintain in the farming operation. Technology developed by technology SCAVO and third parties will be used to build standalone and scalable mining center that uses renewable resources for power generation. SCAVO technology will finance the construction of the entire system that forms the center of mining through crowdfunding by distributing token SCAVO, during the early coins offer (ICO).

Why SCAVO Technologies ?

Unlike a pool, it does not depend on the hash power of participants; unlike Cloud Mining, we do not rent hash power neither charge administrative fees, regardless the income

  • Soft Cap $ 500.000
  • Med Cap $3.500.000
  • Hard Cap $ 83.600.000

(08-11-2018 TO 08-20-2018) 1 SCAVO = USD 0.75 BONUS 20%
(08-21-2018 TO 08-31-2018) 1 SCAVO = USD 0.80 BONUS 15%
(09-01-2018 TO 09-15-2018) 1 SCAVO = USD 0.85 BONUS 10%
(09-16-2018 TO 09-30-2018) 1 SCAVO = USD 0.90 BONUS 5%
(10-01-2018 TO 10-31-2018) 1 SCAVO = USD 1.00 BONUS 0%

Ethereum Classic
Wire Transfer
Credit Card

Sources from the link below :

Username profile Btt : Galih_al karim

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