Jumat, 19 Oktober 2018

Eatonomy strengthens the market for loyalty in the future

Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about encrypted parts and I am a supporter of good projects like Eatonomy. In this new publication, I would like to present the Eatonomy project. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrency, ICO ... but Eatonomy's blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we cover the following topics:

If we observe the evolution of society, tribal society, we have moved to a different social structure in the modern world, where people work in a specialized way and can do it in a global environment, from all over the world thanks to the advent of technology. and the Internet. Eatonomy is a social media platform with financial investors based on blockchains. The social network Eatonomy will be one of the unique and encrypted social networks allowing cryptography enthusiasts to find themselves on a common platform and spread the appeal of information, including financial, without missing all important updates.

Traders, sellers, asset managers and investors. Eatonomy will allow all these participants to interact in real time without problems by posting updates, blogs, images, analysis, personal situations, video channels and anything else that could be important

OVERVIEW of Eatonomy
Eatonomy strengthens the future loyalty market by introducing a decentralized platform that allows brands and retailers to easily create interoperable, smart and engaging loyalty programs for modern buyers. Eatonomy's loyalty ecosystem of brands and retailers is designed to bridge the gap between traditionally inefficient and expensive loyalty programs and the high expectations of today's buyers. Create a channel loyalty program without prior technical knowledge or customer experience. Introduce real value interoperability, intelligence / distribution and loyalty programs.

High operating costs

A fully functional digital loyalty program is very expensive to manage - it results in less value for customers and a barrier for small brands / retailers who run a digital loyalty program.

Restrictive Rewards

Today, rewards can only be redeemed with the retailer / issuer brand. As a result, customers are disengaged, resulting in a low exchange of rewards.

Lack of intelligence

Brands / retailers do not have in-depth knowledge of their customers to create personalized programs that reward loyal behaviors, commitment and repeat purchases.

Eatonomy solution by the mission

Eatonomy's mission is to enable intellectual loyalty programs - to imagine where brands / retailers can identify the most valuable customers, understand their behavior and reward their customers. Goods for purchase and their habits.

Use Eatonomy's loyalty program - brands / retailers can create loyalty programs in just a few minutes - without the technical knowledge or experience of a chain of blocks.

Our foundation is fundamentally different from other chain attachments, since it was built on Stellar. Stellar solves the technical problems associated with launching a DAPP client that relies on the Ethereum-based DAPP - portfolio management, transaction costs, transaction duration, and tag liquidity.

How it works?

The application level includes the Loyalty Management Suite + Mobile Biology app.

Customer Loyalty Management is what brands / retailers use to create loyalty programs, assign refund rules (for example, 10 codes for $ 30), report report code via the TRE API and monitor / analyze the performance of their programs. Brands / retailers can choose to launch their loyalty program in mobile apps - where consumers can buy and trade food / products with TRE or fiat cards or a brand / seller. Individuals can run the program using their own infrastructure.

Benefits for brands / retailers

We eliminate the complexity of creating smart and personalized customer programs.

User-friendly program

Provide an in-depth analysis of loyalty programs - create tailored custom campaigns for high value customers.

Cost reduction

Eatonomy is the most economical basis for managing digital loyalty programs with a comprehensive set of analytics.

Turn your customers into powerful people

Reward customers for their purchases - join a brand as a social equity or complete an offer during the holidays by plane.

Less responsibility, more value

Eliminate the responsibility of maintaining loyalty by assigning yourself to your category by offering a free reward for loyalty.

Customer benefits

Discover the unlimited reward really - your way. Absolutely portable for your favorite rewards, BTC, ETH or fiat!

Reward for participation and purchase!

Earn TRE tokens to interact with your favorite brands / sellers - buying, participating in social networks and more!

Can switch completely

Redeem your ERP to a retailer / brand participating in Eatonomy - or trade / give / sell your card to anyone, anywhere.

Get extra chips by sharing

Earn multiple TRE cards by completing surveys, linking credit cards and sharing information so brands / retailers can offer individual offers.


TRE never expires and retains real value (refundable rewards, BTC, ETH or even fiat).

Supported by Stellar String Block Protocol

Stellar lets you perform some of the fastest, most efficient, and most secure blockchain transactions compared to other popular protocols, such as Ethereum. Why wait 6 minutes to process a transaction, and it's also a lot more than a credit card processing fee? With Stellar, transactions are valued at less than one cent, while Stellar allows you to trade 40 times more per second than Ethereum! Loyal customer loyalty, fast transaction times, and low commissions are critical to the success of Processing tokens as a practical alternative to existing, limited tier reward programs. high transformation.



August 2016

Creation of Eatonomy


April 2017

Developed MVP (iOS and Android app)

November 2017

Won $ 100,000 start-up awards in Canada


April 2018

Integration of 11 restaurants for beta testing and 5,000 organic app downloads without marketing

October 2018

Start of TGE


February 2019

End of TGE

February 2019

Integration Layer Development: API for TRE Import and Mobile Wallet Development

March 2019

Platform development (application layer, exchange layer)

March 2019

Aboard the main CPGs and restaurant chains in North America

September 2019

Expansion in the EMEA and APAC markets

Made of Eatonomy,

At the end of 2017, Eatonomy won the prestigious Best Toronto Startup Enterprise Award at InnovateToronto Pitch, among 200 other competitors. The contest was a collaborative partnership between the University of Toronto, the City of Toronto and Ryerson University, focused on using innovation to shape the next 150 years in Canada and beyond.

For more detailed information, visit:

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

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