Jumat, 09 November 2018

BitCoin-One is developing its own chain of blocks to guarantee faster transactions

Blockchain is one of the most amazing innovations in our life and we are still in the initial phase. We believe in and trust in Blockchain and in what it can contribute to the 3,000 million people without bank accounts in the world.

The cryptocurrency can play an important role in the lives of the 3 billion unbanked people in Africa and Asia without a bank account, simply because they are not rich enough. We believe that cryptocurrency is your way out of poverty and we have the mission to help these people with a general plan that involves BitCoin-One and our own developed chain of blocks.

BitCoin-One is developing its own chain of blocks to guarantee transactions even faster than those of the Ethereum network, ensuring an almost instantaneous transfer of funds. Further, we want a more secure and stable alternative to the belt, we plan to have lunch in the fourth quarter of 2018.

This new chain of blocks will become a stake test and will admit BitCoin One and will be part of this ecosystem. We need an electronic payment based on cryptographic tests instead of trust, which allows two interested parties to conduct transactions directly between them without the need of a trusted third party. We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value.

With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet. We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value. With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet.

We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value. With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet. The race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet.

We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value.

With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet.

The race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet. We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value.

With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet.

Bitcoin One is a cryotocurrency and a decentralized project, and we would love to see people and businesses around the world adopt what our project could do to help them, especially by taking control of their own funds. In addition, BitCoin One is a decentralized currency that serves as a global payment system. Companies, individuals and business partners can send and receive funds using the BitCoin One digital currency.

BitCoin One wants to make a difference and that is what this project and mission is all about. Our goal is to make a difference for all people who do not have a bank account.

We have 10 million cards in circulation, out of a total of 21 million. We have allocated tokens for investment and development, in this way the demand and the underlying value of the tokens will be high due to the limited amount in the market. These actions will turn it into a stable and safe currency to invest.

Amount of card in circulation: 10,000,000
Development / Operations / Reverse: 8,900,000
Market / Reward: 2,100,000

BitCoin One symbol: BTCONE
Decimals: 18
Type: ERC20
Total supply: 21,000,000
Circulating supply : 10,000,000

In 2018 we are going to have an APLICATION lunch that will support our payment solution, so that everyone can use and pay with BitCoin One all over the world, as long as they have a mobile phone. In addition, we are looking for a virtual wallet so you can have your BitCoin One security stored in your own wallet on your PC or mobile phone. We are adding more excahage where you can buy or sell BitCoin One.

The core team behind BitCoin One has experience in its development, Banking and Marketing.
We have a great vision of banking and we know what the challenges are that many people face when opening a bank account today. In addition, we have major developers who have been active in other encryption projects and these skills will help us develop BitCoin One and also take us to the next step, which will be our own blockchain solution.

Bitcoin One Listed Exchanges 

Usrename profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

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