Selasa, 30 April 2019

Global Real Estate Registration List of the first and only universal real estate in the world

The Global Real Estate Registry (GPR) is the FIRST universal real estate registry that will be global in scope to developed and developing countries. This will provide proof of ownership of more than 4.5 billion people (worth $ 20 trillion) worldwide, which are currently not covered and, therefore, cut off from real estate and finance markets. Secondly, in addition to ensuring the global exchange of real estate. This platform will function as an international digital real estate market for all market participants. Third, analytical solutions and tools supported by artificial intelligence will be provided to property owners who will allow them to make wise decisions and forecasts.Finally, social networks will be created for the users of the platform to educate the public.

In particular, real estate is one of the most stable forms of investment and represents a small risk as a means of investment. The total value of development in the world is more than 228 trillion US dollars, which exceeds the total number of traded stocks and securitization debt instruments in the world, and in 2016 the volume of global transactions reached about 661 billion US dollars.
By keeping a constant record of ownership, expenses and transfers, the blockchain can provide certain information that provides a higher level of trust and transparency. This allows each property to have its own numeric address where all information associated with the object can be stored.
This will include financial information, rent, taxes, bills, meetings, comfort, building performance, physical characteristics and transaction history related to the property, which potentially eliminates the need for a deep and expensive name search.

It is important to note that all information on the level of property can be encrypted in such a way that only those who are authorized by the property owner (or creditor agent in the case of a mortgage loan) can access.
Fraud prevention - all transactions that occur on the blockchain platform will be cryptographically signed and verified. Using a time stamp with a consistent mechanism in the blockchain prevents some of the same unit orders / sales, which is a common problem when properties are registered by different brokers.
GPR vision
A world where every homeowner can use the value of his property (home or land). The ownership document is safe and easily accessible. Land and property fraud has been eliminated, especially in developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America.

Our mission
We plan to achieve this by:

Create global property registry
Analytics supported by artificial intelligence to support property owners
Create a social platform for the promotion of modern real estate solutions
Build a real estate exchange where people can buy and sell real estate.

Global list of applications for mobile applications
By entering our ecosystem, you can manage everything. Anyone who has a smartphone and an Internet connection can use our solutions and upload land or property to our universal list of blockchains.
Our practical application will be easy to understand and will give you the latest updates. Here is a brief list of other benefits this app will give you.

Features and benefits

The availability of the blockchain network will allow you to simultaneously control a large number of files and documents, while providing all the necessary legislative, regulatory and legal structures with quick access to all the necessary documents and reports. In addition, the blockchain will help reduce the additional financial costs that previously consumed most of the capital of the property owner. Another advantage of the Global Property Registry is its geographical breadth, since this project has the ability to develop around the world without limiting itself to the borders of the country.

At the same time, inborn artificial intelligence will help speed up the process of all actions, which will not only shorten the time of all checks, but also provide users with all the data needed in the shortest possible time. Another very important part of the Global Real Estate Registry is property insurance for both natural disasters and other insurance claims. This is not a small important element for all real estate.

In addition, a team of specialists will provide the best and reliable products for the blockchain-based real estate market, namely:

ICO details

Well-coordinated work in the system will be carried out by internal tokens - XRX, while users will not only be able to purchase some real estate, but also pay for additional services for registering their property and much more. The token itself is based on the Ethereum blockchain and conforms to the ERC20 standard.

In total, for the development of the project, developers will release 5 billion coins with an initial value of $ 0.005 per 1XX. As part of its ICO team intends to collect Hard Cap in the amount of 25 million US dollars. This amount should be enough to fully launch the entire model and start using it in the near future.

The distribution of tokens and funds is as follows:

Road map

November 2016: Created a team and concept of global property registration.

December 2016 - May 2017: Proof of concept development.

December 2017: Development of business models and technical documents.

June 2018: the MVP development work begins.

October 2018: Completion of MVP

November 2018: Pre-ICO

February 2019: a global roadshow for marketing.

June 2019: ICO

October 2019: USA, UK, Nigeria.

October 2020: Brazil, India, South Africa, Pakistan

Greg Pwol: Chief Technical Officer

Victor Mboror Elemi: CMO - Head of Marketing

Chouji Tosanwumi Pwol: CDO - Development Director

Anurag Gautam: Counselor

Lee Yang: Advisor - Artificial Intelligence


People who are looking for something tangible and accessible are clearly interested in this project. Because the concept is quite simple, but can be understood by the masses. This means that people will not face great difficulties in using this tool.

However, do not forget about the risks that exist in all directions and projects, so think carefully before making a decision. Because my review is intended for informational purposes only and does not encourage you to invest in certain projects. I can recommend you to study in detail each project selected separately. And for this I always prepare all the necessary links that you will find at the end of this review. And this is for today and see you!

The official resource of the project Global Property Registration:

Username profile Btt : Galih_Al karim

OOOBTC Exchange - about & bounty program

OOOBTC is a gateway and exchange platform for cryptocurrencies and Crypto-ecosystem located in Singapore. OOOBTC provides diversified system functions such as spot trading, futures contract trading, over-thecounter trading, whole-network trading, and decentralized trading.

Moreover, it satisfies the needs of numerous investors. Our trading system has a robust security mechanism and reliable underlying architecture, which provides investors with a dependable trading experience. Besides, the unique online trading model of the ooobtc platform would efficiently match the market depth of major exchanges around the world while providing even higher liquidity. Relying on the whole network trading system, we believe the ooobtc platform will become the largest liquidity provider of digital assets in the world.

Exchanging crypto to fiat or exchanging fiat to crypto is one of the major problem faced by many cryptocurrencies and exchange, newbies find it so hard to key into cryptocurrencies, or trade cryptos on exchange due to lack of converting them back to fiat or fiat to cryptos. OOOBTC exchange aims to keep things very simple and fast for beginner users looking to delve into the cryptocurrency space. Even if you have never heard of Bitcoin or Ethereum before, OOOBTC does a very good job at creating a welcoming and informative page that invites users to explore this new endeavor

Based on the precise and secure technology, our terminal is prepared to provide reliable and quality serives which make sure you are able to trade any of ooobtc currency pairs free from all the worries
OOOBTC is listed on coinmarketcap with over 26,000 btc trading volume, OOOBTC can be accessed seamlessly on the web, Android, iOS, PC, Mac OS, and the H5 mobile browser. In addition to covering digital assets that have been recognized widely, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, OOOBTC will also set up a professional research team, upholding the concept of openness and cooperation, and picking highquality blockchain digital assets around the world.

Revenue Structure
Our revenue will be generated from this sources

The OOOBTC token will serve as the driver of our platform and not only valid in our exchange but will be used across well known exchanges, It is a reusable ERC20 token that is freely transferable on the Ethereum blockchain and can be held within the our integrated wallet or any ERC20 compatible wallet, at the discretion of the user. OBX Token can be purchased directly on the platform or from external markets and exchanges. To support the project of OOOBTC exchange, we will launch different promotion campaign. The total supply of the OOOBTC native token is 3 billion (3 000 000 000) and no other token can be created.. NO PUBLIC SALES, NO ICO WILL BE HELD.


OBX Token is an ERC 20 standard token and when held on the exchange will enjoy dividends shared from the total platform revenues. The amount of Obx bonus is calculated based on the amount of asset held at 00:00 on a daily basis and the trading fee of ooobtc at the current hour which is normally distributed at 02:00 UTC (UTC + 8) everyday. Usually all users get their bonus within 24 hours. The bonus will be paid directly to users account without the need of manual collection. You need to hold at least 1000 OBX to obtain the bonus and keep them for more than 24 hours. We will make a
unified payment to users for OBX bonus, please rest assured and wait for the bonus arrive at your ooobtc account. The daily dividend received by the users is not a fixed number, the more OBX you hold the more profits you will receive.

Bounty Allocation: 1,000,000(1 Million) OBX

Facebook Group Campaign = 20%
Twitter Campaign = 20%
Reddit Campaign = 20%
Blog site Campaign = 10%
Bitcointalk Discussion = 10%
YouTube Campaign = 10%
Telegram Campaign = 10%

Ruels :

You Must join ooobtc Telegram chat and ooobtc NewsTelegram Channel = 1 Stake
Add “ supporter” to your Telegram username = 1 stake
Using ooobtc Avatar in telegram DP 2 Stakes
At least five comments in your/other telegram group weekly = 4 stakes

for any kind of bounty issues only ask in ooobtc bounty chat

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

CBNT, Blockchain Technology-based Content Sharing platform!

What is CBNT?

CBNT is a professional and decentralized content sharing community platform based on blockchain technology with the DPGC (Decentralization Professional Generated Content) ecosystem model. Initially, CBNT will focus on blockchain and professional financial investment content. CBNT will create a win-win ecosystem for all participants, including content / article providers, content readers (viewers), ad publishers, and token holders. In the CBNT community, whether you are satisfied or not a generator or content viewer, both parties can receive a "Mining Rewards" token. Along with the growth of CBNT and increased traffic, all the benefits of many advertisements will also be distributed to all participants.

nnovation in CBNT communities: participating in mining, exchanging 100% profits; community autonomy model; practice the "wisdom of the group" self-management decentralized operations.
All participants in this ecosystem can get 100% of the right and benefits accordingly, thus achieving a system of win-win "content, traffic, and advertising."

Ecosystem Consensus sharing in the style of CBNT

The principle of distribution of certain incentives is as follows:

Author homepage: the author will get 50% of the incentives, and the followers of the author will be rewarded 40% of the incentives, and the remaining 10% will be transferred to "Caibao Wu"

The author's home page incentives will be shared between the maker and the owner of the followers for the following reasons; home page makers must be rewarded for hard work; Ad buyers buy targeted and high-quality followers who have all passed KYC; These quality followers have given value to page makers by liking, commenting, sharing, and reviewing their work; followers are valued in proportion to the amount of work contributed and owned by CBNT.

CBNT home ads: incentives will be 100% transferred to "Caibao Room", saving a basket of digital assets.

CBNT home advertising revenue distribution mechanism:

Daily Settlement Cycle. We will record CBNT holder data every hour in a snapshot and calculate distribution based on actual advertising revenue, and achieve open and transparent distribution through smart contracts, data chains, etc.

In the future, CBNT's private homepage, posting content, and other personal pages are open to advertisements freely, and authors can choose advertisements, payment terms, and whether to open advertisements, etc. Advertisers can automatically match or buy their own ad slots and ad opening times, with CBNT tokens or other mainstream digital assets (BTC, ETH, USDT)

The CBNT advertising system will be jointly developed and managed by the founding team and third party teams, and community members can also choose and participate in CBNT advertising mechanism improvements.

Consensus Ecosystem - Community Selection Mechanism

The CBNT community is an ecosystem consensus where all token holders can participate equally in proposals, voting, etc. Token holders can not only share the rights and interests of CBNT but also participate in the formation and improvement of various systems and regulations, voting and supervision. In the future, we will adopt a community voting mechanism and launch the appropriate blockchain voting module, including the release proposals, announced results, budget implementation, public offerings, and implementation of supervision.


With the advent of the golden age of network content and blockchain technology development, the Professional Generated Content (PGC) market will develop in a wider space, and the willingness to pay for and high-quality content on the market will continue to grow.

Take the video platform, iQiyi as an example, the number of partners of traditional PGC projects has accelerated from the initial 2,000 to more than 10,000. Cooperation between projects has reached more than 100,000, and the number of daily games reaches 630 million, which has grown to a certain level of more than 80% every year.

At the same time, this is more popular among users in terms of knowledge content and vertical content. In the initial stages, CBNT will also focus on the blockchain content of technology and financial management. CBNT will combi

Because CBNT is evidence of a platform ecosystem, CBNT token holders can enjoy rights to the platform, such as profit sharing, supervision, voting, etc. The total CBNT supply is 10 billion, and that will never be reduced. There are two ways to get a CBNT: one is mining, and the other is trading from the exchange. The mechanism of token distribution is as follows:



More information follow the link below:

Username profile : Galih_Alkarim

Senin, 29 April 2019

Decentralised Online Cryptocurrency Jackpot

Hello everyone, I hereby present a wonderful JACKPOT platform known as#BETHASH. Bet on Future Blocks and Earn Passive Income!


The Bethash Team introduces a multi-chain system to the platform, enabling gambling in multiple currencies through EOS Blockchain. BetHash is the world's first satoshi cryptocurrency #JACKPOT offering experience with reality in gambling. Each client of the project has the opportunity to become a real pioneer in this segment. It is worth considering the key features of the platform, which will certainly attract interested people. Bringing the game to the next level where players can enjoy a safe environment.

BetHash is a place that is very popular with the lovers of gambling. The facilities offered by the best online Jackpot gambling sites certainly never disappoint. This site provides games that you only meet in the jackpot, so even if you play using a smartphone or laptop you will still like playing real games.

BetHash EOS has the fastest block generation time making it best suitable for our fast-paced lottery game! The 1st Satoshi Style Decentralised online cryptocurrency Jackpot, it provides maximum experience. Don't you have a headset? We are designed for a lot of games! EOS has 0.5 second block time, which means 2 blocks are generated every second, with each of these blocks having a randomly generated transaction hash. It Safe, secure and transparent guarantees are guaranteed.

Project Outline And Goals

The project will combine all the positive elements associated with blockchain technology and decentralization which include vastly improved security and a transparency which inspires both creators and the user base and has Bonus of 10% Payout Ratio Pool, 0.05% for Invitee Reward, 0.2% Commission.

As well as bringing the most impressive tech elements together to facilitate a next level user experience, the platform will also provide benefits for its investors. They will be entitled as token holders, to a % share in the revenue of the platform as it grows.

Each player has access to the following features

There are several types of games in online jackpot gambling, five of them is slot machine, Roullete, Black jack, Baccarat and Dice, Lottery. First slot machine, is a game that offers a lot of bonuses and jackpots. Therefore it is not surprising if this one game is quite popular, but it also how to get bonus or jackpot is easy and simple.

Second Roullete, if you see this game then no stranger because often see this kind of game in game play places. Roullete is a game featuring small wheels with white balls which contain numbers from 0 to 36. So you have to predict where the white balls will stop usually given the choice of numbers, groups of numbers, colors and even odd.

Third blackjack, surely you know this one game, a game that uses playing cards where the ultimate goal is to collect cards up to the number 21. People buy cards for many reasons. For some, buying an ICO token is a hobby, for others it is a way of life. A number of transaction codes are a smart, diversified portfolio of them with cards from all sorts of blockchain projects. Others are just playing a game of speculation.

#BetHash is committed to changing the way we view online gambling in General. The world's first blockchain- it also integrate the tradition of online gaming, finally bringing transparency and accountability to the world of online jackpot.

Our Offering

We will be developing a online payment wallet system to allow players who hold Top 10 crypto tokens by market cap, so players can use other crypto-currencies other than bitcoins to play in a licensed online jackpot, players can already play on our Bethash website, and we seek to address the problem of accepting other crypto currencies by building an online payment platform for the use of accepting and integrating more cryptocurrencies.

Key Benefits Of Bethash

It is necessary to highlight a few really important factors:

The use of blockchain technology; allows you to protect players from problems with fraudsters and the loss of their own funds. In addition, the use of the blockchain's capabilities makes it possible to refuse the services of intermediaries - the Bethash makes almost instant payments, taking into account the wishes of the players;

Full transparency in all transactions; intellectual contracts allow you to make playing in a jackpot safe and easy.

No problems with the replenishment of the wallet. You will be able to purchase project tokens with Eth, Btc, Hash, Iost etc and then use them to play in the devices you like.

A Blockchain Network You Can Trust

The BetHash token will be an EOS blockchain token, and will build upon all the security and utility benefits of the EOS network. They can be held on any wallet that can store bethash tokens, and be easily exchanged in a P2P manner or on exchanges.

In Conclusion, The BetHash is profoundly exclusive in its dealings and benefit protectiveness and attractiveness associated with all registered users. The Jackpot are uniquely for fun and maximization of financial equity on investing solely on the block market for which coin value can be used and exchanged for playing games and also used for winning monetary content in real time. The Bethash coin or token can be used on the Jackpot platform in real time and also used for purchases. The BetHash stands are the First Satoshi licensed EOS blockchain jackpot on the crypto balance network. This decentralized token value is magnificent and magnanimous on the sphere of users relaxation on jackpot bettings and transactional gaming returns.

For more information

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

Smathium ICO - Makes Us Happy

Smathium is a blockchain-based loyalty platform aiming to solve the key challenges facing traditional loyalty programs. A decentralized Application (dApp) where all businesses can create their own loyalty reward programs powered by a single token. A single united loyalty point system in small on/off-line retails around the globe involving everyday life. Cafe, restaurants, grocery store, and even shopping mall. Smathium aims to bridge various brands by building a multi-business loyalty reward platform that is open to all types of businesses. As a unified medium of exchange between users and brands, Smathium token can be used for transactions across all businesses registered on our platform and can be traded in exchanges. Moreover, Smathium is creating an additional feature where brands can connect their existing loyalty programs to a blockchain network.

Problem of Loyalty Program

Closed Structure
Customers cannot not use
The rewards they have received at other brands

Insufficient Rewards
Rewards provided are insufficient and
Do not attract interest from customers.

Lack of Differentiation
Reward programs without differentiation
Makes customers leave.


Token symbol: SMT
Tpe: ERC20
Total supply: 10 Billion SMT
PreICO price: 1 SMT = 0.003 USD
Price in ICO: 0.0060 USD
Average price: 0.01 USD

ROI: 66.67%
BONUS pre-ICO: 50% discount
ICO as IEO: 10% discount
Tokens for sale: 4,000,000,000
Min. investment: 10 USD
Accepting: ETH, TrueUSD, USD Coin, Paxos Standard, Dai
Distributed in ICO: 40%
Token Distribution

Smathium Team:

Changgyeom Kim -Planning Manager
Byungjin Kim -General Manager
Jaejon Kim -Project Manager
Mihee Park -Financial Manager
Joseph Hyun -Team Lead Manager
Jee Ju -Chief Blockchain officer
Hyun Jung Choi -R&D Manager
Byung Jin Choi -Legal manager
Jongkyung Park -System Security
Seungjae Shin -General Manager


Eun Suk Lee Project Advisor
Doo Yong Jung Project Advisor
Jonathan Hong Technical Advisor
Hsiao Yun Fang Project Advisor
Ki Won Kwon Project Advisor
Hwanho Lee Project Manager
Nathan Kisung Hong Project Advisor


More: Informations:

Username profile : Galih_Alkarim

PRODUCT PROTOCOL – Tokenization Engine Platform

Product Protocol is an open source protocol for crowdfunding / crowlending campaigns based on digital asset publishing, integration with all business processes, fund management, and financial operations

The Product Protocol is focused on creating platforms that allow employers to give their asset tokens and raise funds for scaling.

The company on Product Protocols can scale up even further than before. A universal token for any asset tokensation allows you to create digital assets instantly and a decentralized market will allow people from all over the world to buy them.

The Product Protocol Team provides application designers incorporated with square chain platforms, strong instruments that will provide standards for developing new applications and services. Open Product Protocol, universal review, this is a trading criterion for important data about the possibility of customized application resources.

This convention means to protect data ID by using the most enhanced cryptosystem. The Product Protocol is centered around application programs and empowers tokenization and the original resource board.

The item convention assumes several jobs. From one point of view, it is a facade facing the customer where the buyer can come to buy an item. Buyers can take advantage of tickers of superiority that can be traded for genuine resources in broad conditions. Regarding money-related resources, maybe just another bank or Internet stage, or a web-based business, trade, merchant, or insurance agent.

Product Appraisal Services :
Administrative assessments to value and tokenize resources, collect first data on benefits, scientific data and resource tokens.

DAsset System :
is an outstanding framework that checks data about physical and advanced resources, Advanced framed holders. What’s more, there are associations with and from compartments to resources.

DAsset :
computerized compartments or circulated metadata bundles that negotiate everything that matters.
To recognize data about resources, the Product Protocol combines two main calculations that are actualized continuously. Proof of the Asset Algorithm is a calculation for the identification of resources. Benefit ID and real-time computerized data about that data. After collecting, verifying, analyzing, compiling, encrypting, and transferring data about its advantages, Virtual Tokens

Issuance of extra Virtual Atom Tokens to recognize the least divided standing or resource resources, for example, square meters. The Virtual Token contains open data about the status of asset files. Data depends on data obtained from the Asset through the Asset Monitoring System and is stored in a progressive DASset compartment of virtual Token resources.

  • 30% – marketing and first tokenised products
  • 35% – development and PP coin fund
  • 10% – legal, salary, lawyers
  • 10% – technology support
  • 15% – team
  • 65 000 000 PPO – ICO
  • 15 000 000 PPO – team and associates
  • 15 000 000 PPO – platform support
  • 5 000 000 PPO – marketing and advisors



For more information, please visit the link below :
Website :
Whitepaper :
Facebook :
Twitter :
Telegram :
Ann (bounty) Thread :

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

MEDIA Protocol - make money on content

With the formation of the Internet, there is a very sharp need to fill it with high-quality and unique content. What is now to get a smart note or analysis of this or that, or the client’s customer is often required to refer to the proposals of the websites of the arbitrators and overpay the commission due to their service.

MEDIA Protocol forms a platform that excludes arbitrators among customers and performers. In the plus will remain these two interested edges. However, this is not all, without exception, that gives the team of creators. MEDIA Protocol will pay for simple users because of their impact on the landing stage (transitions according to hyperlinks, content display, likes and dislikes, due to a note). Is the beginning interesting for you? In this case, disassemble further.

The main thing is what creates the MEDIA Protocol platform original in this way, in such a case, the fact that the founders of the content will interact with customers and visitors directly in the absence of any people who do not need arbitrators.
The author of the content will be able to acquire income from his own work as well as from users (using the subscription payment function) in this way and from advertisers giving them targeted traffic.

The user will be able to get plan tokens in this way. Because of the location of content in public networks or with advertisers because of the display of advertising.

The MEDIA protocol will be able to be used by software developers to form add-ons working in a dispersed relationship. The semi-production software supplement, using the platform's ability, was previously released and possesses the name CryptoCatnip. It is possible to download this supplement on the company's website and to receive it previously (income plan tokens are looking at past cryptonality.

All generated additions to the desktop will begin to tune themselves around certain concepts of fees and the essence of content.

MEDIA Protocol will become not only a link between the creator and the customer, but also is going to explore the property of the content being put forward and present it to the involved visitors. Another way of explaining, the cost due to showing previously will not become one way or another — in this case, theoretical and fuzzy, but will be absolutely reasoned and suitable for traffic, audience interest, retention and other conditions.

This sorting out of content simply will not provide any way to promote high-quality in any way and not a single person is fascinating used material.

An indisputable advantage would be the use of blockchain processes with unclosed initial code.
  • Coin Name - MPT
  • Start of implementation - March 19, 2018
  • The end of implementation - May 31, 2018
  • Coin Platform - ERC-20
  • Softcup (Hardcup) - 29,750 ETH
Speaking about the possibility of a plan, it is necessary to highlight this circumstance, the fact that previously there are platforms for such a project with valid provisions. MEDIA Protocol firms will find it difficult to conquer their own niche in this bargaining. However, if they offer the most seductive prescriptions to users, in this case there is no doubt this or that, in this case, they will manage to take over the bargain share.

Authors of content in this way should be interested in what, in this case, special chips. Since leaving the "hatched" service will wish a very small number of well-known bloggers or channels.

An indisputable advantage of this platform is this existing sample of food, what will create in me a concrete part of decisiveness in a successful perspective of the plan.

For the most detailed study of the plan, I recommend switching according to the hyperlinks and investigating this plan thoroughly.

30 second exposure
Link to the website -
Group in Telegram -
Official Facebook -
Official Twitter - https: / /
Whitepaper -

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim
Wallet ETH  : 0x57162Fe45De6c93B20478e63a878A3FfF9658E29

Kamis, 18 April 2019


It is hardly possible to find a description of conferences in the field of high technology without mentioning the term Internet of Things (IoT). Speakers at leading events talk about the huge benefits that promise IoT and IIoT, talk about the market potential of tens of billions of devices by 2020. Suppliers are encouraged by such assessments. However, now not everyone is familiar with what IoT is.

What is IoT?
An IoT is an ecosystem in which a “client” initiates a request for service or information. There is also a “server” or several “servers” that provide an answer to these requests. The client may be a computer, tablet, mobile phone and any other control device requesting these services.

However, not every such service will relate to the true Internet of things. An important condition for attributing a specific ecosystem to IoT is the availability of a cloud service for answering requests and a fully automated service for such requests.

The IoT ecosystem can serve a wide range of commercial and consumer applications. Many have already heard about a wide range of definitions for IoT: Internet travel, Internet taxi, Internet technology, etc. These ecosystems tend to use low-cost end devices and applications. In order to qualify the service of requests as a true IoT, it is necessary to refer to the most typical features:
In the IoT ecosystem, increased comfort for the user is created;
The IoT Ecosystem provides increased productivity and profitability;
The IoT ecosystem reduces maintenance costs and / or maintenance costs.
Only in the presence of these three criteria, it can be argued that it is the IoT ecosystem that is involved in the enterprise.

Wise is an innovative developer of an analog system working on blockchain technology, which created an eco-system that allows you to create universal applications on IoT and mobile devices using distributed register technology, based on the development of integrated circuits.
What is it for?
For example, in transport, it will help him quickly find a parking place using an automated payment and save on payment. Fares will also be in the same category and ease of maintenance.
We also use logistics, this can eliminate middlemen becoming more efficient and saving resources.
Ansuz Chip is an innovative integrated circuit analog system with mixed signals (AMS-SoC), which extends the capabilities of IoT and mobile networks via a 13-nanometer IC and
represents a practical new concept - a radio-based IoT network.

token Token type: ERC20 (Ethereum) 
Token cost: 1 WSE = 10 USD 
Fundraising goal: $ 88,000,000 
Total tokens: 100,000,000 
Whitelist: Yes 
Accepts: FIAT, ETH, BTC 
Country: Costa Rica 
Available for sales of tokens: 35% 
Pre-sale bonus: 50% 
Bonus to the early investor: 30% 
ICO period: 
19 April 19 - 30 September 19

More information: 

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim


Cryptoxygen is een compleet platform, bestaande uit cryptocurrency exchange en wallet, om de gebruikers de veiligste, snelste oplossingen te bieden voor het kopen, verkopen en opslaan van crypto-assets tegen de laagste prijzen.

Dit is een primeur in de geschiedenis van de cryptoworld-industrie, dat een crypto-uitwisselingsplatform een ​​samenwerking afsluit met een hardwarefabrikant - Thomson Computing - (sinds 1893 het Franse merk voor historische elektronica). Het Cryptoxygen-platform zal rechtstreeks worden geïntegreerd in meer dan één miljoen laptops en tablets die jaarlijks op de hele wereld worden verkocht.
Als gevolg hiervan zal het een aanzienlijk aantal gebruikers genereren en een snel marktaandeel verwerven door de waardering van onze tokenwaarde te verhogen.

Cryptoxygen is een op blockchain gebaseerd ecosysteem dat bestaat uit een mobiele portemonnee voor Exchange en een multi-blockchain voor iOS- en Android-platforms, om veilige, snelle en geavanceerde crypto-handelsoplossingen tegen de laagste tarieven te bieden. Het Cryptoxygen-uitwisselingsplatform maakt fiat-crypto en crypto-crypto-handel mogelijk. Het wordt geleverd met een eenvoudig te gebruiken interface, datagrammen en real-time prijsregistratie, waardoor het voor gebruikers gemakkelijker wordt om hun cryptocurrency-portfolio te beheren. De portefeuille stelt gebruikers daarentegen in staat om cryptocurrencies op te slaan, te kopen en te verkopen en tegelijkertijd de hoogste veiligheid te garanderen. Cryptoxygen biedt daarnaast online nieuws en sociale handel, waarbij crypto-beginners succesvolle traders op het platform kunnen volgen en hun handelspatronen kunnen kopiëren. Gedetailleerde online cursussen zullen ook worden aangeboden aan diegenen die uitgebreide kennis van crypto trading platform principes, strategieën en nog veel meer nodig hebben.
Cryptoxygen voorziet een lab te bedenken om startups te ondersteunen met innovatieve oplossingen om alle soorten vervuiling en ontwikkeling van kunstmatige intelligentieprojecten te verminderen.

OXY2-token van Cryptoxygen is gebaseerd op Ethereum en ontwikkeld op ERC20-platform. Onze utility-token zal onze platformgebruikers voorzien van speciale diensten en voordelen zoals lagere handelsprovisies en vergoedingen, die zo laag als 0,05% zouden zijn.

Cryptoxygen exchange-functies

-> Crypto-crypto en fiat-crypto-transacties
-> Lage handelskosten
-> Online handelsacademie
-> Sociale handel
-> Streaming nieuws
-> 23 beschikbare tokens om te handelen

Mobiele portemonnee van Cryptocoin

-> Veilige portemonnee
-> Biometrische authenticatie om de beveiliging te verbeteren
-> Cryptocurrencies overdragen via QR-code
-> Volg een transactie op de blockchain
-> Ingebouwde rekenmachine

Slimme aanbieding
Cryptoxygen is een uitwisseling die is bedoeld om slimme oplossingen te bieden aan crypto-investeerders door zijn lijstvereiste minder duur en toch uiterst analytisch te maken. Op basis hiervan worden tokens niet alleen vermeld omdat de verkopers zich de kosten kunnen veroorloven, maar de markt / impactpotentialen zullen de belangrijkste determinant zijn. Dit maakt Cryptoxygen een uitwisseling voor veelbelovende tokens in plaats van alleen maar rijke leveranciers te hebben met een lage marktsterkte of -projectie.

Token en ICO fondsen distributie

27% ontwikkeling
25% marketing
5% legaal
5% anderen
15% Beveiliging
10% salaris


16% 40 miljoen tokens worden in de fondsen van de oprichter geplaatst
18% 45 miljoen Tokens zullen worden gebruikt voor de ontwikkeling van het bedrijf
60% 150 miljoen Tokens zullen beschikbaar zijn voor openbare aankopen tijdens de tussentijd! fasen van de ICO; vroege investeerders krijgen speciale bonussen en vroege toegang tot ons platform en onze portemonnee
6% 15 miljoen tokens zullen beschikbaar zijn voor pre-ICO-fase van de particuliere belegger.


Idee van het project
opname van Cryptoxygen in Estland, Selectie van ontwikkelingsteam
Branding en promotie van cryptoxygen, sociale media en website-ontwikkeling
Goedkeuring van licenties door FIU, ICO wordt LIVE, ICO Listings
OXY2 Vermeldingen op Uitwisselingen, Bounty-programma's en ontwikkeling van de gemeenschap
Tokensverdeling, Ontwerp van de interface van het platform en de portefeuille
Beta-versie ontwikkeling van Cryptoxygen Exchange
Debug en test definitieve versie van Cryptoxygen-platform voor de lancering
Unit Testen, Functioneel Testen, Kwaliteitszorg, Beveiliging
Volledig functionele IOS- en Android-apps
Eindproduct aan de wereld leveren
Integratie van platform in Thomson-hardware, meer munten toevoegen aan Cryptoxygen-platform
Parnerships met retailers, beleggers, pers
Lancering van online trading academy, aanwerving van medewerkers,
Lancering van Cryptoxygen-producten door internationale marketingcampagnes


Stephan Francais
Afgestudeerd aan een Master of business creatie in Parijs X, maar ook een DEA in de politieke wetenschappen en een doctoraat in politieke wetenschappen, wiens onderwerp de ontwikkeling van een as van samenwerking tussen Azië en Frankrijk was. Aan het einde van zijn studie besluit hij de informatica in te gaan in de PPR-groep.

Irina Duisimbekova
Afgestudeerd aan South Bank University, Londen, MBA-diploma in 2003. Sinds 2007 leidt ze haar beursvennootschap op het gebied van agrarische en energetische grondstoffen en levert ze de grootste bedrijven uit Rusland, Kazachstan, Brazilië, Frankrijk, het Koninkrijk Saoedi-Arabië , China en het Koninkrijk Bahrein in joint venture met de investeringsmaatschappij van een Prime Member van een GCC Royal Family.

Alexandre Katrangi
Afgestudeerd aan het Trinity College met een MBA of International Business. In de afgelopen 20 jaar heeft hij in de VS, Frankrijk, het Midden-Oosten en Afrika energie-, technologie- en industriële projecten in opkomende gebieden opgezet en geïmplementeerd, de nodige financiën voor capex & opex bijeengebracht en strategische adviezen en contacten voor de ontwikkeling geboden, waarbij hij constant heeft ervaren groei en levendige activiteiten, voor een scala van bedrijven en particulieren, van blue chip-instellingen, grote Fortune 500-conglomeraten tot particuliere investeerders en UHNW-individuen.

Ashima Arora
Met 11 jaar ervaring in digitale marketing, concentreert Ashima zich op het benutten van alle mogelijke marketingkanalen om online aanwezigheid en merkvertrouwen op te stellen voor Cryptoxygen, om een succesvolle ICO-onderneming te verzekeren. De focus ligt op het volgen van een veelzijdige marketingaanpak en het richten van media die favoriet zijn bij de cryptocurrency-gemeenschap

Manish Soni
Ramlogics Technosoft Private Limited

Priya Garg
Ramlogics Technosoft Private Limited


Vikram Singh
Oprichter en CEO van Antier Solutions. Zijn ervaring met blockchain-technologie en ICO's helpt Cryptoxygen tijdens fondsenwerving en productie.

Thomas George
Operations Manager bij Antier Solutions. Thomas brengt de kennis van succesvol opereren van ICO's naar Cryptoxygen.

Voor meer informatie over dit project. Bezoek de onderstaande links:

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

Senin, 08 April 2019

MIRACLE TELE - Bringing Magic to the Telecom Industry

Blockchain technology is a transparent digital ledger of transactions and records that are immune to change or deletion. Offering additional traits of increased security, lower costs, time efficiency, and error resistance, blockchain has risen, fluctuated in 2017. The utility of blockchain technology is limitless, sparking the growing list of companies, industries, and government exploring its potential adoption. The blockchain is an immutable public ledger that records digital transactions.


Miracle Tele is a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) that offers high-quality call and browsing services on a single SIM card, allowing its customers to maintain their privacy rights and earn their biweekly prizes thanks to the tokenization of the company's resources in Ethereum blockchain . A telecom network for those who cherish their privacy rights and understand the power of Blockchain technology.

Miracle Tele is a telecom company that lets you use high-quality and fairly priced mobile and Internet services all around the world in just one SIM card with no paperwork.

As an MVN operator, Miracle Tele has agreements with dozens of local telecom providers all around the world, making it possible to minimize the infrastructure and branding costs and provide you with the most competitive call and browsing rates in the industry as well as completely bureaucracy free services.

Our MVNO network
which let us achieve operational cost-efficiency—is powered by an Ethereum blockchain grid. Emerging technologies allow us to protect your privacy rights, introduce a community based token that lets holders receive biweekly rewards, and ensure that all data is stored in an incorruptible way thanks to the use of smart contracts.

Miracle Tele is fusing the best telecom industry practices together with the state-of-the-art fintech tools in order to empower you to enjoy telco services at the rates that no conventional telco operator can provide and earn thanks to untapped potential of blockchain technology.

Miracle Tele addresses these problems by introducing a disruptive business model.
Our system is based on a strong mobile virtual network infrastructure.

In addition to this, we are able to tokenize users and buy tokens based on Ethereum, TELE, and use them to pay for Miracle. to the growth of the telecommunications network.

System tokenization and the distribution of rewards among its users are inspired by cell phones.
And while the concept behind the mobile cashback and Miracle Tele may seem similar, our project has several key features that make it different from the cashback models available on the market.

Currently, they are a large number of mobile telecommunications operators offering their customers mobile cashback plans. In other words, the customer will have a contract of minimum duration with the telco operator - which usually has a duration of 12 to 24 months to be reimbursed as part of the contract value during or at the end of his term.

In addition to the signing of the personal contractor, the customer must comply with the strict terms of this contract to receive reimbursement.

We meet this requirement and get rid of unnecessary bureaucracy so that customers can enjoy complete anonymity in a blockchain-based telecommunication service with no requirements for submission of documents or minimum term contracts.


Miracle Tele shall issue 300,000,000 TELE tokens throughout the duration of Miracle Tele token sale.
The Purchaser may acquire TELE tokens from the Company by transferring the Company the corresponding payment in fiat currencies (EUR,USD) or cryptocurrencies (BTC,ETH) as per instructions presented in the member’s area on the Website of Miracle Tele.

Miracle Tele token sale shall have the following distribution structure:

1. Token sale: 50%
2. Promotion: 20%
3. Bounty: 5%
4. Team: 20%
5. Legal: 5%

TOTAL TOKENS: 150,000,000 tokens
AWARDS TOKEN: 40% of total profit


1. Token Sell Time:
Ends when all available tokens are sold out
2. Minimum token buy:
Not limited
3. Maximum Token Purchase:
Not limited
4. Payment methods:

Team seems to be the strongest part of this project. It consists of innovative and talented people. Of course I cannot complain if we talk about their professional level, guys indeed are experts on their field.

We are not just a company founded solely for ICO.

You can become a member also by clicking here :

TELE is an ERC20 utility token so you can freely transfer it or change it at any time. Miracle Tele LTD is proud to be founded and registered in the Czech Republic.

Please be sure to find our company registration ID and details below:

Be a part of this tremendous project and follow these links for more information:

Username profile Btt : Galih_Al karim

Register On The Blockchain Powered By Artificial Intelligence

About Global Property Listings
The Global Property Register (GPR) is the FIRST universal real estate register that will be global, covering developed and developing countries. This will provide proof of ownership for more than 4.5 billion people (valued at $ 20trn) worldwide that are not currently covered and therefore cut off from the real estate and financial markets. Secondly, besides providing global property exchanges. This platform will function as an international digital real estate market for all market participants. Third, analytical solutions and tools supported by artificial intelligence will be given to property owners that allow them to make wise decisions and projections. Finally, to educate the public, social networking for platform users will be created.

GPR vision
A world where every homeowner can use the value of his real estate (house or land). Property documents are safe and easily accessible. Fraud of land and property was eliminated, especially in developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America.

The mission of our

We plan to achieve this by:
  • Building a Global Property Register
  • Analytic supported by artificial intelligence to support property owners
  • Build a social platform to promote the adoption of state of the art real estate solutions
  • Build a blockchain property exchange where people can buy and sell property
Global Mobile APP APPLICATION List
After entering our ecosystem, you can manage everything.
Anyone who has a smartphone and internet connection can use our solution and upload the land or property in our universal blockchain register.

Our user friendly application will be easy to understand and give you the latest updates. Here is a short list of other benefits this application will give you.

Global Property Search,
Property Dashboard,
Analytics, Supported by Artificial Intelligence,
Property Registration on the Blockchain List

products us

Our expertise lies in providing the best and reliable blockchain-based real estate products. Our experts understand the different requirements of clients and strive to provide them with the most effective solutions. So that XRX provides the following products.
XRX - Socio
Social Platform for property owners. Token gift system.
XRX - Title
List of Blockchain for property ownership - Gift Tokens.
Artificial intelligence for property owners.
XRX - For sale
Cryptocurrency exchange that allows people to buy and sell property.

How to Buy Our Tokens
XRX Wallet will be an investor's all-inclusive wallet for all financial transactions. Our wallets are integrated into each user's account.
Name: Global Property List (GPR)
Exchange Rate: 1 XRX = 0.005 USD
Soft Cap: 2,500,000
Hard Cap: 25,000,0000
Total Token Supply: 5,000,000,000
Standard Token: ERC20
Pre-ICO: Feb 2019
ICO: June 2019

Token Distribution

Fund allocation
Technology and platform development
Laws and regulations
Operations and marketing
Business and other development

map Road
With the help of our team, contributors and investors, this is the milestone we want to achieve.
November 2016 - Team and concept of Global Property Registration are established
Dec 2016 - May 2017 - Proof of concept development.
Dec 2017 - Business Model Development & Whitepaper
June 2018 - Work begins on developing MVP
October 2018 - Completion of the MVP
November 2018 - Pre-ICO
Feb 2019 - Global roadshow for marketing
June 2019 - ICO
October 2019 - US, UK, Nigeria
October 2020 - Brazil, India, South Africa, Pakistan

Early Bird Bonus
The right way to help investors is to integrate all gift programs into the platform and display how much and where they can save their money. When we save this money for investors, they can reinvest the money saved.

Accurate Information

Username profile Btt : Galih_Al karim
Address wallet ETH : 0x57162Fe45De6c93B20478e63a878A3FfF9658E29


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