Selasa, 28 Mei 2019

REEF proud

Basic about the project
REEF proud to present this white paper. We technology
The company is based in North Oxfordshire in the UK, a close-knit team with a powerful
Combination of skills, including significant business and project management experience.
management experience, youthful energy and creativity. Also, our main set
the values that are dear to our hearts guide us in achieving our goals.
We are starting a business in the gaming industry that has been
The global value of £ 74 billion in 2018 and will continue to grow. At its core, our project
seeks to destroy the gaming market by creating decentralized online games
The platform is called a Reef. Reef will be a platform for a community where gamers
earn currency while playing. It is this ability to earn by playing in combination.
featuring high quality games using our unique features that will customize us
out of competition and give us a competitive advantage as we grow and
get market share. The market is ripe for change, and we see great op.

Squid Networks believes that the society of creators is worth the most reliable operation than
today, the company they acquire. The relationship based on mutual communication is much more correct for the purpose of all
than one with operation.
Today, the period for this purpose, in order to be presented in other gaming platforms, game creators you must pay a fee of up to 30% from the trading. This operating system for small independent creators. Grids squid will be to ensure that our the mechanisms most clearly reflect the period and skills required to develop the game, ensuring that Squid Networks also benefits from trading providing the platform.

In addition, other gaming platforms have significant introductory contributions, such as time, non-refundable payment due to showing kind of entertainment up to the entrance. But this does not happen.
always the result in entering the platform and the creators will be more than likely you need to pay again because of the 2nd analysis. In addition, other gaming platforms have all the chances in General does not have a filter or the concept of inspection, allowing the landing stage to be filled with entertainments of low property.

Our solution-completely remove introductory deposits and in return are given to solve verified members of society are required to possess the absolute possibility of voice over these that kind of entertainment come into
platform. The presence of this I will not only disrupt certain obstacles in order to enter thet he gaming exchange, but I also allow the public to be the main involved faces and decision makers in the commercial that forms an inclusive society where everyone is able to bring their own investment in the formation of the reef platform. Putting the company in the body of the selection process
what kind of entertainment noble demonstration in the reef, I try to form a platform with variety of games, where clean and interesting media content and novelties are considered the key over the results. Only the most exciting and fascinating kind of entertainment will create a cross section as
gamers will not want to watch the platform, the absolute low-quality games. Although the gaming industry is full of deep innovation, our bargaining studies demonstrate that many gaming platforms, games are outdated. The pitfall will make it possible to create conditions where the creators are stimulated to extend the limits of the probable in order tomake sure that the exchange operates a stable injection of high-quality games.

This will to ensure the preservation of existing customers and interest the latest gamers to the landing stage.

  • Ticker Symbol: SQUID
  • Total Supply: 9,125,000,000
  • Total being sold: 90,000,000

The Squid token is an ERC-20 token, which means it uses Ethereum
squid blockchain tokens were developed for use on the Reef platform;
SQUID is a reward that players get for spending time on the reef.
Platform. This reward is automatically calculated using our in-game proof (PoG) an algorithm that works within the platform itself. This algorithm will also highlight 3% of tokens earned gamer, the corresponding developer (developer) of games.
The use of Squid tokens is based on games on the Reef platform. Behind
Time spent on games will be rewarded with our tokens. As soon as you
earned tokens you have, there are different ways to use them:

More information:

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

Jumat, 24 Mei 2019

DABANKING - Platform Permainan Terdesentralisasi

Proyek DABANKING lahir dengan misi mulia, yang menjadi perintis Blockchain Utilitas dan menciptakan lingkungan untuk membangun Dapps untuk Layanan Hiburan yang Terdesentralisasi. DABANKING menjadikan transparansi, keadilan, dan pengalaman pengguna yang optimal sebagai kriteria untuk dikembangkan.

Salah satu produk Dapp pertama DABANKING adalah program lotre FomoJackpot dengan aturan yang sangat cerdas, unik dan menarik yang menjanjikan untuk menciptakan efek fomo yang sangat kuat di bulan pertama peluncuran. FomoJackpot memberi ribuan pemain peluang untuk mendapatkan uang yang menarik ketika pasar cryptocurrency mengalami pemulihan yang kuat. Diharapkan bahwa penjualan tiket babak pertama akan dilakukan pada 8 Juni 2019.

Game yang dikembangkan oleh DABANKING dengan Teknologi Blockchain dapat membawa fitur-fitur berharga seperti:
● Melacak dan mengautentikasi kepemilikan jenis aset digital.
● Mengurangi biaya untuk pihak ketiga.
● Sistem pembayaran yang aman berdasarkan blockchain.
● Mengintegrasikan blockchain ke dalam gim Anda meningkatkan daya saing terhadap gim-gim tradisional.
● Mudah menukar aset digital dengan likuiditas tinggi.

Token DAA TokenDAA memiliki persediaan maksimum 20.000.000 DAA dan secara bertahap dieksploitasi ketika pengguna membeli tiket dan bermain game dengan ETH dan ini adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mendapatkan token DAA.
Proses penambangan Token DAA memiliki 10 tahap, setiap tahap memiliki 10 putaran, maksimum 200.000 DAA dieksploitasi setiap putaran.
Di babak pertama ketika Anda membeli tiket atau kehilangan permainan dengan jumlah 0,05 ETH, Anda telah berhasil menambang 1,66666667 DAA, saat ini 60% adalah 1 DAA langsung ke dompet Anda dan 40% adalah 0,66666667 DAA ke dompet pengembang DABANKING.
Jika Anda memainkan permainan yang menang di babak pertama, Anda memerlukan volume 0,055 untuk berhasil mengeksploitasi 1,66666667 DAA dan menerima 1 DAA.

Distribusi Token DAA

Fitur Token DAA 

• Dapatkan ETH setiap 2 minggu saat beku Token DAA:
• Bermain game dengan Token DAA (atau ETH):

Peta Jalan DAA Token Burn
MENEKAN bertujuan untuk pengembangan jangka panjang, membawa layanan hiburan ke platform aplikasi terdesentralisasi, memberikan kekuatan kembali kepada pengguna. Tim pengembangan telah datang dengan strategi jangka panjang untuk menjadikan DABANKING ekosistem yang kuat yang memungkinkan jutaan pelanggan untuk mengalami layanan kami.

Sertifikasi Teknis
Semua logika teknis dari DABANKING dapat diperiksa oleh masyarakat berdasarkan Smart Kontrak open-source dan dipublikasikan untuk semua orang.
Basis data dari seluruh komunitas disimpan di Smart Contract dan dapat diperiksa
. Hasilnya dihasilkan secara acak berdasarkan penomoran kesulitan dalam Blockchain Ethereum yang ada dan jumlah jadwal ketika hasil dihasilkan untuk membuat kode hash 64-bit. Tidak mungkin untuk memprediksi atau mengintervensi perubahan dengan cara apa pun karena kode yang disimpan di blockchain tidak dapat diubah.
Dengan DApp dari DABANKING semuanya 100% transparan dan mengarah ke masyarakat maju dengan transparansi absolut.

Mekanisme Unik di 2019

FomoJackpot memiliki aturan permainan yang sangat cerdas dan unik, yang memotivasi putaran leverage untuk berkembang dari waktu ke waktu dalam satu putaran dan di antara loop yang berjanji untuk menciptakan efek yang sangat fomo di 2019 ini.
Dengan tahap pertama, segera setelah sistem membuka gerbang untuk menyetor ETH, Anda perlu membeli tiket di ZERO Round pada 8 Juni 2019. Untuk melipatgandakan 650% aset Anda, kami berani memastikan bahwa dibutuhkan kurang dari 10 menit setelah pembukaan, pengganda segera mencapai x1 jika Anda tidak membelinya dengan cepat.
Ketika Anda memperkenalkan pendatang baru yang membeli tiket melalui tautan referensi Anda, Anda mendapatkan penghasilan tak terbatas hingga 17% untuk 10 level. Penghasilan ini akan sangat bagus jika Anda bekerja keras untuk mengembangkan komunitas dengan FomoJackpot.
Hadiah lotere acak di Diamond Chest menciptakan peluang yang adil bagi orang-orang di semua waktu yang berbeda, ketika semua 6 hadiah didasarkan pada algoritma acak Blockchain untuk menemukan 6 orang yang paling beruntung. Peluang menang adalah sama setiap saat. Ini adalah penghargaan yang terinspirasi oleh program lotere Mega Jutaan pada tahun 2018, dengan hadiah terbesar hingga 1,6 miliar USD.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan klik tautan di bawah ini: 
Situs web: 
Saluran telegram: https: / / 
Komunitas Telegram:

Senin, 13 Mei 2019

DataBloc - protection of world data

Hello every time I explain a little about DATABLOC:

The authors introduce DataBloc, the first enterprise-class economic system for data storage and services. The DataBloc Platform is a web-based platform that easily and securely connects service providers and corporate clients. The DataBloc software, also known as StoneFusion, will be a 9-generation, block-based, block-based solution developed by StoneFly, a well-established Silicon Valley-based data-processing company. The software supports various data services and storage types, and also provides optimization, availability, accessibility, security and protection of corporate quality data.

Service providers download StoneFusion and host their available services on the DataBloc web platform. Corporate and public customers enter their storage needs and what data services they need. Clients then select placement providers from the list of supervised customers and purchase services directly on the web platform. DataBloc is the first solution where enterprise-quality service providers can download software that allows them to sell excess data storage and services over the Internet without the cost of customer acquisition — all within a secure block chain.

Web platform

The DataBloc network will be accessible via a web platform where qualified service providers list their data services. Service providers will range from data centers to enterprises with their own data services. Service providers will join the network to improve the range of their products, expand their customer base and reduce the cost of attracting customers. Businesses will join the network to increase security and generate additional passive income from their inactive storage capacity.

Corporate and retail customers purchase these data services through a subscription-based model. The web platform will allow customers to filter service providers by criteria, including, but not limited to, cost, capacity, services, redundancy, and location. Then the web platform will create a list of qualified service providers. The client will review the list, select a service provider and place an order.

DataBloc software

DataBloc software, also known as StoneFusion, will be a 9th generation blockchain solution developed by StoneFly, a well-established data-processing company based in Silicon Valley. StoneFly has invested about $ 40 million in this product, and more than 16 full-time software developers are working on development. The software supports various data services and storage types, and also provides optimization, availability, accessibility, encryption and security of corporate quality data. DataBloc translates StoneFusion into an Ethereum-based blockchain that allows you to use a token that promotes an efficient sharing economy. Unlike fully decentralized settings,

A rock

As a service token, Stone (ticker: STONE) will be a useful way to interact with the DataBloc platform. The STONE token can be defined to represent future access to a company product or service. A distinctive feature of STONE tokens is that they are not intended for investment. There are no guarantees or promises of return on investment. Tokens are the accounting unit for the network. The larger the network grows, the more useful the token.

Royalty Block

Royalty Block (ticker: RBC) will receive 10% of royalties from revenue generated by the DataBloc platform on an ongoing basis. Thanks to smart contracts, RBC owners will earn STONE in real time, receiving 10% of each payment. They will have a choice: either sell your STONE, or use STONE to purchase data services on a web platform, or keep STONE in your wallet. RBC should grow in value along with the total revenue generated by the DataBloc platform. RBC's estimate should be determined by the projected future value of the cash flows received from a 10% share in the platform. Offering robust data processing solutions and a wide range of data services for enterprises as well as the general public, RBC’s revenue stream is open to a diversified set of clients, each of which has different acceptable risk levels throughout the market cycle. RBC will be sold as collateral, not as a utility, and will not be advertised and sold to the public.Информация о продаже токенов:

Presale discount: up to 40%
Allowable currencies: BTC, ETH and Wire
Total amount of deliveries: 333,333,333
The number of tokens for sale: 200 000 000
Price per token: 0.5 USD
Soft hat: 10,000,000 US dollars
Hard cover: 100,000,000 US dollars
Token sale format: first come, first served

Use of revenue:

Token distribution:


Griffin Rolander: Chief Executive Officer
Mo Tahmasebi
Software manager
Jacob Watton: Director of Information Technology
Isaac Schlenker: Chief Operating Officer
Jade thorpe
Platform manager
Mina Vucinic: project managerСоветники:

To find more information, please follow several sources for the following links:


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