Kamis, 30 Januari 2020

L'Ais apporte la crypto


L'AoS apporte la crypto-monnaie aux gens ordinires в увеличенном JUMP данс ле фонды

L'avenir en tête

Партенариат Avec Des Visionaires
Прозрачная сумма
Sachez ce qui прибыть по просьбе

Эксперт де Индустри
Определите лучшие свойства в мире

Реальные активы

Надежно инвестировать
Редкость дает ценность
Наши инвестиции основаны на материальных ценностях редко встречаются, а не только они. Вещи, которые не могут быть легко скопированы или экономически являются основной целью; Иммобиль, индустриальные и деловые отношения с приоритетом

Tous Les Jetons Sons Pris En Char с точки зрения качества барабанов
De Nombreux chips Offrent De Nombreuses возможного
Les Valeurs Des Jetons Sont Renforcées Les Unes Par Les Autres

Сотрудничайте с AoS, организацией высшего уровня, и позвольте нам помочь вем перемещаться пем
Около 15% токенов криптовалюты являются прибыльными. Мы обнаружили подводные камни and как их преодолеть. Возвращение крипто не может быть побито, поэтому оно того стоит. Присоединяйтесь к нам и воспользуйтесь нашим опытом.

Незавершенные проекты (в этом мы больше всего помогаем) - 78%
Не удалось - 4%
Выход - 3%
Силахкан Анда лихат видонья дибавах ини

Тайга Пилар

Таутан вмятина


Selasa, 28 Januari 2020

QUUBE Exchange

QUUBE Exchange: The First Quantum Resistant Security Token Exchange

The world that we are currently living in is undergoing rapid changes, and new technologies which were just fantasies have made their way into our lives. The era of computers started less than eighty years ago, and currently, almost every other family out there has multiple devices with processors that are much faster than the first multi-stage computing machines. These devices are linked creating global and local networks and showcasing unbelievable abilities of data collection and processing, reaching earlier inaccessible comfort levels for users.

Yuri Manin in 1980, suggested the idea of quantum computers and the first model had been worked out by Richard Feynman in 1981.By the beginning of the 21st century, the software industry was ready for quantum computer implementation. Programming languages for the first programs were developed, portraying unbelievable abilities of quantum computers. At the beginning of 2001, the quantum computer performed the Shor’s a logarithm, and this announced the quantum era.
How quantum computers affect the cryptocurrency market and blockchain industry.

 A single quantum computer of potentially huge capacity, connected to the blockchain can be able to carry out 51% attack successfully. The computer’s operator takes control of the blockchain and may prevent new transactions from attaining confirmation inside a particular blockchain.


Conventional encryption a logarithm is vulnerable to quantum computing. As a result, encryption methods authorized by states and used in cryptocurrency, crypto wallets, and cryptocurrency exchanges algorithms are prone to be cracked by quantum computers. Assets from these wallets could be transferred to whichever destination the quantum computer operator wishes.

The first quantum computer will connect to a cryptocurrency exchange in the near future, and the crypto world needs to be protected from the threats that I have mentioned above. Worry not though crypto enthusiasts, I present to you, QUUBE!


This my friends is a project whose main objective is to create a new quantum-resistant ecosystem that is focused on the security token market, high speed, super protected and safe trading space, and communication channels as well.

The team’s response to the 51% attack threat is the launching of quantum blockchain which is kept on quantum computers thus almost eliminating the risk of 51% attack. In regards to the second threat of encryption algorithms attacks, the quantum blockchain is equipped with methods which are stable to quantum computing and even post-quantum encryption methods.

The QUUBE team has worked out software for cryptocurrencies exchanges and crypto wallets which operates with the blockchain recording trading logs and balances. You might ask yourself why invest in QUUBE, well, the highly professional team has succeeded to implement the first quantum-safe ecosystem and security token launchpad with the exchange platform enabling STO/ICO projects to fundraise expeditiously amongst accredited and non-accredited investors.

STO projects can use an automated Launchpad at the QUUBE exchange platform to generate security tokens which are ERC-20 compliant and acquire an instant listing or structure STO from scratch with QUUBE alliance. Security has always been a scarce resource in the world of digital data.

Quantum computers are bound to cause havoc and bring major disbalance to the cryptocurrency realm in just a matter of time. It’s imperative that you take control of your digital wallets today by joining the QUUBE project movement.

Do not miss out the global economy transformation!

Read the project 

Senin, 20 Januari 2020


SwapZilla ”is a unique infrastructure solution that revolutionizes cryptocurrency!

It is foolish to deny the fact that blockchain technologies and related crypto assets have long appeared in our world. If earlier many experts were skeptical of this, now their advantages are more than obvious. In the end, decentralized technology has a number of features in relation to which existing centralized schemes lose out on all fronts. For example, thanks to blockchain technology, people will finally find decent protection for all their data and financial transactions, because it is simply impossible to fake data in the decentralized blocks of the General Ledger.

Moreover, all decentralized transactions become anonymous, but at the same time as transparent as possible, during which people can make transactions at various levels in order to save and exchange their digital assets. At the same time, transaction fees are just a penny, which cannot be said about the bank and other financial payments. And the blockchain structure excludes a large number of intermediaries, allowing both parties to interact directly, regardless of their problem. This, of course, makes online communication of users even easier and more accessible.

However, despite all the growth and popularization of the entire direction. Blockchain technology itself has not quite gained the desired momentum for full integration into our daily lives, as they say. But in order for this to happen as soon as possible, the world needs decent tools and a well-built infrastructure for which blockchain technology will be able to demonstrate all its advantages.

What we have seen in principle over the past couple of years, or rather, we are witnessing the active growth of various projects that are ready to implement the conceived concept as efficiently and as quickly as possible. But, alas, one project on the ground is not a warrior, so different experts generate incredible ideas day and night about how this infrastructure should look like, what functions it should have and much more.

So sit down and see what you can do here. Moreover, the topic of my review today concerns this area, so it will be very interesting.

About the project and its features

So, dear ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present you a unique platform called - SwapZilla. More precisely, SwapZilla is a multifaceted service, both for customers and partners. At the same time, its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is most capacious to reveal to them the wide functionality of its infrastructure complex. In a word, SwapZilla is adapted to any type of clients, which allows each of them to find in their structure the maximum benefits and opportunities for implementation.

At the same time, the SwapZilla system itself acts more like a trading platform where the user has a unique chance to get simultaneous access to more than 100 cryptocurrency exchanges. And get access to unlimited information channels, analytical data and other financial instruments. In a word, SwapZilla developers intend to create the most convenient environment for all of their participants.

Benefits for the user and the trader

But in addition to the above functions, SwapZilla has a number of advantages, based on which:
the user will find wide and effective functionality for any transactions;
at the same time, the total price range will allow the platform traders to complete all their transactions at the most favorable rate, since it will have open access to all exchange rates of available exchanges. And I will remind them that there will be no less than a hundred;
Moreover, thanks to the built-in tools of margin, mirror and arbitrage trading in SwapZilla. The trader has a good opportunity to receive regular passive income. This, in principle, I find it very convenient;
and based on a powerful verification system, the user will receive the most reliable and secure system for storing and transferring not only cryptocurrencies, but also the data itself.

Thus, with all these functions and tools, users and traders will finally find a powerful system in which you do not need to create dozens of different accounts in order to communicate with a large number of exchanges.

Benefits for the investor

As for another category of cryptocurrency market participants, a high degree of security and reliability of the system itself is also very important for them, with which they can manage their investment portfolio. Therefore, thanks to the built-in tools in SwapZilla, investors also get instant access to all the numerous exchanges where, at their discretion, he can profitably sell a certain asset. I find it very convenient and, most importantly, accessible in one click. Advanced data analytics, including data on the volume of cryptocurrency assets, as well as unlimited access to margin trading, allows you to complement all this toolkit.

Benefits for B2B Partners

As you already understood, within the framework of SwapZilla you will find a huge number of cryptocurrencies and financial projects on a decentralized basis, as well as all kinds of exchanges and exchangers. At the same time, the advantageous conditions for SwapZilla cooperation for B2B partners are simply obvious. Firstly, these structures will be able to join the SwapZilla platform for free. Secondly, due to the mass popularization of SwapZilla, these companies will be able to gain unlimited access to their target audience, thereby provoking a positive dynamics of their growth. And thirdly, the SwapZilla platform incurs all the costs of checking its clients for AML. And KYC procedures, which, of course, help reduce these costs for many blockchain projects. All this and much more is available to all B2B partners. And the most important thing,


Naturally, in order to gain access to the platform, the SwapZilla founders developed their internal SWZL token, which complies with all Ethereum and ERC20 standards. At the same time, the token itself is similar to a market bond, which allows its holder to receive additional passive income.

A total of 30 million SWZL will be issued for the development of the system, of which more than 27 million will be allocated to sales NOUs, with an initial cost of 1USDC / USDT for 1 SWZL. Which I think is pretty good.


Of course, the concept and idea of ​​SwapZilla is brilliant. And it deserves your attention. Moreover, this structure is able to offer us as a user a wide range of services and, therefore, be useful in practice, and not just in words. But in order to understand in more detail all its features, subtleties and details, I highly recommend that you continue to familiarize yourself with SwapZilla. Indeed, for this I have specially prepared all the necessary links to the official resources of the project, which you will find at the end of this article. Therefore, read and develop. And that’s probably all until we meet again!

Accurate information

Bitcointalk: Galih_Al karim


Co-DEX is a Decentralized trading platform for cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Altcoin seems good to be a worldwide exchange tool. Yes, forget about certain real currencies which are only available in certain countries. Along with the development of internet technology, any transaction can be done globally by using it. Interestingly, not only is it more flexible to shop or buy things, it seems that you have to use Cryptocurrency in a smarter way. One way is to use it as an object of trade and investment. So, how is it?

Of course, first of all, you should join the Cryptocurrency website platform that allows you to carry out funding activities such as trading and investment. It is very difficult especially crimes such as fraud which are quite common nowadays. In the meantime, there are many sites out there that offer such facilities without you possibly knowing whether they are valid or not. for this, it is recommended that you use Co-DEX. This is a type of Cryptocurrency platform with simple requirements, easy access, and many great features. This is even more interesting because consultations and discussions are available here to support you becoming more successful later.


There are huge numbers of cryptocurrency exchange nowadays, both centralized and decentralized. Decentralized exchange system have some distinctive qualities that make it far convenient, transparent, and efficient than their counterparts. There is no requirement of KYC verification and some other inconvenient procedures as in Centralized exchanges. 

Decentralized system of exchanges are completely transparent and confidential. Users don't need any complicated registration procedure which will require their email address, password, and their identities. All they just need to access the platform is their existing Private key or alternatively creating new wallet from the exchange in just few seconds. Deposit, trading, and withdrawal speed is determined by the network speed. 

Sometimes, we all know ethereum network slow users down where there is heavy congestion in the network. Practically, nothing can be done to fast-rack this procedure other than to wait till the network concluded the transaction itself. Users Private key in Decentralized Platform are not saved anywhere,it allows users to take complete control over their assets unlike the centralized system where you will need to deposit your funds first in the centralized account before you could make an order. 

Another shortcoming of Centralized trading platform is the manipulation of trading volume with the use of trading bots. Most people complain decentralized platform doesn't always have volume. Yes, this is right because the trading volume in most decentralized exchanges are very organic, there is nothing like fake trade volume or any sort of trade volume manipulation unlike in the centralized platform.By and large, am just trying to highlight some distinctive features of decentralized Exchanges and why it is far better than the centralized system.

About Co-DEX

Co-DEX іѕ а Decentralized trading platform fоr cryptocurrencies, built оn vanguard security infrastructure аnd uѕіng а revolutionary system. Co-DEX іѕ аn exchange created bу thе community, fоr thе community, thuѕ Co-DEX wіll bе thе fіrѕt exchange thаt wіll apply а NO FEES policy оn transactions, thе users bеіng required tо cover solely thе transaction cost оf thе miners and/or validators thаt register thе action оn thе blockchain. Experience direct peer-to-peer trading wіthоut thе security risk оf trusting а thіrd party, thuѕ hаvіng complete control оf уоur assets аt аnу time.

Unlike some decentralized exchanges who only centered on a single blockchain. Co-DEX has developed an interoperability Blockchain system where different forms of native Blockchain can work together on the platform. Co-DEX was able to achieve this wonderful innovation through the innovative function established by Cosmos Network. The principle of codex Exchange was based on Space Network.All processes in the system have undergone the IBC innovations which are able to transact in the most secure way within the network of the participants by implementing the transparent structure of the source code of the Space Network. 

What makes Co-DEX unique among other Decentralized exchanges is its transparent and secured and Blockchain architecture will not be limited to just single Blockchain network but supports other Blockchain networks which are subjected to cross-blockchian. The architectural design of this platform will simplify trading for the traders and the entire crypto communities.Co-DEX integration of Cosmos Network will enable it becoming one of the high ranked Cryptocurrency exchange as the architectural design simply embrace connection of multiple native cryptocurrencies and users, it is not limited to a single Blockchain Network.

The IBC innovation by Cosmos Network makes it no fees Platform. Users don't have to deposit funds on a particular account before they could execute trades. The system implements Smart contracts which allow trading taking place directly between users. Obviously ,Co-DEX will play a very huge role in Cryptocurrency Ecosystem, simplifying trading system, ensuring transparency and profitability through its no fees trading concepts. 

Features of Co-DEX platform 

No Fee Concept: Users are only charged for fees of a single transaction. Users will be provided an option to select their preferred fees in the fee's service structure.Unlike other exchanges that charges on any trades executed on the platform, the reverse is the case in Co-DEX platform. Trader's profitability is one of the priority of the Co-DEX exchange.
Multiple Order: Users are offered a multiple order platform which open doors for cost economy and less trading time.With this concept, users are only charged for a single transaction, as mentioned earlier, users will be offered an option of the service fee structures that suits them.The Smart contract system oversees the transaction procedures and ensuring multiple orders are successfully executed.
Cross Chain transactions: This has been one of the problems blockchain researchers has been working towards. Co-DEX will enable cross chain transaction which will allow multiple blockhain system to interact on a single platform. The system will benefits the traders and improve the platform liquidity. Implementing the IBC features built on Cosmos Network allows Co-DEX to achieve this inter-operability within the Blockchain Network.Co-DEX also take the security as the utmost priority in their platform which makes transactions and users assets more secured than any other platform.
Our Mission is to allow a broad base of community members to participate in the IDO planned on our Dex. Co-DEX cannot guarantee that all prospective interested parties will be able to obtain their desired allocations during the Private and IDO phases, where the total maximum cap will be the equivalent of approximately $5 million in ETH/BTC/ATOM. The amount of tokens available during the Token Contribution will be 100,000,000 COD1.

What is COD1 Token?

Very fast operation
Protect identity
Global Systems and Security
Zero fee transaction
Without blockchain fluctuations


Q1 2019
Creating the Co-DEX Fundation and establishing the development Team

Q2 2019
Establishing the Advisory board, Development of the site

Q3 2019
Start the Private Contribution

Q3 2019
Alpha testing of the platform

Q4 2019
Launch of decentralized exchange platform

Q4 2019
Launch of COD1 IDO

Q1 2020
Implementation of various blockchain tokens and currencies through the interoperability feature created by COSMOS

Q2 2020
Development of our CO-DEX Wallet

Our Advisors

Our Support
Co-DEX is born from the needs of the community, and with it, will deliver a revolutionary non-custodial, NO FEES, exchange platform, which will host through the implementation of inter-blockchain operability communications feature, a multitude of tokens and crypto assets regardless of their native blockchain origin. We at Co-DEX consider the whole crypto market spectrum as being an expression of the needs, concerns, and wishes of each of the individuals that together encompass the idea of community.

For more information about Co-DEX, please click the link below:

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/co_dex_ann

Author: Galih_Al karim
My wallet ETH :

Quntum Hedge

Quantum Hedge Fund's Best Crypto Asset Investment Platform Get a Certain Profit Every Month

Since Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin in 2008 , many similar projects have appeared in the crypto asset market, or so-called altcoins . As time goes by, now we are familiar with the term blockchain technology. Thanks to technology, financial transactions are becoming increasingly easy. This market is growing rapidly and is accompanied by high speculation by traders ( traders ).

Let's invest together with quantum, click here

The Bitcoin and altcoins trading market has become a big industry, with daily volumes of up to billions of dollars according to Coinmarketcap . Large financial institutions also "taste" and apply traditional asset management technology (stocks, bonds) to the crypto asset market, including the Quantum Hedge Fund (QHF) as a company that provides investment management services.

HF offers a solution for clients who want to get cuan from the crypto asset market without having to worry about the bad stuff. The company shares ideas and trading strategies with its clients as a suggestion. Clients who agree to follow the advice get cuan from managing their own assets. QHF suppresses trading risk with hybrid asset management techniques to assess market movements.

Client investment funds, about 25 percent are allocated for algorithmic trading, 22 percent are managed manually by experienced traders, 3 percent are invested in Initial Coin Offering (ICO) through the feasibility test process. 50 percent of the rest stored for force majeure events ( force majeure ).


The company, registered in Hong Kong and Gibraltar, has a team of software developers, lawyers, marketing specialists, web designers, community managers, analysts, traders and online security specialists. QHF CEO Jan Janssen often communicates with clients through official communication channels.

You for example as a QHF client can open investment contracts in the form of Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), and USD Tether (USDT). Through the contract, QHF is able to achieve an average investment return of more than 16 percent per month for its clients. Even QHF specialists generate returns of 200 percent in the form of crypto assets thanks to the technology used by QHF.

For example, clients who save 10 BTC will benefit from an increase in BTC prices for a certain period of time. Whereas clients who invest BTC in QHF and buy an 18-month contract have the potential to receive 137 percent of crypto assets for the same period.

QHF uses not only technical analysis, but also official agreements with clients. Starting from the third quarter of 2018, QHF was able to meet all the funding development points according to the guidelines on the official website. The company will continue to improve and integrate the latest technology into the system.

In addition, QHF plans to develop QTM's quantum blockchain network and create crypto assets, namely QTM tokens, to be used between clients, agents and the QHF team.

QHF clients can work as QHF agents by recommending QHF services to potential prospective clients. Benefits of being an agent are prizes, addition of QTM tokens and rewards for achieving career status based on the total volume of investment contracts obtained. An agent can recruit other agents to increase the profit network.

For example, agents who reach the highest career status will receive a prize of US $ 250 thousand.

In the crypto asset market, there are a number of services that provide investment convenience for clients, and QHF is one of them. QHF helps optimize client time with a professional team, active communication, job transparency and an excellent agent program.

Join Quantum


WEBSITE : https://quantumfund.ai/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/qhfofficial
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/qhfofficial
FB GROUP : https://www.facebook.com/qhfofficial
WHITE PAPER : https://cdn.qtmf.ai/static/partner/docs/QuantumFund-WP-v2.pdf?v=201912051559
BOUNTY CHAT : https://t.me/QHFBounty


Bitcointalk Username: Galih_Al karim
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1308107
Email address : dedesomantri24@gmail.com


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