Selasa, 30 Januari 2018


MediChain Platform Medis in Blockchain

What is medichain? 
MediChain is the Big-Medical Data platform. At any personalized hospital or clinic, the patient's data is stored or stored in a manner that each physician or physician in the future who is assigned to the patient may have a medical history or medical history to work with, or as reference for similar cases and each recipe this could be applied.
MediChain is a blockchain medical system built using the Big-Data Platform's proposed framework that allows patients to record specific information on their own off-line in the appropriate physical space, and gives access to doctors and specialists everywhere, little objections to the whole payer or on the other hand EMR is used. Essentially, MediChain aims to link patient data or information to the physician's disposal whenever regardless of proximity or location. This is good news because it will reduce fears of data errors or have lost patient data problems in some health centers or facilities because of one problem or another.

MediChain is beneficial not only for patients, but also for physicians, hospitals with a set of data in a cloud of complaints that are part of the MediChain ecosystem that use the chain block to store instructions and regulations on the health care system. use and privacy, while the main data store off-line in the cloud complaint 
It does MediChain platform, it does not end, is also useful for researchers and the pharmaceutical company and industry will have access to data or information in a fully anonymous format as the original owner of the data will not be published. This hypothesis can be used for prescription / administration.
It may seem dangerous for the personal data of patients available to the public, so MediChain has made arrangements for the authentication key. 
Key Factor Authentication: is a measure imposed by MediChain to ensure that the right people have access to the right data. The key is used in the case of passwords, tokens or later in the form of smart cards with numbers like 1, 2 or 3 and also a combination of letters like FA which will provide solid information about the identity of patients and doctors. 
Other MediChain network development projects are planned:
Diagnostic tool
Related algorithm;
Personal supervision
Academic medical study;
Insurer Insurer (SmartCard integration at this stage is introduced);
Integration of EMR (Electronic Medical Records);
National Resources. 
How MediChain works:

Applications or devices are available when the patient is able to add references to the Etereum block, a decentralized digital record of patient-collected data, via a medical device or practitioner, administering a prescription or medication, or purchasing directly a medicine not preserved.
The blockchain serves as a record for storage purposes and also wraps the hashes that approve the offline data. The blockchain ecosystem will take into account or record serious medical information, filled with an essentially honest cryptographic database stored by a personal computer system open to anyone who runs the software and requests the consent or permission of the patient to access a specific cryptographic key. Properly implemented and respected, patients will have additional control over their information and reorganize the exchange of medical records so that it is safe.
MediChain will offer development in Electronic Medical Records (EMR) by giving or authorizing an open source program to add MediChain to any EMR without administrative limitations. MediChain is a modified response to the needs of patients, the medical community and medical researchers. 
Like a traditional hospital where a certain amount is allocated to each service, on the MediChain platform, a utility token known as the MCU (MediChain Utility Tokens) is introduced and will be useful in the following areas:
Voting Research Program
To buy storage and transfer of personal medical data.
Buy personal medical data services
Delivery of the MediChain utility
Institutional medical data services, including diagnosis.
Search for medical data services. MediChain Utility Token (MCU) 

token (MCU) characterizes the actual load of the patient's random information block. This proof can be obtained from the platform during symbolic sales.

The health they say is wealth and according to MediChain, "knowledge has no value unless you use it"

Without appearing to be an evangelist as morning mourns in the street, we are all aware of the individual challenges facing the hospital for obtaining patient data and getting in touch with the right doctor at the same time. Blockchain technology has given rise to the development of an unborn generation will not recover. Putting it on a medical line is a relief and therefore an invitation to join symbolic sales so that even beyond the expectations of this platform, medical and medical services can move to the next level. 
Definition of terms:
1FA - press or swipe the card
2FA - Chip and pin or chip and password,
3FA - chip and pin plus fingerprint or iris scan
DME - Electronic Medical Records 

References and Social Platforms MEDICHAIN 
Username profile BTT: Galih_al karim

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