Selasa, 30 Januari 2018


CrowdCoinage:This Blockchain Platform Is Here To Provide An All-In-One Solution To Budding Startups

CrowdCoinage is not just a platform where founders and startups find team members but a place where they can ask for help or feedback from other members of the community. The platform also offers wide variety of different financial services based on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Our system allows founders and business owners to set up their own smart contract instead of generating their own token to make the transaction process much simpler. This, in turn it saves the founder’s valuable time and resources that can be used more effectively for other development of their projects.
Many useful tools like loans, insurances and trading will be built on the platform and will be available to the companies/ startups as a database need of venture capital or know-hows. Regarding P2P loans, the existing lending sites such as Bondora are promising but come with a lengthy lending process. With CrowdCoinage’s technology, there will be a decentralized nature of blockchain-based P2Ploans that would support cross-border P2P lending, and not just available for a single jurisdiction.
These loans could be of two types- either cryptocurrencies with pre-agreed percentage of interest, or in fiat currencies, and paid back in the matching amount of a cryptocurrency.

Website :

Wallet and Insurance
With regards to wallets, each user will receive their wallets during the sign up process where we use Keys to protect additional encryption, and Two-factor authentication will be used as an additional layer of protection. The conversions would be fully transparent and current daily exchange rate from the exchange will be used to complete the real-time conversion. Also, our CrowdCoinage OS payment API will be similar to PayPal's shopping cart. Pubic data can be accessed by anyone with API access. And to make things more time saving for our users, we have CrowdCoinage OS plugin, CCPay, and in just a few minutes we can start accepting Bitcoins, Ethers, CCOS coins or other cryptocurrencies stored in their CrowdCoinage OS.
We have built a fully automated insurance model which is peer-to-peer that would suit many types of insurance models. For instance, our broker model, insurance policyholders will from groups online and insurance premiums will be paid into a group fund.

ICO and team details
CrowdCoinage’s Token Symbol is CCOS. The Exchange Rate is, 1 ETH = 1,000 CCOS tokens. The sale of tokens will commence on 15th of January 2018, 11AM EET. The Token Sale Period Pre-Sale will go on from 2018/01/15 11AM EET until 2018/01/22 to 2018/03/12. Our hard cap is allocated at 100,000 ETH and Pre-Sale Cap is set at 30,000 ETH.
Our team consists of Peep Paum, Co-Founder & CEO, Silver Liiv, Co-Founder & frontend developer, Tauno Poks,Co-Founder & CTO, Marina Baslina, CMO, Sven Kauber, Co-Founder & senior backend/ blockchain developer.

For more details visit

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