Minggu, 21 Januari 2018




Please don't freak out because of that image above. That robotic hand will do no harm to the real one. It's just one of the benefits of being way too advanced in technology, particularly engineering. What you see in robotic movies are not all lies afterall as indeed persons with missing body parts can really act as though they were never handicapped. All thanks to the exceptional power of neurocontrol which only exists because of what mechatronics has done tirelessly in the workshop and labs.

The significant role Neurogress plays is that it develops software for neurocontrolling electronics and machinery. Sounds like a though job, but they really do it. For humanity!

What could neurocontrol possibly mean?

It is a technologically facilitated process which allows a person to directly manipulate a device using brain waves. Uh uh, please do not think it is telekinesis. Never. This is pure 24-carat science and tech. A neurocontrol device gives humans the ability to control the world directly using thought. Our thoughts may soon directly translate to action. We pray so!

Neurogress already develops thought controlled prostheses and robots. However, Neurogress ultimately aims to develop an entire ecosystem of neurocontrolled devices based on its software platform. With this in existence, nothing will serve as handicap or limitation to humanity.

How is this achieved?

To achieve all the dreams of the company, NEUROGRESS is incorporating artificial intelligence into the process of interpreting a brain signal and converting it into action. By introducing software which actively generates an evolving algorithm for interpreting an individual’s brain signals, the potential for sending detailed, precise commands to a device is greatly increased. Awesome, right?By so doing, the company provides solution to a fundamental problem which has limited the current market for neurocontrol devices. Feel free to click https://www.drive.google.com/file/d/1GuDN8r0Fh0KXC0lAnSgo5zdKN2__knSA/view to see a broader view of the whole dream, the success story and the future ahead.

How will this work?

Getting rid of ‘pseudointerfaces.The Neurogress Neurocontrol System Neural interfaces can read brain signals. But they don’t have a high level of specificity in reading and responding to brain commands. It is a limitation to these devices and so they can’t be used to schieve complex objectives.This is where neurogress comes, in developing neurocontrol software which solves this limitation.

The Neurogress solution:

In order to avoid the risk of negative consequences after surgery, Neurogress set about developing an approach which relied purely on noninvasive sensors. Sensors are installed without intrusion into the human body, which leads to reduced risk and greater ease of use.

Benefitting from AI augmented learning, a typical recipient will require two to three weeks to learn to control the limb. This is a vast improvement over the four to eighteen months of training that is typically required to use a regular prosthetic device. Furthermore, the device can offer up to 28 different configurations of grips, which is at the upper end of what any prosthetic device can currently achieve and more than enough for full-fledged activities.

The cost of Neurogress’ prosthetic device solution is projected to be from two to five times cheaper than those of its competitors.Neurogress solutions:

Using the neurocontrol software developed by Neurogress, it is now possible to control robots by the power of thought. The technology makes the control of robotic systems much easier and more accurate. The company plans to foster accessibility and innovation through developing training products and seminars. As more audiences are reached and included in this development process, we expect to see an explosion of new ideas and possible applications.

The possibilities for entertainment:

Neurointerfaces will be a game changer for those who play computer games. For the most part, they are based on a primitive reading of nerve impulses that control the eye muscles.

The new generation of neural interfaces promises a fuller reading of the brain electroencephalogram (EEG), and the Neurogress software promises to put commands into action more accurately and realistically.

In the future, the company plans to create a full-fledged robot-android that can be controlled via the neurointerface. This opens up exciting, futuristic possibilities. Imagine sitting at home, looking through neurointerface glasses, seeing what a robot sees and remote-controlling it. Imagine a race of flying or running neurocontrolled robots. Imagine a complete exoskeleton controlled by the power of thought.

The potential scope for this technology is mind-boggling.


In order to train the AI system to accurately recognize brain signals, a person is asked to repeatedly imagine a desired motion. This allows algorithmic image recognition systems to find a match between an intention and corresponding signs in the electrical activity of the brain.

Through a process of repetition, the algorithms learn to reliably recognize naturally produced signs of the person’s intention to initiate movement. These signals are immediately transmitted to the execution device as commands to switch it to the desired mode: moving up, turning right, and so on. If there is an error in the software, there will be no irreversible consequences - the device will simply work less accurately. In this case, the device is stopped and returned to its initial state. You can even see https://www.drive.google.com/file/d/1GuDN8r0Fh0KXC0lAnSgo5zdKN2__knSA/view to check the get pictorial representations of the training process.

The role of blockchain:

Neurogress will determine which of the blockchain technologies best meets the needs of the project when it reaches the development stage. The current expectation, however, is that the platform and system will be based on the Ethereum smart contract. However, since Ethereum still has significant limitations in transaction processing speed, IOTA is currently considered for integration and implementation of the project strategic development in the field of smart gadgets, smart home. Blockchain will bring several benefits to the project.

It will provide an ideal transaction processing platform for the project. Its decentralized structure will ensure safe payments and a guarantee of full user compliance with use agreements.

Blockchain also effectively addresses the problem of data storage security and privacy. Blockchain is adecentralized system that is resistant to hacking attacks. It is also structured in a way that permits transaction tracking.

In the case of system failure and errors, blockchain technology will make it possible to track what kind of transaction it was and what action the command executed. This effectively precludes the possibility that neurocontrolled devices might be used for illegal purposes or to threaten people. Get to know more from https://neurogress.io.


Neurogress is not just on the pitch to make money, they also care deeply about the human race, especially the lowly part. For this eason, they have pledged to perform the following:

• Ten per cent of the total amount collected on the TGE will be allocated to a charity fund. An estimated 2,000 prosthetic devices may be produced and distributed free of charge using these funds.

• The launch of a charitable campaign to help an additional 3,000 people receive their prostheses free of charge.

• When making payments on the Neurogress platform, a default commission of 0.001% will be charged and transferred to the charity fund. In this way, free prosthetic devices will be produced for disabled people in need on an ongoing basis.

Token sale

The NGR token shall be the official currency of the network. The number of tokens for sale is 50,000,000 units. The placement is conducted in three stages: Private Placement, pre-TGE and TGE.

When purchasing project tokens during the Private Placement stage, participants receive an additional bonus to TGE base price of 200%. During the pre-TGE stage this will be 50%. At the TGE stage bonuses

will be distributed as follows:

• First 6,970,000 tokens - 20% bonus

• Second 6,970,000 tokens - 15% bonus

• Third 6,970,000 tokens - 10% bonus

• Fourth 6,970,000 tokens - 5% bonus.

The remaining 6,970,000 tokens will be sold with the base price of 0.0051039 ETH per token.

* – Token holders with the quantity of 250 NRG tokens are eligible for the free version of the neurocontrol software.

Token placement details:

Private Placement pre-TGE TGE

Period Before 10.01.2018– 10.02.2018; 01.03.2018 – 01.04.2018

Placement 800,000 (1.6%) 14,350,000 (28.7%) 34,850,000 (69.7%)

volume 1,361 ETH 48,827 ETH 162,375 ETH

Pre-TGE is considered successful if at least 4,882.7 ETH have been collected. Otherwise, all funds collected will be returned to the participants.

TGE is considered successful if at least 26,750 ETH have been collected. Otherwise, all funds collected will be returned to the participants.

Rate 1 NRG = 0.0017013 ETH 1 NRG = 0.0034026 ETH 1 NRG1 = 0.0042533 ETH

1 NRG2 = 0.0044382 ETH

1 NRG3 = 0.0046399 ETH

1 NRG4 = 0.0048609 ETH

1 NRG5 = 0.0051039 ETH – base price

1 ETH = 587.8 NRG 1 ETH = 293.9 NRG

1 ETH = 235.1 NRG1

1 ETH = 225.3 NRG2

1 ETH = 215.5 NRG3

1 ETH = 205.7 NRG4

1 ETH = 195.9 NRG5

Make that bold choice of buying tokens today by clicking on https://neurogress.io. Don't be shy to click too if you want to satisfy your doubt and curiosity.Team

The team is situated all around the world, with the majority of developers based in Switzerland. Here is a part of the squad.

Konstantin Gorbunov- Founder, Chief Executive Officer

Aleksandr Ovcharenko- Chief Technology Officer

Francesco Casalegno- Machine Learning and Mathematic-

Taylor Newton- Neuroscientist.

Michail Hinterleitner- Mechatronics Engineering

For more information about neurogres, you can visit the link below:

whitepaper//Website//Ann Thread

Username profile BTT : Galih_al karim

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