Selasa, 20 Maret 2018


Presentation of LanceChain - Independent Commission Platform 0%!
Do you know that you can work and rent online, free of charge and no commission?

Welcome to LanceChain - The first freelancing commission platform  of 0%, based on the blockchain ecosystem. LanceChain removes the need for intermediaries and allows business owners and freelance translators to work without any fee or commission using the freemium business model. LanceChain includes the next-agnostic blockchain world, which allows it to offer a free service and an unbiased and unalterable blockade system.

Here is what makes LanceChain unique:
0% Commission  - Utilizing Ethereum's blocking technology, the LanceChain platform eliminates the need for mediators and allows independent translators and business owners to work without any fee and no commission . Work on the decentralized platform LanceChain will increase their revenue by 15-25% compared to existing market solutions. This means having 15-25% more funds to spend on something that matters. The intelligence contract system "Ethereum escrow" will further guarantee the payments of freelancers.
100% Transparency  - The LanceChain platform will be fully transparent and impartial due to the nature of the blockade. Reviews, ratings, achievements, earnings, expenses, profile views will be unchanged in the public book of the block, where there is no censorship or manipulation.

Fair Dispute Resolution  - In rare cases there is a work dispute (inevitable on any platform) independent field experts selected by the LANC landlord community (the LanceChain sign, which allows for free transactions). They will resolve disputes and ensure that both sides are satisfied with the service. At the top, this is one of the ways LanceChain will stimulate the community and provide the opportunity to earn more while contributing.
Sophisticated Talent Testing -  The experienced HR and SME team will be able to assist throughout the process of finding and employing proven high talents. The LanceChain team will provide you with the best talents through careful filtering based on project criteria, language tests, expert interviews, soft and technical skills assessment, certificates and diploma validation, identity verification.

Early Adopter Program  - To quickly start collecting volumes and describe how important client relationships are with us, we will give deserved estimate to our earliest supporters. 10% of the total LANC terrestrial supply is allocated to encourage early users of the LanceChain platform.

Blockchain-proof  - LanceChain is built into the Ethereum network at its foundation. Realizing the world still in the development of blockchain technology, LanceChain wants to be compatible with the future and what has come. To do this, the platform will implement a Layer Abstraction Blockchain (BAL) , which allows it to be future proof and work on future blocking networks as they become known and affirmed.

Blockchain Support  - Blockchain and crypto lay the foundation of the platform. Accepting and affirming this, we want to contribute to technology and its future. To achieve this, LanceChain will offer premium premium features to users who work on / after platform blocking projects.

Roadmap and Fundraiser
The idea of ​​LanceChain was born in July 2017 and we immediately assembled our class A team. Alpha Development began in early October with the finalization and notification of the donation and notification plan this February. LanceChain sales and sales rounds are scheduled for March and April and the LANC sign will be on major exchanges by June 2018. In Q4 of 2018, the platform will start and mobile applications will follow in the beginning next year. After that, the team will be committed to the continuous improvement of the first independent commission platform of 0%.
Who we are?

The LanceChain team has decades of cumulative professional experience. Our team members are mainly composed of expert professionals in software development, project management, technical architecture, marketing techniques, sales and technology marketing specialists. We have been in this sector for more than a decade and we know how to run a software project from the ground. In a world where only 15% of software projects are a success, as shown by popular metrics, we believe this is a distinctive factor. The full team can be seen here .

Visit the LanceChain website , White List, and get all updates including ICO announcements and special discounts for middle users.
Answers and questions
We welcome every thought from the community and supporters through all of our channels 

Username profile BTT : Galih_al karim
My eth : 0x57162Fe45De6c93B20478e63a878A3FfF9658E29

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