Selasa, 24 April 2018

L-PESA: Giving a new direction for the world of microfinance

In the developing era, microfinance has a long history of the world and an important requirement has been recorded for it. In addition, the traditional methods involved in microfinance were limited in nature. In the current scenario, middle class people and business owners need a lot of credit, but current banking infrastructure and financial strategies are not giving them full facilities to take advantage of their needs. The standard of living in some parts of the world is increasing, a level of life is calculated by a simple method of gross domestic product (GDP). Even so, the development of national wealth is not evenly distributed, But the development of standards living among people is very big. Since financial inclusion is a feature for the current market, due to which poverty eradication and the development of the economy can accelerate. The factor of financial inclusion defines the ability to reach people's financial services, and apart from this, it is currently focusing on the development of the country and removing poverty.

Offered the solution
LPESA is introducing a new microfining model which is based on the latest technology and works in every one of us equally. They are concerned about providing access to credit and other related micro financial services to people in developing countries. They have prepared a financing model on the basis of four pillars.

The first pillar is Big Data, AI and BlackChain technology. There is a huge amount of data and analysis under this column, which will help provide loans to those for whom it is most needed to use Block Technology, the model will be safe, reliable and fast. The second column of the LPESA Microfinance model is the optional credit data, which is collected from various social media and other websites on the Internet.
Imagine the countries that are facing the problem of poverty and depression in the coming year, they will be counted among the top developed countries. Even before the premature death, people will be getting better housing facilities with better living standards, and this can be achieved only if people use financial good, current problems involved in microfinance Bank credit, the lack of old operating system, microfinance targets only poor people, most customers are not banking, and microfinance Inens targets only the agricultural sector. Thus, due to these problems, the market needs a new platform where all the problems of micro finance can be solved.

Therefore the idea is started for a platform named 'El-Pesa'. L-PESA Microfinance is a finitech startup that will focus on the current requirement of financial services which will go forward for the development of the economy. Now the primary goal for this forum is the ability to provide money and credit to its user.

LPESA has developed a proprietary credit scoring model based on user behavior. The third pillar for the model is mobile technology because in recent years mobile adoption has increased in developing countries. Using mobile technology to give banking services to people is the cheapest route in the current market. Many companies are providing services on mobile to increase their customer base.

The fourth column of the model is a biometric identity, which can help in removing the pressure from government agencies and private companies to track progress in financial services. They believe in automation, and 95% of their process is automated. LPESA is offering an alternative loan economy, which serves the people of third world


Revolves around the technology that has been created to solve the challenges of every one of us in the world. But the solution does not reach everyone in a proper way, and there is always a place for improvement. Many international organizations, such as the World Bank and the World Trade Organization, have declared that total financial inclusion is the only way for the development of marginalized and resident of third world countries. The solution for this should be the total financial inclusion is a dream for many countries and this project is a step forward in achieving the dream.

The world knows about the hardships and difficulties of millions, who are still divided and who are unaware of the financial services given to others. This is a high time when we put our resources and bring everyone in the financial network. I think this project is a good opportunity for the people and the government takes responsibility, and comes together to achieve financial independence. What do you think about the project? Will this be able to achieve the goal?

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