Selasa, 24 April 2018

L-Pesa Microfinance Revolutionary Busines Fintach By Blockchain Technology

L-Pesa Microfinance is a fintech startup poised to take advantage of the fast-growing need for financial services in the developing world. The company has validated its operating model over the past 24 months and has built sophisticated technology, automating most of the operation. Its primary barrier to growth at this point is its ability to fund user acquisition and loans.

The loss ratio on loans runs below 10% while return on loans is approximately 25%.L-Pesa has harnessed these market forces and built technology and aproprietary credit scoring model that allows it to quickly scale microlending in developing countries while keeping loss ratios below 10%. The solution is highly automated, allowing a small back office team to support high volume loan origination.

About L-Pesa :
L-Pesa creates blockchain-based, smart contract loans enabling people across the internet to grow their businesses and become thriving entrepreneurs. Hopeful visionaries can take loans in Ether or Bitcoin and then participate in L-Pesa’s curated marketplace facilitating peer-to-peer lending: the first crypto loan service in Africa.

Vision :
L-Pesa Microfinance vision is to improve people’s lives through efficient access to credit and related financial services.

Token Sale Timeline



1.350.000.000 LPK Tokens are available for public sale starting from April 18, 2018 and continuing for 30 days. Token Presale starts from March 18, 2018 and continues for 15 days, and the total tokens provided for the presale are 160,000,000. Funds collected from ICO will be used for platform development and marketing.

The world revolves around the technologies we create to solve the challenges that concern each of us. But the solution does not reach everyone in a fair way, and there is always room for improvement. Many international organizations such as the World Bank and the WTO have stated that total financial inclusion is the only way forward for the development of marginalized populations and populations of third world countries. There must be a solution for that. Total financial inclusion remains a dream for many countries and the project is one step ahead in the direction of achieving dreams.

For more information and join Kripton social media please follow some resources for the following references:

Username profile Btt : Galih_al karim
My ETH : 0x57162fe45de6c93b20478e63a878a3fff9658e29

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