Kamis, 26 Juli 2018

Hello everyone, greeting the community.
if you're interested in joining a SWIPE project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision, as it's important to understand the accuracy of the reviews so you do not hesitate in investing.
therefore I invite you to take a look at the SWIPE project and let's take a look at the SWIPE reviews below.

Gadgets have changed the way people live. The average person peeks into his cell phone about 150 times a day. Therefore, the total revenue from the app "app" is growing all the time. Despite the huge possibilities of gadgets and applications for them, developers are faced with difficulties in user perception and monetization. To solve these problems, a decentralized mobile network SWIPE Network was created.

What problem does the project solve?

Today, centralized intermediary companies represent themselves as trustees who can collect user and system data and manage them. The result of their work is the opacity of the data. According to Forrester's research, it leads to high costs and ineffective advertising of companies.

Usually, data is sold without user consent, 30% of them have errors and unknown sources. Users do not receive any payment for the use of their personal information, nor can they save data that they do not intend to share.

Tasks of the project

The engagement information platform provides application developers with a list of marketing tools through the SDK - software development kit. Anonymous data are monetized due to the technology and blocking.

Users of applications will be rewarded for providing their information subject to complete confidentiality and control over data exchange.

Developers will increase the active use and storage of their products using the SDK. They will receive more information from the SWIPE network and improve applications based on the received data.

The principle of the platform
Swipecripto will include a privacy and communication protocol based on:

User consent, which will be necessary to enable and disable data monetization. Privacy policy and information exchange are strictly controlled.
End-to-end encryption. It makes information management safe.
Smart contracts. Data requests and distribution of fees are openly regulated and recorded.
Re-encrypt the data. This is necessary for the access of the requesting party when there is permission to share data.

Users work with personalized content in real time.
The combined data is processed by a modern analytical system to obtain high-quality information.

Crypto currency
  • Inside the platform, coins are used SWC.
  • Token type: ERC 20.
  • Total issued coins: 100 million.
  • Advantages of Swipecripto
The success of the mobile platform is determined by the following qualities:

Openness. Visibility and verification of application and data monetization.
Justice. Transparent control of data entry and distribution of profits.
Engaging the audience. SDK-disks make the use of applications more convenient, so the demand for their purchase increases.

Personalized content. It can be placed on the right resource at any time.
Profit of developers and users for participation in advertising projects and data exchange.

The project team

Heads of the company have experience in AdTech, Analytics & AI, BL blockchainchain R & D, business and marketing:

Cliford Lim is a co-owner, CEO.

Andrew Marchen, Quai Chong Shawn, Iyan Vayer - co-founders.

Eugene Tay - Director of Communications.

Malcolm Chang is the sales manager.

Tehuh Harmand is the manager of the group.

Andika Septian - BL block developer.

Consultants of the company

Jehan Chu is the main partner of the team, a representative of Kenetic Capital.

John Fiorely - Head of Consulting, Kenetic Capital.

Shawn Gee is co-founder / chief operating officer of Digix Global.

Thomas Graham is a managing partner of TLDR Capital.

Joshua Ho is co-founder of QCP Capital.

Yaron Welner is the technical director of the Kyber network.


The time when the user data was scattered across different applications, will soon be over. Swipcripto will replace the centralized closed platform, giving users absolute control over their data and earning potential. In the further popularity of this project there is no doubt.

Detailed information:

Username profile Btt : Galih_al karim

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