Senin, 22 Oktober 2018

ARROUND - plunge into the world of AR

After a long “vacation” in my analysis of projects, I decided that it was time to stop lazing around and start reviewing good startups for you. Leafing through the tape I came across a very interesting project that is a developer in one of my most favorite topics - VR and AR. But since I already wrote an article about VR, it was the turn of the analysis of a strong project from the field of AR. To begin, I will explain what kind of technology.

AR is a technology that makes it possible to obtain information from the world around it by imposing the latter on the real reality.

So, Arround itself is aimed at creating AR technology using the blockchain. Smart contracts will be used to interact with third-party projects (for example, companies that want to place their ads in AR), but the data that is collected for the target audience will be in reliable protection and will be transferred only if the user permits.

According to analysts, the market for augmented reality will grow by 20–100 times over the next 5 years. This gives the project significant advantages, because the project will be built on blockchain technology.

One of the advantages of the project is the reward of users for creating 3D maps that will help in the promotion of AR technology.

I recently read an article that says that in China people are already using their phone as a passport, driver's license and payment methods. Little by little, these technologies began to appear in our country, just imagine that soon, for example, you can point the camera of your phone at a building, and you will get all the information about it.
About ICO

Sale of tokens will last until November 15th, 2018. Total for the project will be allocated 3 billion tokens, and the price of one coin is $ 0.035. For the success of the elections, an amount of $ 5 million has been announced, and the maximum level of fees is $ 30 million.


The team consists of strong professionals in their field who can give this project a successful start as well as further development.

NEIL BRYANT RUSSELL - CEO. An experienced Internet manager who previously headed the project as a CEO (and this is a very cool experience that will help the company in proper development).

EVGENY DOBROVOLSKY is the founder and chief business development specialist. He has tremendous experience in the management sphere thanks to which some Russian companies have passed the stage of the global crisis. He is also the founder and co-founder of many large companies.

ARKADY YASASHNIY - financial director. He is a leading financial expert in Russia, and also holds senior positions in the banking industry of the country. It is also positioned as a successful entrepreneur in the blockchain field.

TEMUR SHAKAYA - founder and advisor on strategic partnership. A co-owner and member of the Board of Directors of the pharmacy chain “36.6” is one of the first entrepreneurs in the field of the pharmaceutical business in Russia to be a serial entrepreneur.

It is clear that here I have listed not all the members of the team and the council, here on page 42 you can find more information.

The blockchain market is not in the best position right now, but due to such projects, the description of which you read above, it has every chance to shoot, because I consider this startup very promising.
Project links

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

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