Kamis, 04 Oktober 2018

Curaizon - Improve Health, Reduce Costs, Save Life

Imagine you do not have to wait for hours in the reception to see your local doctor. Also, imagine the freedom of accessibility with no barrier of time or distance. What about, a chance that your doctor will miss something or, conversely, over evaluate a piece of information and miss a vital data or information, no matter how qualified and talented, no human specialist can store and process as much data in their mind as a computer ( AI technology), imagine a medical world like that. Ask yourself the question, How would that make you feel?

CURAIZON platform is here to provide a solution that can help it all with the blockchain system and Improve Health, Reduce Costs, Save Life.

We solve real-world problems by helping patients take their medications properly and striving to improve drug adherence and bring benefits that change the game for patients and healthcare providers by becoming a leading provider of data compliance and solutions around the world .

Medical researchers are challenged to find better new drugs and treatment programs for chronic diseases. But, what if the answers to improving health outcomes for many patients are simpler than developing new drugs? What if it's as simple as making sure more patients keep using their treatment regimen?

The Workings

Curaserve ™
• Communicates with patents using non-intrusive reminders.
• Enables family members to support patents. Supports
healthcare providers with a real-time view into patent behavior.

Curaview ™
• Integrates with health services legacy systems.
• Ensures that all patent data is current.
• Provides real-time feedback to electronic medical records.

Curadata ™
• Collects unique and valuable data.
• Holds only demographic and adherence data. Patent identifiers held by health service.
• Available through CuraToken ™

Token Details
CuraToken ™ Utility Tokens (CTKN) allows token holders to access our exclusive and anonymous medical data in blockchain. CuraTokens ™ is the only way to access Curaizon ™ technology. CuraToken ™ holders can access data that uses strong analytics, predictions, AI and large data in the war against drug noncompliance. CuraTokens ™ provides real-time analysis of patient behavior and compliance. CuraTokens ™ allows the use of blockchain technology to manage authentication, confidentiality, and accountability by allowing individuals to control their data, providing protection, security and compliance with all necessary regulations, including GDPR.

Curaizon is the only company that offers a complete healthcare ecosystem that supports reducing drug non-adherence. The ecosystem includes CuraServe, CuraData, and Cura View and helps to lower healthcare costs and advance medical research. We targets countries with national health services. It currently includes 1.4 billion people and that number is growing.

Useful links

Username profile Btt :Galih_alkarim

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