Rabu, 27 Maret 2019


Good morning brother en 'sister !! This morning is very bright ... And according to my promise last night, I will continue the discussion about this very promising company ... Enjoy the discussion of my article !!!

Green energy comes from natural sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, plants, algae and geothermal heat. These energy resources are renewable, meaning they're naturally replenished. In contrast, fossil fuels are a finite resource that take millions of years to develop and will continue to diminish with use.

We are not like other green energy providers. We challenge the idea that ‘being green’ is all about making a big commitment, about making an extra effort, and paying extra costs.

Indeed, companies often talk about green energy as an ‘alternative’. On the contrary, green energy makes sense for everyone, and we want to make it mainstream.

So, our prices are competitive not only within the green market, but also the entire utilities industry. By minimising the cost and effort it takes to switch, we aim to remove all obstacles to going green.

Put simply: we do care about the environment, but we are not idealists with our heads in the clouds. We are down to earth, in every sense.

Renewable energy sources also have a much smaller impact on the environment than fossil fuels, which produce pollutants such as greenhouse gases as a by-product, contributing to climate change. Gaining access to fossil fuels typically requires either mining or drilling deep into the earth, often in ecologically sensitive locations.

Green energy, however, utilizes energy sources that are readily available all over the world, including in rural and remote areas that don't otherwise have access to electricity. Advances in renewable energy technologies have lowered the cost of solar panels, wind turbines and other sources of green energy, placing the ability to produce electricity in the hands of the people rather than those of oil, gas, coal and utility companies.

Green energy can replace fossil fuels in all major areas of use including electricity, water and space heating and fuel for motor vehicles.

We will start by developing new services which will optimize financing and tokenized energy trading in the future. Firstly, we will establish the Windhan 108 MW Flagship project in Kazakhstan. The plan is to give the community asset backed projects combined with a renewable energy platform on the blockchain and enable them to finance and trade tokenized energy. In order to actually finance and trade tokenized energy one will need to obtain Windhan tokens (WHN). WHN will be issued at the Windhan token sale.

Wind comes from atmospheric changes; changes in temperature and pressure makes the air move around the surface of the earth; all of which is triggered by the sun. So in a way, wind energy is another form of solar power. A wind turbine captures the wind to produce energy. The wind makes the rotor spin; as the rotor spins, the movement of the blades drives a generator that creates energy. The motion of the wind turbine turning is called kinetic energy, this power is converted into electricity.

The conversion of wind into electricity
Wind power is converted into electricity by magnets moving past stationary coils of wire known as the stator. As the magnets pass the stator, AC electricity is produced. It is then converted into DC electricity which can be used to charge batteries which store the electrical energy or can also be fed into a grid interactive inverter for feeding power into the electricity grid.

'Green electricity' is power produced from sources that do not harm the environment. Green power production technologies are those that that clearly reduce the harmful environmental impacts of energy generation. They generally make use of renewable sources like wind, water, sun and biomass.

Wind Energy is energy harnessed from the wind. Man has used wind energy for over 2000 years. In many places, wind energy was harnessed by windmills for pumping water and grinding grain. Windmills work by slowing down the speed of the wind. The wind flows over the blades causing them to turn.

The benefits of wind power
Wind power is a clean energy source that can be relied on for the long-term future. A wind turbine creates reliable, cost-effective, pollution free energy. It is affordable, clean and sustainable. One wind turbine can be sufficient to generate energy for a household.

The blades are connected to a drive shaft that turns an electric generator to produce electricity. Wind turbines need a constant, average wind speed of about 14 miles per hour before the wind turbines can generate electricity. For producing large amounts of electricity, many machines can be installed together to form a wind farm.

Advantages of Wind Energy:
Since wind energy is the result of temperature changes due to the heat of the sun, and the sun is an inexhaustible source of energy, wind energy is also renewable.
It is a clean, reliable cost effective source of electricity.
Electricity generated from the wind does not contribute to global warming and acid rain.
Compared to energy from nuclear power plants, there is no risk of radioactive exposure from wind power.

Because wind is a source of energy which is non-polluting and renewable, wind turbines create power without using fossil fuels, without producing greenhouse gases or radioactive or toxic waste.

Wind turbine installation
Wind turbines can be installed on properties, on boats, or caravans. Whether a wind turbine is viable depends entirely on the amount of wind resources available in your area. The first thing you need to do is to find out the average speed in your area. While using freely available data gives an indication, the most reliable method is a reading taken at your site.

The average wind speed needs to be above 5m/s (18km per hour) to make installing a wind turbine worthwhile. Ideal locations for wind turbines are in the country, on farms, or on the coast: basically anywhere away from built-up areas. The more buildings around the wind turbine, the less wind there is. Setting up a wind turbine is a big job that takes time but it can be a very cost effective way of creating power as long as the average wind speed is high enough.

Windhan is a blockchain-based ERC20 green energy Crowdfunding and trading platform which uses blockchain technology to create a more meritocratic next generation of renewable energy assets. It brings together green energy producers and consumers to sell and buy renewable energy without overpaying to corporations, suppliers and other intermediaries. It is a platform to combine energy developers, investors, and consumers through a global and decentralized network that allows energy assets to be funded and launched

Token Details

24 FEB 2019 - 20 MAR 2019 (0.0051 ETH = 1.0 WHN)
24 FEB 2019 - 17 APR 2019 (0.8 EURO = 1.0 WHN)

1,402,231 ETH
2,082,337 ETH



Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

Sabtu, 23 Maret 2019


Money is very important in our daily living and that explains the reason for the various ways money could be used or represented. Nowadays, money can be spent from credit cards and even as of this moment, cryptocoins are being introduced and is already gaining prominence as it were. This new style of spending and acquisition of wealth makes it more if easy to access and spend without having to rely on the long process it will take when one uses the traditional banking system. The fact that there are interfering intermediaries in the old money use system make it so unacceptable and now there is need to focus on the cryptocoins because non of this affects it. But the issue at hand now is the difficulty in the stress users have to undergo before trading or changing one coin to another. Many of the present exchanges even charges high commission which is not so accepted by the users of the cryptocurencies. Protection has also been absent in them and that has encouraged illicit activities of hackers at the detriment of users. However, here comes Catex, a provisional substitute for all the default exchanges. It plans to improve the activities of trading in the block chain.


Standing as an unreplicable brand, it foresees a bright future for cryptocoins and has proposed to take users on a perfect voyage into it. It has been a normal that almost all other existing figures on the ledger tech are just like a replica of already existing ones, not really having any uniqueness but contributing to the existing problems. But this project on the other hand comes up as one that has never been created or tasted before. It has its characteristics to display and adjust the market conditions and how it affects Investors during their trades. As a cryptocurency stock exchange, it has so much in stock for Investors and how tokens will be traded in all volumes in the most secure environment.


With the increase in the commissions other platforms charge during transactlons, users are not being enabled or encouraged to do more and so it limits their scope in the system. However, Catex plans to make things easy by making a larger fraction of their generated commissions from users transactlons given back to them as incentives. This means that the platform has no aim of explanating users but rather having users to explore and exploit the entire activities and Catex system. The bonus will be given in the CATT token to as many as those who are the token holders and this will be done so frequently.
In the catex network, users take part in decision making and that can be done through the airing of their opinions and what they think can be done to achieve progress. Catex has all the secondary duties managed by the users while it duly handles other primary tasks in the ecosystem.

Mining as one of the important processes in the blockbuster system is not taken trivially by this project. It makes users able to gain from mining and make them know all what should be known about the process. Seeing the need for mining rate also, it defines users' mining rates and make necessary provisions for the process and make sure the gains from it is sustainable to a large extent. It makes provisions also for other companies that mines from its ecosystem and make sure user's mine rate is visible to them as they log into their individual accounts.
Very importantly, the stock of this platform makes token listing done and it has two of its tokens used depending on the vote casted in that regard. It developers are able to work well and present the most useful tools for users to use while they keep the vision of the ecosystem. Users will be able to use wallet with distinct features to manage their assets and also perform other transactlons via it with all simplicity and safety.

In order to allow the proper functioning of users in the system there is an ERC20 token which allows them the freedom in the system. It is the CATT token with so much tied benefits tied to it. This Catex token has so much volume if it issued at first of which some of its mass we're burned off to leave just a few millions for it to be worthwhile for users to relate and have many advantages with.

Conclusively, this platform has in its possession all what it takes to bring the best in exchange for all traders, Investors and all others. It has the provision of security and is laced with the infrastructures that is capable of making the Exchange operations safe and done smoothly without the intervention of third parties.

For more insight on this amazing project, click the links below.

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

Rabu, 13 Maret 2019

WISE - Powerfull Blockchain Integration

It is hardly possible to find a description of conferences in the field of high technology without mentioning the term Internet of Things (IoT). Speakers at leading events talk about the huge benefits that promise IoT and IIoT, talk about the market potential of tens of billions of devices already by 2020. Suppliers are encouraged by such assessments. However, now not everyone is familiar with what IoT is.

What is IoT?

An IoT is an ecosystem in which a “client” initiates a request for service or information. There is also a “server” or several “servers” that provide an answer to these requests. The client may be a computer, tablet, mobile phone and any other control device requesting these services.

However, not every such service will relate to the true Internet of things. An important condition for attributing a specific ecosystem to IoT is the availability of a cloud service for answering requests and a fully automated service for such requests.

The IoT ecosystem can serve a wide range of commercial and consumer applications. Many have already heard about a wide range of definitions for IoT: Internet travel, Internet taxi, Internet technology, etc. These ecosystems tend to use low-cost end devices and applications. In order to qualify the service of requests as a true IoT, it is necessary to refer to the most typical features:
In the IoT ecosystem, increased comfort for the user is created;
The IoT ecosystem provides increased productivity and profitability;
The IoT Ecosystem reduces maintenance and / or maintenance costs.
Only in the presence of these three criteria, it can be argued that it is the IoT ecosystem that is involved in the enterprise. 


Wise is an innovative developer of an analog system working on blockchain technology, which created an eco-system that allows you to create universal applications on IoT and mobile devices using distributed register technology, based on the development of integrated circuits.
What is it for?
For example in transport, it will help him quickly find a parking place using an automated payment and save on payment. Fares will also be in the same category and ease of maintenance.
We also use logistics, this can eliminate intermediaries becoming more efficient and saving resources.
Ansuz Chip is an innovative integrated circuit analog system with mixed signals (AMS-SoC), which extends the capabilities of IoT and mobile networks through a 13-nanometer IC and
represents a practical new concept - a radio-based IoT network.


token Token type: ERC20 (Ethereum) 
Token cost: 1 WSE = 10 USD 
Fundraising goal: $ 88,000,000 
Total tokens: 100,000,000 
Whitelist: Yes 
Accepts: FIAT, ETH, BTC 
Country: Costa Rica 
Available for sales of tokens: 35% 
Pre-sale bonus: 50% 
Bonus to the early investor: 30% 
ICO period: 
19 April 19 - 30 September 19

For more information about Wise at this time, please follow some important links below:

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

SaTT Token Turns the Marketing Industry

To buy something, you need to sell something. And to sell a product or service you need to invest in advertisement. Up to 30% of the cost, for example, a smartphone - may be due to the manufacturer’s marketing costs. That is, buyers pay advertising costs, and suppliers have no choice but to invest huge money in marketing. Why is this happening?

The fact is that all the cards in this game are in the hands of advertising agencies. It’s not profitable for them to be effective, they need suppliers of goods and services to apply for advertising again and again. Advertising agencies charge gigantic prices for their services, practically “from a lantern”. From order to placement, advertising often goes through a huge number of intermediaries, and they all need to give their share. At the same time, the customer cannot obtain accurate data on how effective the advertising campaign was. Maybe you need to change something? Maybe the ad worked “into the void”, and the target audience does not know about your first-class product? Alas, no one will give the manufacturer fully reliable data on the reaction and reach of the audience, on promising areas of advancement. Large companies spend millions on their own marketing research, and expand the market coverage at the expense of these costs, which in the end are also included in the cost of the product for us.

What is SaTT?
The brief SaTT stands for “Smart token for advertisement transactions”. SaTT is a utilitarian token like ERC-223, managed by a smart contract. A smart contract is able to perform many tasks:
  • Reward the user for viewing advertisements or product reviews;
  • Provide advertisers with detailed and reliable statistics about the conversion of ads;
  • Allows you to specify which actions to reward users: (click, view, review, like, repost ...);
  • Allows the advertiser to choose the size of the reward, and accordingly plan their advertising budget;
  • Thanks to the recording of all actions in the blockchain - data falsification will be impossible;
  • The nature of the advertising campaign can be changed directly “on the go,” to test the response of the audience, and achieve the greatest efficiency.
All this saves money to the advertiser, which indirectly leads to a decrease in the cost of its services and products, while at the same time allowing ordinary users to earn money through ad views.

The principle of operation of SaTT is simple and effective:
1) The advertiser selects partner media resources on which ads will be placed. Then determines the level of participation of partners in the advertising campaign. Also, this job can be assigned to a special oracle, which will automatically select the best options.

2) Having determined the partners and their participation, the advertiser enters this data into the smart contract, calculates the cost of the campaign and lays in the smart contract the corresponding number of SaTT tokens.

3) After placing an ad, the advertiser adjusts the campaign parameters based on reliable conversion information received from the smart contract.

4) Partners who have posted ads, and consumers who have seen the ad, automatically receive a SaTT token reward through a smart contract, depending on the degree of their participation and activity.

In the future, consumers will be able to exchange SaTT tokens for fiat money, or to exchange tokens for exclusive products of the manufacturer who advertised. This is possible because SaTT tokens support the ERC-223 standard, according to which every token is unique and traceable.

All these features give the SaTT project significant advantages over ad networks like Google AdWords.

Token, oracle, and SaTT smart contract are developed by ATAYEN from the USA, which specializes in developing business applications for social networks, and works closely with media marketing. The company has already created and successfully tested a beta version of the platform, rewarding users for advertising responses. ATAYEN services are used by corporations such as IKEA, ASUS, and McDonald's.

To improve the platform, it was decided to transfer it to the blockchain, and conduct ICO. The more tokens sold out, the less the bonus for investors becomes. The price of a single token is $ 0.42, Ethereum and Bitcoin cryptocurrencies are accepted, it is also possible to purchase tokens for dollars or euros by means of a bank payment.

Project Roadmap

Project Team


SaTT Token is a real revolution in the advertisement industry. The development of the SaTT ecosystem is beneficial both for businesses that sell on the Internet (that is, for almost all modern businesses) and for buyers of goods and services. The field of Internet marketing is only growing, corporations are spending huge amounts of money, and these funds will go to those who provide more profitable and effective ways of advertising, compared to competitors. And therefore, SaTT’s token and smart contracts will have almost guaranteed success.

Official resources of the SaTT Token project:

Username Profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

GOOREO - recruitment platform for young professionals

With the formation of industrialization, the difficulty of attracting well-known personnel began. This forced the production workers to form uniform recruiting offices, subsequently, numerous from which they turned into an independent sector of bargaining, forming and regularly replenishing the basis of recruiters, which later were re-assigned to the final employers.

But today recruitment agencies are not to be overcome with the responsibilities entrusted to them, these prerequisites are associated with old attraction instruments, much the same as:
passive hiring - i.e. the whole recruitment consists in placing an ad and waiting for a response;
the inability to carry out the flow of applicants - the borrower functions with one and this is the basis for attracting buyers, the presence of this does not change its own aspect to various positions
lack of automation of the course - i.e. The selection is performed manually. ant. auto;
poorly designed hired person - little responsibility area presence of employees, creates an erroneous assessment of the applicant;
lack of consideration and statistics of the executed activity.

To do this, in order to find a solution, although the share of difficulties in this area, the Gooreo team created a platform to support graduates of training institutions, with the goal of simply selecting jobs according to their qualifications and providing employers with the opportunity to acquire promising, talented graduates to work in their own firms.

Simplifying the procedure for finding a job for the younger generation, experts gain the probability of a decent salary, a service increase the presence of the given period with the smallest number spent in the selection of activities. Firms also will favor the presence of labor with the platform, since the selection procedure is entirely automated with the provision of recruiters for the best job conditions. Quick, due to the minimization of the role of the little people, the presence of the performance of the choice of employees. The low price of services, this is made acceptable due to the smallest role in the choice of people. Without exception, this is competent to reduce the costs of the company and maximize income, having obtained the presence of this original friend.
The company plans to introduce a personal token, OREO, which will be used to implement absolutely all actions within the platform.
The use of blockchain technologies in the platform’s work will make it possible to guarantee the greatest security, since individual information and a magazine, which applicants and employers use, will not be able to be compromised.

Company's mission

Gooreo platform is trying to be the best tool in the field of recruiting young professionals with unique features and distinctive features that distinguish it from other competing additions.

The company's mission is to support graduates to find a decent job
on their own qualifications, and also to assist employers to find talented people with the necessary skill set.

In close targets, Gooreo is creating a platform and building a supplement with the goal of young professionals and employers, according to choosing the right activity, introducing a supplement in the states of Arabian society, in order to confirm the international population's performance of the Oreo modification, improving the platform in the base of painstaking consideration of the opposite relationship of users, continuous introduction of innovative trends, the involvement in the plan of the required amount of money, with the aim of introducing an independent and dispersed bond with bubbled capabilities and offerings in the field students and employers according to the whole society.

Who needs this?

In the main sequence, this addition will be expedient for graduates, they will be able to find a system to complete an internship, using acquired knowledge in practice, acquire the necessary practice, characterize themselves before a possible employer and settle down in a stable base in this company. Students simultaneously after graduation, with the support of the Gooreo supplement, will be able to find an exciting service and go to it immediately. The owners of institutions will be able to improve the cost of hiring and save the period of presence of the choice of employees. The government will win with the introduction of this platform as a consequence of the inaccessibility of the need for the formation of sandboxes and integrators for the purpose of young professionals, which are necessary for the purpose of communication between the commercial and the employees.

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/gooreo

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

Selasa, 12 Maret 2019

EMPIRE HOTELS - The Future of Hospitality

All people love to travel, at least I have not met a single person who would not want to go anywhere or even go to another country. Of course in the world there is a large layer of people who have no money for it or who have any other reasons preventing it. Nevertheless, most people are very willing to go to any beautiful corner of the planet to get acquainted with him, inspired by him, as well as get a lot of positive emotions and memories.

I think you all understand that the basis of any trip is directly the place of residence, where you basically will spend the night, arriving in a particular city, town, state, country. In most cases, travelers choose something in between a classic hotel or apartment at an affordable price. Previously, when there was no Internet, people booked hotels directly from hotel owners, bypassing any intermediaries.

Now with the advent of various online platforms, you can remotely select and view any accommodation option you like, and sort it by the category you need:
  • by type of food
  • on an arrangement
  • by payment method
And many other categories available in modern online resources.

These little things have made our journey with you much more comfortable and safer, as we can see in advance how the room will look like, what rating this hotel has, whether there are negative comments from already experienced visitors to this hotel and much more.


However, despite all these positive aspects, there are other negative aspects concerning the classic online platforms. I think many of you have heard at least once about Booking and what it is? Booking is one of the most popular online booking platforms anywhere in the world. Its working principle is very simple. You set the parameters and categories you need, and it offers the existing options. It would seem that there is bad?! However, using the services of this platform, you overpay a very decent amount of money, just for the fact that it used this search service. Moreover, this Commission is paid by the owner of the chosen property, so that its object is recorded in the database Booking.

All these aspects form one very big problem-the increased cost of rental housing. That is, you could rent the same room much cheaper, but you have to pay for it. And all because in your search service helped Booking.

The team of specialists, which has developed its new decentralized project with the help of modern technologies, intends to solve this injustice.

About the project
This project is a revolutionary form of modern online booking, excluding all hidden payments and third parties, while ensuring a high level of transparency and security of each client. This project is called Empire Hotels.

Thanks to the blockchain technology, Empire Hotels is able to solve a number of the above and other existing problems inherent in the hospitality industry. Such as: double booking and incorrectly entered data when booking online. At first glance, it may seem that these two errors are very harmless and do not carry any threat. Nevertheless, such missteps provoke a whole chain of unpleasant actions that negatively affect the overall impression of the tourist and the further rating of the most armored institution.

That is why the specialists of Empire Hotels began to develop their platform to simplify and improve the lives of all participants of the hospitable business. That is, Empire Hotels intends to give numerous advantages as the owners of a hotel, and all other tourists traveling around the world.

To implement the conceived concept of Empire Hotels, the internal token of the platform will help, with the help of which absolutely all financial transactions will take place. Namely, to pay for the booking of your chosen accommodation and a number of other features available in Empire Hotels. This principle will allow you not only to interact directly with the hospitality industry, but also not to pay additional fees and other interest charges in the implementation of international booking. That will eventually lead to a natural decrease in the cost of the booked accommodation.

At the same time, Empire Hotels will allow hotel owners to get rid of the onslaught of monopoly platforms that continually profit from the business of others. That is why thanks to the developed model of Empire Hotels, hotel owners will be able to finally increase their profits, due to the fact that they will no longer pay crazy commissions to former intermediaries.

As for security, thanks to the blockchain system, the relationship between users will become more reliable and secure. Where all the data entered will be stored in a single block chain, which guarantees their confidentiality and security.

At the same time, to resolve any disputes or claims within the Empire Hotels, the developers have provided a special Arbitration module, the main function of which will be to provide democratic and decentralized support to the injured parties. This module will allow you to quickly and fairly resolve the situation, as well as safely eliminate its consequences.

The details of the ICO
As I said earlier, the basis of everything will be an internal token, with which anyone can pay for their reservation, wherever he went. This marker has a very short name (EMPC), but a very deep meaning. First, with the help of a token, you can not only confirm your reservation within Empire Hotels, but also receive additional benefits from the developers for the fact that you just keep a certain amount of coins in your wallet for a long time. Secondly, the EMPC token can be easily converted into Fiat and other popular cryptocurrency currencies, which will naturally expand the interaction between all participants of the Empire Hotels system.

In total, 1350 million coins will be issued for the life of the platform. Of these, only 900 million will be allocated for sale, the rest will be distributed between the founding team and its advisors, and 250 million will remain in the reserve platform for its further scaling. The initial price for one EMPCwill be only $0,1 USD.

The distribution of funds after the ICO will be as follows:


Given the current situation in the hospitality industry, we can safely say that the solutions proposed by Empire Hotels are really reasonable and take place. Since in the world now there are really a number of the above problems due to the two major monopolists to provide classic hospitality services. Therefore, to solve all these problems, the world needs new, high-quality and alternative sources of interaction with each other. By means of which the tourist or traveler will be able to find not only a suitable housing option, but the owner of the hotel will be happy to be released from the existing shackles of monopolists.

Look at all the processes from the inside, will allow you to technical documentation of the project, which will reveal to you all the above points in more detail and with all the necessary justifications. That is why every time I recommend you to study the concepts of the projects described by me and further, as they are fraught with many more interesting things. All official resources of Empire Hotels are waiting for you below, and I have everything for today, good luck to all!

Official resources of the Empire Hotels project:

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

Selasa, 05 Maret 2019

With CATEX A New Breath ..

When we look at the point of the world as a result of technological developments, we see that different types of money are used to make payments. Especially in recent years, instead of using physical money, credit cards and new crypto coins are used. Crypto coins are digital exchange tools developed by the digital environment, produced by high performance computers and software professionals, which can be transferred and used without the need for central bank or other intermediary institutions. Crypto coins today are crypto exchanges where we can convert to other crypto coins or fiat currencies.

Crypto money exchanges are many trading platforms that bring us a lot of convenience, but also bring with them a number of problems. Since the day they were established, some negative news such as security breaches and stolen accounts have begun to be heard on crypto money exchanges. This negative situation, of course, increases in parallel with the increase in the number of users. However, in many stock exchanges, high commission fees, security weaknesses, useless menus, weak graphics, low transaction rates, problems with deposit and withdrawal transactions, irrelevant customer service, lack of contact with problem users, excessive density in the stock market and continuous maintenance Problems such as sites, users are the most common annoying conditions.

The Catex platform is a user-friendly trading platform that was established in August 2018 with the aim of eliminating all the problems and problems experienced by users. The Catex platform is one of the best examples of the crypto exchange exchanges in the block chain field.

90% of the crypto money exchanges are simple platforms with almost identical infrastructures, almost identical copies, which allow you to buy mostly bitcoins and some subcoins. The Catex platform is very different from its competitors in terms of both usage and operation. If we look at the characteristics of the Catex platform from the other exchanges in the market:

The Catex stock exchange has initiated a conversion that returns the commissions that were cut when users traded, with a certain percentage of bonuses, as a Catt coin. In this way, 80% of the commissions are distributed to the users who have Catt coins by their rate of transaction or by the rate of Catt coins they hold. 7 - 15 - 30 and 60 - day period Catt coin holding or lock to the Catex borsasının income from the revenue earned from the share and Catt coin bonus is given.

All important decisions on the Catex stock exchange are presented to the current user community and received based on the comments from them. Catex management will only be responsible for major operations related to the platform, marketing operations and some important managerial issues. As can be seen, the Catex platform differs from many crypto money exchanges, both in management, in earnings and in use.

One of the most important gain methods on the Catex stock exchange is the opportunity to earn money with mining activities. How is mining done and in what proportions? Mining earnings have certain criteria. The most important is the Mining rate. The mining ratio is a value defined by the platform to physically control the mining provision. It is the level of difficulty that is re-adjusted every day in order to maintain the gain stability of the mining companies, which are similar to the blocks we know from other mining coins. After logging in to your personal account on the Catex Stock Exchange, you can see your personal mine rate.

Finally, the Catex stock exchange lists 2 tokens per week, free of charge by users' vote. In many respects, Catex has differentiated its competitors and makes a difference in token listing.

When we look at the developer team of the Catex platform, we can say that the team consists of experienced people who can express themselves well. The people in this team have shown that their vision is broad and far-sighted. That is why they deserve praise.

For traders who want to trade on the Catex stock exchange or invest in Catt coins, Catt sales are currently available on the Catex stock exchange. You can easily register on the stock market and invest. Thanks to the different features it provides, we can say that many users will be interested in Catex stock exchange which will make their investment life easier and the future is very bright. But these views are my personal opinions and only connects me. I would ask you to act with your free will and not to consider the information given here as investment advice that will give you a definite gain.

For more detailed information about the platform, investing in the stock market, or in order to find out about the different features, please visit the official website at https://www.catex.io .

  • Details of Coin:
  • Coin Icon: CATT
  • Platform: ETH - ERC-20
  • BTC / CATT as traded
  • Coin Price: Currently, traded at 14 SAT.
  • The amount circulating is 2 billion CATT coins.

Also the Catex platform team continues to raise the current coin value, often burning the Catt coin and reducing the number of Catt coins available in the market.

Official Information Resources:

Stock Market official website: https://www.catex.io

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2019


  • Manufaktur Aditif
  • Manufaktur aditif, yang biasa disebut manufaktur 3D atau manufaktur aditif, menjadi semakin penting dalam industri. Khususnya dalam konstruksi prototipe, dalam komponen dengan tingkat individualisasi tinggi atau komponen dengan geometri yang rumit, metode produksi ini digunakan. Tetapi juga dalam produksi produk akhir, sejauh mana manufaktur aditif digunakan tumbuh.
  • Tantangan
  • Di pasar yang berkembang untuk pembuatan aditif, banyak ahli yang berbeda harus bekerja sama di masa depan untuk menyelesaikan tantangan konstruktif. Dan pertukaran data dari data cetak jadi antara desainer, produsen kontrak dan pengguna akan meningkat tajam dan dengan demikian pertanyaan tentang kepercayaan dan keamanan transaksi - di berbagai negara dan lintas batas negara.
  • Ide
  • Dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain, platform erecoin akan menyederhanakan dan mengamankan transfer data data terkait 3D. File dapat ditukar melalui transaksi yang aman dan terlindungi, menggunakan token erecoin. Smart Contracts melindungi semua pihak yang terlibat dalam proses pencetakan 3D dan membawa transparansi dan metode kompensasi yang dapat diskalakan ke dalam manufaktur aditif pasar megatrend.

Informasi Token
Simbol: ERE
ERC 20

Penggunaan Dana
HUKUM - 5%

Distribusi Token

Q1 / 2018 - DITEMUKAN
pendirian dan pembentukan perusahaan
Q2 / 2018 - IDEA!
Gagasan tentang platform untuk pembuatan bahan tambahan, riset pasar, dan definisi proyek.
Persiapan ICO + awal pengembangan awal
Pivate Sale dan penyesuaian terakhir sebelum memulai.
ICO Pra & Utama
Q2 / 2019-Q1 / 2020 - CREATION
Pengembangan erecoin Plattform untuk pembuatan bahan tambahan
Q2 / 2020 - OPTIMASI
menguji dan mengoptimalkan platform
Q3 / 2020 - MULAI!
meluncurkan platform erecoin untuk pembuatan aditif

Konstantin Steinmüller - Pendiri & CEO
Jürgen Kleinfelder - Co Founder & CIO
Frank Jablonski - Manajer PR
Maria-Sofie Heitauer - Administrasi Bisnis dan Pemasaran

Tobias Müller
Nilai kayu artur
Georg Schlick, Dr.-Ing.
Ulrich Jahnke, Dipl.-Ing.
Matthias Habdank, M.Sc.

Informasi lebih lengkap
Penulis : 

- Nama profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim
- Alamat dompet ETH : 0x57162Fe45De6c93B20478e63a878A3FfF9658E29

Pers tentang kami: SAITERM: Pemanasan-efisiensi energi yang luar biasa

Berkat pengalaman lebih dari tiga puluh tahun dan kreativitas staf teknis kami, sejak awal kami telah mampu mendominasi sebagai pemimpin dalam teknologi di sektor pemanas interior dan juga dalam beberapa aplikasi industri, khususnya, untuk finishing dan pengeringan siklus kulit, dengan hasil yang sangat efisien dan inovatif. Ini dimungkinkan berkat koeksistensi yang harmonis dan produktif dari pola pikir dan pengalaman yang sama sekali berbeda.

Berbeda, namun dengan banyak kesamaan, seperti visi untuk masa depan, dan keinginan untuk menghadapi dan mengatasi tantangan yang mungkin ada, dan kadang-kadang, bahkan mengantisipasi mereka, seperti dalam kasus Spring dan Radiant, yang utama kami saat ini teknologi. Keahlian tim kami di sektor-sektor tertentu, serta energi mereka dan kemampuan untuk berinovasi, memungkinkan kami untuk kebutuhan yang sangat berbeda dengan cara terbaik.

Sebenarnya, ide-ide yang berlaku selama fase pengembangan produk pemanas kami adalah milik mereka yang paling peduli tentang kenyamanan hidup, efisiensi energi dan desain.

Dengan tujuan untuk berkontribusi pada kesejahteraan, ini ditingkatkan agar sesuai dengan lingkungannya dan efisiensi. Ketika produk untuk sektor industri dikembangkan, gagasan yang berlaku di Saiterm adalah sensitif terhadap pekerjaan, produktivitas, margin keuntungan, dan keselamatan karyawan, sementara juga berfokus pada kesederhanaan dan kenyamanan bagi pengguna.

Apa itu Saiterm?
Saiterm akan dimasukkan untuk memproduksi dan mendistribusikan sistem pemanas. Pengembangan sistem ini, yang akan diproduksi oleh Saiterm, disebut SPRING, menawarkan turunan yang mengeksploitasi teknologi keuangan dan industri yang mutakhir, untuk menghasilkan dan mendistribusikan produk yang sangat dicari, sebagaimana mutlak diperlukan dan yang merespons global di masa depan. kebutuhan dalam hal efisiensi energi dan kesejahteraan bagi manusia.

Tujuan kita:

Contoh Tujuan Tujuan utama Saiterm adalah berkontribusi pada kesejahteraan, ditingkatkan agar sesuai dengan lingkungan dan inefisiensi.

Kami bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk-produk teknologi mutakhir, yang dirancang untuk mengurangi konsumsi energi dan emisi.

Mengapa kami memilih blockchain?
Melalui platform blockchain, kami akan menggunakan teknologi pemanas infra merah untuk memungkinkan konsumen mengurangi konsumsi energi dan emisi karbon dari penggunaan industri dan domestik.

Proses produksi akan sepenuhnya otomatis untuk menjamin distribusi 20.000 lembar awal, untuk membawa kami melewati 5 tahun berikutnya, setidaknya 800.000 lembar per tahun. Ini hanya untuk mengatasi sebagian permintaan global untuk sistem pemanas yang efisien. Cukuplah untuk mengatakan bahwa sudah apartemen 90 meter persegi, yang terdiri dari 5 kamar, perlu menginstal setidaknya 5 unit Musim Semi Saiterm. 

Mempertimbangkan keuntungan ekonomis dari pembelian, serta penghematan yang sangat tinggi yang diperoleh dengan pengurangan konsumsi energi, kita dapat mempertimbangkan 800.000 panel per tahun sebagai perkiraan yang benar-benar konservatif dan terbatas. Bahkan, dengan 800.000 panel dibagi dengan 5 kamar, hanya 160.000 apartemen di dunia yang dapat diatur. Investasi langsung dalam proyek ini akan dilakukan dengan membeli opsi Saiterm Spring, dan ini akan menjamin independensi inisiatif dari perusahaan multinasional di sektor ini, perusahaan besar dan bank. Instrumen keuangan yang digunakan untuk meluncurkan adalah Koin Saiex di Ethereum Blockchain.

Dengan blockchain, kami percaya untuk memperoleh lebih banyak transparansi, keterlacakan yang lebih besar, peningkatan efisiensi dan kecepatan, serta pengurangan biaya, dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi tagihan listrik.


Saiterm Token (SAIEX) adalah token utilitas yang mengatur akses ke berbagai layanan yang tersedia di platform Saiterm. SAIEX kompatibel dengan standar ERC20, dan ada pembaruan terus-menerus pada kontrak pintar untuk memastikan harga tetap (1 SAIEX = 1 USD).

Token SAIEX akan diperdagangkan di Bursa dan karena sektor kami terus berkembang, dan diharapkan akan terus tumbuh dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, kami memperkirakan nilainya akan meningkat seiring waktu. Akan sangat mudah untuk membayar produk kami menggunakan Token SAIEX. Ini akan membuat Token SAIEX menjadi mata uang populer di semua pasar di seluruh dunia. Selain itu, jika Perusahaan memenuhi syarat untuk IPO, dimungkinkan untuk menukar Token SAIEX dengan saham Perusahaan.


Pemilik rumah akan segera dapat memotong tagihan listrik mereka menggunakan teknologi pemanasan inframerah terobosan oleh Saiterm. Berbasis di Amsterdam, perusahaan teknologi kami merancang produk pemanas dengan tujuan jangka panjang untuk mengurangi konsumsi energi domestik dan emisi karbon.

Informasi Akurat


Nama profil BTT : Galih_Alkaim

Alamat Dompet ETH:0x57162Fe45De6c93B20478e63a878A3FfF9658E29


Investments in BLOCKCHAIN technology have taken series of dimension in which this latest technology has proven to be positive in majority of the sectors where applied. Today I will share with you all another way in which you can easily invest in BLOCKCHAIN technology which is simply through FABA project. FABA is another unique project which is based on the adoption and the use of BLOCKCHAIN technology in the area like BIO-TECHNOLOGY, FOOD-TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION, AI and lots more.

The main aims and objective of FABA project is to give supports to companies and industries that have a very good impact on the useful area of human life. Some of the companies FABA give support to is HOOBA FOOD company which specializes in the use of oyster mushroom for meat substances, another companies with full support of FABA project is known as MY FATHER’S HAIR which specializes in the production of natural cosmetics for the development and growth of human hair. REACTOR GEN-4 is another company which FABA project is giving support through the implementation and adoption of blockchain technology in the industry. REACTOR GEN-4 specializes in the use of renewable resources for the production of HYDROGEN.

Another company which FABA project is giving full support to through the adoption and use of blockchain technology is known as “FOR LONG LIFE”. “FOR LONG LIFE” is another company which specializes in the area of ecology, health, human quality and lifestyle. Introduction of blockchain technology will further improve the standard of the company in the area of health and the other areas.

CARGOCOIN is another project under FABA which has adopted the use of blockchain technology simply by using smart contract in place of the manual paper documentation. With the use of smart contract, the workdone will be faster, easier, transparent, and there will also be eradication of third party services in every transaction conducted.

FABA aims to give support to all projects under it in several ways which include both provision of well experienced Team and likewise provision of Financial assistance to the projects. Financial support given to the projects by FABA will help in the development of the projects under it. FABA will do everything in its capacity to ensure there is full implementation of blockchain technology in the industries supported by FABA
FABA has chosen to assist and ensure there in full integration and implementation of blockchain technology in the HARDWARE, ROBOTICS, MEDICINE, ECOSYSTEM, INVENTION and INNOVATION
In order for FABA to ensure and achieve its aims and objectives, it has partnered with well known crypto-currency industries and platform with full experience in the area needed by FABA project. Partners include; CCT CONSULTING, ICE, DEVONSHIRE WARWICK CAPITAL LLP, LATOKEN EXCHANGE. FABA has also opened a cooperation process to give support to new projects through the implementation and adoption of blockchain technology. All that is needed for a successful cooperation process is just to fill the registration form, all the necessary information about the projects that need cooperation must be included. After filling the form, the application will be review by FABA in which successful projects will be contacted with full details and steps on the cooperation. The importance of FABA cooperation is to assist project with funds if needed and lots more supports.

In FABA’s quest to assist the supported project, it has launched a mobile app in which users will be able to monitor the development and activities of supported project under FABA platform. With the app, users will be able to vote for right project to be supported by FABA. The app will also allow users to check the latest information and news about all FABA’s project
FABA has also introduced profit sharing for members and holders of FABA token based on the quantity of token held.

  • 1st ROUND =>Token Price = $1
  • 2nd ROUND => Token Price = $1.3
  • Token Supply => 160,000,000 FABA
  • Token For Pre-ICO and ICO => 80,000,000 FABA
  • ICO Soft-cap => $4,000,000
  • ICO Hard-cap => $67,500,000


  • 79,500,000 Allocated for Token Sale (ICO)
  • 500,000 Allocated for PRE-ICO
  • 76,800,000 Allocated to Company
  • 3,200,000 Allocated to Team




Username Profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim


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