Sabtu, 23 Maret 2019


Money is very important in our daily living and that explains the reason for the various ways money could be used or represented. Nowadays, money can be spent from credit cards and even as of this moment, cryptocoins are being introduced and is already gaining prominence as it were. This new style of spending and acquisition of wealth makes it more if easy to access and spend without having to rely on the long process it will take when one uses the traditional banking system. The fact that there are interfering intermediaries in the old money use system make it so unacceptable and now there is need to focus on the cryptocoins because non of this affects it. But the issue at hand now is the difficulty in the stress users have to undergo before trading or changing one coin to another. Many of the present exchanges even charges high commission which is not so accepted by the users of the cryptocurencies. Protection has also been absent in them and that has encouraged illicit activities of hackers at the detriment of users. However, here comes Catex, a provisional substitute for all the default exchanges. It plans to improve the activities of trading in the block chain.


Standing as an unreplicable brand, it foresees a bright future for cryptocoins and has proposed to take users on a perfect voyage into it. It has been a normal that almost all other existing figures on the ledger tech are just like a replica of already existing ones, not really having any uniqueness but contributing to the existing problems. But this project on the other hand comes up as one that has never been created or tasted before. It has its characteristics to display and adjust the market conditions and how it affects Investors during their trades. As a cryptocurency stock exchange, it has so much in stock for Investors and how tokens will be traded in all volumes in the most secure environment.


With the increase in the commissions other platforms charge during transactlons, users are not being enabled or encouraged to do more and so it limits their scope in the system. However, Catex plans to make things easy by making a larger fraction of their generated commissions from users transactlons given back to them as incentives. This means that the platform has no aim of explanating users but rather having users to explore and exploit the entire activities and Catex system. The bonus will be given in the CATT token to as many as those who are the token holders and this will be done so frequently.
In the catex network, users take part in decision making and that can be done through the airing of their opinions and what they think can be done to achieve progress. Catex has all the secondary duties managed by the users while it duly handles other primary tasks in the ecosystem.

Mining as one of the important processes in the blockbuster system is not taken trivially by this project. It makes users able to gain from mining and make them know all what should be known about the process. Seeing the need for mining rate also, it defines users' mining rates and make necessary provisions for the process and make sure the gains from it is sustainable to a large extent. It makes provisions also for other companies that mines from its ecosystem and make sure user's mine rate is visible to them as they log into their individual accounts.
Very importantly, the stock of this platform makes token listing done and it has two of its tokens used depending on the vote casted in that regard. It developers are able to work well and present the most useful tools for users to use while they keep the vision of the ecosystem. Users will be able to use wallet with distinct features to manage their assets and also perform other transactlons via it with all simplicity and safety.

In order to allow the proper functioning of users in the system there is an ERC20 token which allows them the freedom in the system. It is the CATT token with so much tied benefits tied to it. This Catex token has so much volume if it issued at first of which some of its mass we're burned off to leave just a few millions for it to be worthwhile for users to relate and have many advantages with.

Conclusively, this platform has in its possession all what it takes to bring the best in exchange for all traders, Investors and all others. It has the provision of security and is laced with the infrastructures that is capable of making the Exchange operations safe and done smoothly without the intervention of third parties.

For more insight on this amazing project, click the links below.

Username profile Btt : Galih_Alkarim

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