Senin, 17 Februari 2020

HTML5 Blockchain Gaming Alliance


Cartesi is a decentralized and scalable Linux infrastructure that solves the problems of computational scalability and development infrastructure for the decentralized web. With Cartesi, Blockchain applications can be coded with the vast domain of mainstream software stacks available today. Applications run off-chain, with the strong security guarantees of the blockchain, but free from its computation limits and high costs.

Public blockchains are mechanisms through which networks can maintain decentralized consensus over a shared state. Typically, this state holds, among other data, a payment system. The stake held by participants in the resulting economy works as their incentive for making the state widely available to others and for rejecting invalid transactions. In this virtuous cycle, the payment system is built on top of the decentralized consensus, which only functions due to incentives created by the payment system itself.

Both the payment system and the consensus can then be used for other purposes. As new applications for blockchain technology are envisioned, the demands on the underlying infrastructure are constantly increasing. At the moment, the two major obstacles to widespread adoption of blockchain technology are its poor scalability and lack of a solid development environment. The main contribution of Cartesi to the blockchain ecosystem is overcoming both these issues.

Egretia is the world’s leading HTML5 blockchain game ecosystem, aiming at bringing the existing 250,000 developers and 1 billion mobile devices to the blockchain world.By integrating blockchain technology with their established tools and HTML5, Egretia has successfully released the world’s first complete blockchain game development workflow.By using Egretia blockchain game development workflow, developers are able to create blockchain games and applications very easily and efficiently, without struggling to understand the complex underlying technology, meanwhile, making virtual assets flow freely among games.

The Egretia ecosystem also involves a Game Distribution Platform, Crowdfunding Platform, Game Cryptocurrency Exchange and Incubator. Egretia will provide comprehensive blockchain solutions & services for players, content providers, distribution channels and advertisers, facilitating a robust game ecosystem in which tokens truly circulate.The HTML5 Blockchain Gaming Alliance is sponsored by the multi-acknowledged cutting-edge technology companies and gaming media organizations, which is committed to enhancing the communication among the blockchain developers around the world, exploring real application landing scenarios in the gaming industry, facilitating the development and integration of excellent blockchain enterprises with projects, and coordinately forging a win-win ecosystem for blockchain applications.

How Cartesi is Getting Involved

Through alliances such as this and the release of our upcoming tower defense DApp, we would like to showcase what can be done with Cartesi so that all members developing new DApps can benefit.Cartesi bridges the gap between blockchains (starting with Ethereum) and full-fledged operational systems, not only increasing the scalability of computation but also allowing veteran de

velopers to start using their everyday normal software stacks to create a much wider array of DApps.

How Cartesi Works

Cartesi operates based on the entirely pragmatic principle that achieving full consensus over every computation within all applications is at odds with achieving true scalability. Therefore, it’s a layer 2 solution that enables intensive computations to take place off-chain, in Cartesi nodes. These nodes are general, self-contained Linux systems, running on a deterministic RISC-V architecture.Smart contracts from any blockchain can request off-chain computations to be performed on off-chain data by a Cartesi node.

Because the computations are happening off-chain, this enables Cartesi nodes to run vastly more complex dApps than existing blockchains can manage. Developers can request that the nodes submit the results of the off-chain computations, or dispute the results provided by others.If there is a dispute over a particular computation, it can be put through the main chain as required. However, undisputed transactions put virtually no load onto the blockchain network whatsoever, which vastly enhances scalability. It means decentralized applications can operate at the same speed and with the same storage capabilities as their decentralized counterparts.

Scaling Blockchain Development With Linux

By using Linux as a bridge between blockchain and the real world, Cartesi is bringing exponentially more benefits than pure scalability. Whereas currently, dApp developers have to learn new programming languages, with Linux they can use the languages, tools, libraries, software, and services they already know.Most programmers come across Linux at some point, meaning that Cartesi is opening up blockchain development to a vast, global pool of programming talent.

The company will implement an SDK to help accelerate adoption by developers.Furthermore, Linux is one of the most used operating systems in the world. Not in its desktop form, where it still falls far behind Windows and MacOS. However, Android surpassed Windows as the operating system with the most users all the way back in 2017. Now, developers everywhere will be able to build complex dApps for Android phones, bringing all the benefits of blockchain to a global audience of around 2.5 billion users.

Thinking Outside the Box

The project was founded by Augusto Teixeira, who is now the Chief Scientific Officer. Teixeira is an expert in probability and graph theory, along with game theory. He was introduced to the blockchain space by his colleague Sergei Popov, who is one of the co-founders of IOTA and now also serves as an adviser to Cartesi.

Teixeira started the project as a decentralized data science and machine learning marketplace. Having decided he needed a deterministic off-chain compute infrastructure, he engaged Diego Nehab. Now CTO, Nehab has extensive expertise in visual computation and massive parallelism.

After a change of direction in 2018, the company set the vision of building Cartesi into a decentralized Linux infrastructure for scalable blockchain applications. Since publishing the white paper, the team has developed working prototypes for reproducibility and verifiability of computation.

Before the end of the year, the first dApp will launch. In 2020, we can expect to see the SDK and mining launch on the testnet.Although the scalability challenge is a critical one, perhaps the focus has been excessive, in that it’s created a blinkered approach to the other barriers to blockchain adoption.

With blockchain struggling to build a developer pipeline, we need more projects that are addressing these big-picture challenges. By using Linux as a bridge to the real world, perhaps blockchain-based dApps now have a real opportunity to reach the mainstream.

Cartesi Machines in the blockchain

Recall that Cartesi is a platform for the development of decentralized applications. Cartesi DApps enable parties that do not trust each other to enter into a binding contract in the blockchain that depends on the results of off-chain computations. It is convenient to use the characters Alice and Bob to represent these parties.

Note that Alice and Bob are roles, not people. They may even represent competing collective interests. In fact, both roles will be played automatically by Cartesi Nodes that defend the interests of whomever controls the off-chain computer where the node runs. Cartesi DApps are therefore a collaboration between a set of smart contracts running in the blockchain, and the off-chain software running on Alice’s and Bob’s nodes.

As a general rule, the same DApp developer is responsible for the smart contracts and the Dapp specific off-chain software. The role of DApp developer will be played by Charlie. Alice and Bob trust Charlie, other wise they would not engage with his DApp. Charlie, however, trusts neither Alice nor Bob. Naturally, Alice and Bob do not trust each other either.

How Cartesi Can Help Change the World
Logistics & Optimization
Ticker: CTSI
Token type: OWN WALLET
Total Tokens: 1,000,000,000
Available for Token Sale: 30%



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Username Profile : Galih_Al karim

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