Selasa, 20 Februari 2018


eCOINOMIC- Fiat money transactions, virtual card issuance supported by crypto

in this article I will explain a little about the ecoinomic project and how it affects investors, eCoinomic is a financial services platform based on crypto assets. where the ecoinomic It provides users with the completeness of its functions include: loans, exchanges, transfers, financial management and integrated with online payment services and systems.
here is a more detailed explanation of the function:
  • Secured and unsecured loans are based on money and fiat cryptocurrency
  • Long-term and short-term investments in money and cryptocurrency fiat
  • Exchange rate risk hedging mechanism for crypto assets
  • Financial transactions, exchanges, collateral management
  • Payment of goods and services in online digital currency
  • trading platforms like eBay and Amazon
  • Fiat money transactions, virtual card issuance supported by crypto assets

then process About eCoinomic token

    The eCoinomic Token (CNC) is a token utility of ERC20, based on the Ethereal blockchain. The purpose of the CNC token is to pay the service charge on the eCoinomic digital platform. To assess the ability of the platform, you must undergo a simple process
registration process. Furthermore, in your newly created personal account, you must
add a CNC token to your balance to gain access to the selected service.

then process About eCoinomic token

    The eCoinomic Token (CNC) is a token utility of ERC20, based on the Ethereal blockchain. The purpose of the CNC token is to pay the service charge on the eCoinomic digital platform. To assess the ability of the platform, you must undergo a simple process
registration process. Furthermore, in your newly created personal account, you must
add a CNC token to your balance to gain access to the selected service.

how to Balance your personal account can be refilled there are two ways to do this:

     first by transferring CNC Marks previously purchased at ICO and on the crypto market or by purchasing a CNC token at a fixed price on the eCoinomic platform. This is not the Price market, this is the token cost in the system. The CNC token price on the platform is established on an economic basis feasibility and includes all costs associated with maintaining the integrity of the development and promotion project. In the first phase of launch, the CNC token price will be $ 1. Each service on the platform has its own service charge in the token. For example for a loan amount of $ 10 000 a service fee would be 60 CNC tokens, service charges for other services would be 30 CNC marks.

The various services and growing popularity of the project will ensure a constant demand for their tokens and turnover on the platform.

below is an ecoinomic token illustration

how For crypto owners who buy cryptocurrency as an average and long-term investment, investors expect a high growth rate, among which the crypto asset receives as payment for goods and services (eg miners); startups and funds that require short-term fiat credit. For private sector Investors who allocate monetary resources to the purpose of generating income; which makes institutional investors interested in high profitability and low-risk instruments. Time to hedge against exchange rate risk and take full advantage of potential crypto assets for business expansion. you can follow the site where you will be asked your name, email, message then send your message to get more information how For crypto owners who buy cryptocurrency as an average and long-term investment, investors expect a high growth rate, among which the crypto asset receives as payment for goods and services (eg miners); startups and funds that require short-term fiat credit.

For private sector Investors who allocate monetary resources to the purpose of generating income; which makes institutional investors interested in high profitability and low-risk instruments. Time to hedge against exchange rate risk and take full advantage of potential crypto assets for business expansion. you can follow the site where you will be asked your name, email, message then send your message to get more information

eCoinomic Pre-Sale / ICO Bounty Program

    In February eCoinomic has started Pre-Sale and invited you to join an existing Bounty Program. Of the number of tokens available for Pre-Sale and ICO, eCoinomic stores 1% of all token emissions for gift campaign followers. eCoinomic will also reward Bounty's most proactive participants with token bonuses. ICO is very valuable to eCoinomic.All bonuses will be paid on eCoinomic tokens after the end of ICO. please follow the bounty of the eCoinomic program available here

Username profile BTT:Galih_al karim

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