Jumat, 23 November 2018

ELISIA menginginkan agar blockchain menghasilkan solusi terhadap proyek baru maupun proyek yang sudah ada

Terkadang sebuah pasar tidak menghiraukan tentang kompetetif terhadap produk / layanan serta blockchain. sehingga membuat tidak adanya persaingan terhadap peningkatan antara blockchain, hal ini akan membuat semua proyek yang ada ataupun proyek yang baru akan merasakan kejenuhan yang sangat luar biasa.

Tapi ELISIA datang dengan membawa keberkahan terhadap proyek baru ataupun proyek yang sudah ada untuk menciptakan pasar yang kompetitif untuk produk / layanan serta blockchain tanpa terkecuali. Akan ada persaingan yang akan terus meningkat, hal ini karena ELISIA menginginkan agar blockchain menghasilkan solusi terhadap proyek baru maupun proyek yang sudah ada.

Apa ELISIA Itu ?

Elisa adalah sebuah nama yang akan mempercepat transaksi super cepat! mereka mengklaim bahwa kecepatan transaksi yang mereka gunakan akan sama seperti kecepatan kilat ! dengan kecepatan yang mereka temukan ini tidak akan memerlukan biaya apapun untuk menerima ataupun mengirim.
Apakah Elisa ini memiliki aplikasi Terdesentralisasi ???
Ya!!! ELISAI memiliki aplikasi Terdesentralisasi, terdapat tombol unik dalam aplikasi tersebut untuk menjalankan fitur pengiriman/penerimaan GRATIS. Aplikasi yang akan di sebarluaskan pada jaringan Elisia ini akan memberikan kenyaman serta keamanan yang sangat bagus " GRATIS KIRIM, GRATIS MENERIMA SERTA MENDAPATKAN KECEPATAN SEPERTI KILAT "
2008 Satoshi Nakamoto mengeluarkan bitcoin dengan teknologi yang bernama blockchainnya dan Elisia memanfaatkan blockchain agar bisa menjadikan teknologi ini semakin menarik.

Memang saat ini sangat banyak platform yang menyediakan kecepatan dalam bertransaksi sangat tinggi namun mereka memanfaatkan fitur kecepatan transaksi ini dengan cara harus membayar biaya pengiriman ! kalian butuh transaksi cepat tapi gratis ? Elisia pilihan yang sangat tepat!

Tidak ada biaya apapun dalam menggunakan platform ini !!! tidak seperti proyek yang lainnya yang hanya mengandalkan transaksi cepat namun tetap saja mereka akan mendapatkan penghasilan dari fitur transaksi tersebut ! Elisia 100% gratis tidak akan di pungut biaya apapun dalam melaksanakan transaksi cepat seperti kilat!

Kalian tidak perlu memiliki ilmu yang sangat tinggi untuk membuat DAPPS, kalian bisa membuat DAPPS ini hanya dengan ilmu yang kalian miliki!

Masalah - Masalah Yang Akan Di Hadapi

Setiap teknologi apapun dan secanggih apapun akan mendapatkan masalah yang akan terjadi dalam menjalankan poyeknya . Berikut ini adalah masalah yang akan di hadapi oleh setiap blockchain, ada dua masalah yang di temukan oleh tim ELISIA terhadap teknologi blockchain yang di kembangkan .
Bermasalah Pada Interaksi Blockchain Lainnya.

Di lihat dari data CoinMarketcap terdapat 2000+ coin dan token yang pada dasarnya mereka berbeda. Dalam keberbedaan inilah masalah timbul karena mereka tidak bisa berinteraksi terhadap blockchain yang lainnya ( mengurus platformnya sendiri ) hal ini mereka tidak akan mampu juga untuk berpindah dari blockchain A ke blockchain B, jika mereka memaksakan untuk migrasi maka akan sangat bagus dan akan bernama sidechain yang memiliki fungsi yang sangat penuh.
Penerapa Yang Sangat Luas.

Saat ini memang sangat banyak platform yang memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain, contohnya adalah platform steemit yang telah berjalan sejak lama dan mereka juga akan menghadapi kesuksesan dari platform sosial media mereka namun platfom ini tidak mengizinkan migrasi aplikasi dari satu blockchain ke platform yang lain menggunakan satu kali klik.

Untuk mengetahui informasi Masalah nomer 1 dan dua ini klik link berikut ini.


Elisia Terjamin dari ancaman komputasi quantum karena elisia menggunakan DPOS,
Namun elisia juga tidak menjamin atas ancaman komputasi untuk melindungi rantai utama Elisia. Adanya rantai sampai memiliki sedikit kemungkinan untuk merusak rantai utama.
Tapi jaringan Sidechain ini mengadopsi protokol seperti.
Proof OfStake
Proof Of Work


Kalian hanya menggunakan dua bentuk identifikasi.
Agar Elisa mengenali wajah semua investor maka elisa membutuhkan Foto anda.
Semua data harus benar dan harus sama ( nama serta alamat konfirmasi )


Saya pikir hanya sampai di sini untuk penjelasan proyek Elisia.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan klik tautan di bawah ini:

Username pfofile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Kamis, 22 November 2018

Esports Ecosystem - Gamers' passion is originally simple to conquer the vastness of virtual space online games, strategies or shooters

The once simple passion of gamers to conquer the vastness of the virtual space of online games, strategies or shooters, is now highlighted in a very popular area - eSports. Tournaments that were previously held within the walls of small gambling halls turned into global competitions that are not inferior in scale to classic sports, virtual competitions themselves became the official sport. Cybersport has millions of fans who are organized into teams and compete in their skills.
The gaming industry due to the excitement and dedication of its users is an excellent engine of progress. Due to the huge demand for all new games and the thirst of users to conquer another part of their favorite shooters, manufacturers are constantly engaged in the development and improvement of computer games. This in turn led to increased demands on computer performance and encouraged gamers to periodically upgrade their machines. Of course, all this spawned the demand for more modern components and to some extent moved the industry.

Thus, gaming in its modern look is quite a powerful movement, in which huge finances rotate. The phenomenon of the world blockchain and smart contracts, of course, could not bypass and eSports. And in my opinion, the introduction of these technologies in the industry is a very good solution.

Esports ecosystem proposes to introduce into circulation a single cryptocurrency for gamers from all over the world, as well as to sponsor players and tournaments by further increasing the prize pools. This measure will allow gamers to have a single cryptocurrency for eSports and earn even more.

In order to make a profit from gaming, it is no longer necessary to be a cyber sportsman, you only need to have Esports ecosystem - ESE platform tokens in your wallet. For the storage of ESE you will receive additional tokens, which can be a good passive income.

In the near future, you will have a good opportunity to purchase ESE tokens at the most favorable price at the early stage of the project's inception. Esports ecosystem offers for sale ESE, in order to attract investment in the implementation of the platform.

ESE pre-sale

15.09.-30.09.2018, the cost of 1ESE = $ 0.0019 Hard Cup for Pre Sale is $ 2,413,000
ESE main sale

10.10-31.10.2018 cost of 1ESE = $ 0.0039 Hard Cup for Pre Sale is $ 19,734,000
Overall Hard Cup is $ 22,147,000

Minimum purchase 0.1ETH or 500ACT

Current partners Esports ecosystem

Canada Cup - service for the organization of tournaments in eSports.

Evo is a world tournament in the most popular combat games.

The Achain Foundation is a global blockchain platform allowing users to create smart contracts and decentralized applications.

The project team consists of major specialists including experienced gamers, developers of decentralized solutions, experts in the field of encryption, experts in the field of finance and design. As well as authoritative individuals who have good contacts in third-party reputable organizations.

Summing up the intermediate result, we can conclude that at the stage of the emergence of the cryptoindustry it is very important to occupy a niche first to start developing in it, which is what the Esports ecosystem is currently doing. The project has all the chances and potential of properly implementing the idea of ​​becoming an internationally recognized service for eSports, and the ESE token securely entrenched in this niche will become a very liquid asset in the cryptocurrency market.

Web SiteWhite Paper
🔷 Twitter 🔷 Reddit 🔷 Bitcointalk 🔷 YouTube 🔷 Telegram🔷

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Neironix is the first independent international rating agency that evaluates investment risks in the Blockchain economy

Neironix is the first independent international rating agency that evaluates investment risks in the Blockchain economy, where projects are evaluated automatically based on the results of a mathematical calculation, neural networks and multidimensional analysis of a large amount of data. As a global aggregator of financial analytics for cryptocurrency markets, it allows accumulation and classification of the aggregate information into risk factors, which are interpreted for the subsequent use of scoring for ICO and blockchain projects.

The methodology of the Neironix rating is based on the principles of the international management standard
risks ISO31000: 2018 (E) and applies similar approaches to risk assessment for professional investors and institutional funds from the classical economy. On
Today ISO31000: 2018 (E) is adapted in 88 countries with the highest GDP and is a guide to risk management, including the provision of options for impact on risk at different stages of its impact.
  • Token: Neironix
  • Symbol: NRX
  • Price: 1NRC= $0.5
  • Soft cap: $1.000.000
  • Hard cap: $31.000.000
  • Currencies: ETH, BTC
  • Total supply: 140.000.000 NRC
The advantage makes Neironix stand out.

Historical record
Information transparency
Neironix as end product
Team uniqueness
Neironix develops standards of cryptocurrency market
Time advance
Online data analysis
Online tracking

Neironix Roadmap:



Username profile Btt :Galih_alkarim

Senin, 12 November 2018

MUZIKA - Change the Music World via Blockchain

About Muzika Network
Previous music blockchain projects have overlooked the importance of a large userbase to achieve widescale adoption. These projects have demonstrated that it is possible to give a higher commission rate to artists for their work using Smart Contract transactions. However, for artists, the low commission rate offered from traditional music streaming apps that had huge userbases were more attractive than blockchain apps using Smart Contract transactions. Case in point, a 10% commission of $1,000 from iTunes was preferable to 90% commission of $1 from a Smart Contract transaction.

Muzika aims to provide musicians the best of both worlds: a higher commission rate for their creative content and a strong userbase. Muzika has developed a strong system for incentivizing fans to contribute to the Muzika ecosystem. These incentives will build the userbase necessary for Muzika to provide both higher commissions to artists along with the mass userbase of traditional music streaming sites. The network effect from a mass userbase will be the key to developing an autonomous, self-sustaining ecosystem. In other words, Muzika can provide musicians with 90% of $1,000.

Muzika has already made significant achievements towards the development of sustainable solution to inefficiencies in the digital music industry. In 2015, co-founders of Muzika saw an opportunity in the online instrumental music industry and started online instrumental music platform Mapiacompany. In just over 3 years, Mapiacompany has become the #1 global instrumental music platform with over 2 million users. Muzika will build upon this existing userbase and community.

We will reform how value is created and captured by various players within the industry. We will return rewards to those who create the value, from those who merely transfer the value, while recovering the share lost from digital piracy through blockchain technology. Muzika will create an autonomous, self-sustaining ecosystem driven by artists and their fans in tandem, where compensations and rewards will become proportional to the level of devotion put into musical creations and ecosystem behind them.

Smart contract will allow digital musical products to be transferred directly from artists to fans, ensuring fairer and more transparent economic distribution.
Fans will be rewarded with loyalty points for their various community activities, which will be regularly converted into MZK coins - the sole medium of exchange for all economic activities in the ecosystem.
Fans will have opportunities to make direct sponsorship to their favorite artists, supporting them and receiving exclusive benefits in return.

October, 2018
November, 2018




Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Jumat, 09 November 2018


Hello dear friends! We will talk about the AIVON project.
AIVON is a decentralized blockchain platform and protocol built on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) network and a community of human experts working together to generate normalized and enhanced metadata for video content https://aivon.io/

Specialized AI algorithms will be deployed on mining nodes, so that miners’ CPU and GPU resources can be used to scan media files, generate the enhanced metadata including time-coded tags, classification, categories, transcripts and translations, and an index of the video objects.
AIVON platform will use AI to define a confidence score for each of several content safety attributes, such as: nudity, adult, offensive language, hate speech, violence, guns, alcohol etc.  These confidence scores will be combined into a vector called a ContentGraphTM which can be visualized as a bar graph.
AIVON uses a network of freelancers with skills in tagging, metadata management, transcribing and translation. AIVON will empower its community with tools which enable individuals to review, verify and correct the AI-derived metadata, including the categorizations, transcriptions and translations.

Visit the link below for more information on AIVON

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

BitCoin-One is developing its own chain of blocks to guarantee faster transactions

Blockchain is one of the most amazing innovations in our life and we are still in the initial phase. We believe in and trust in Blockchain and in what it can contribute to the 3,000 million people without bank accounts in the world.

The cryptocurrency can play an important role in the lives of the 3 billion unbanked people in Africa and Asia without a bank account, simply because they are not rich enough. We believe that cryptocurrency is your way out of poverty and we have the mission to help these people with a general plan that involves BitCoin-One and our own developed chain of blocks.

BitCoin-One is developing its own chain of blocks to guarantee transactions even faster than those of the Ethereum network, ensuring an almost instantaneous transfer of funds. Further, we want a more secure and stable alternative to the belt, we plan to have lunch in the fourth quarter of 2018.

This new chain of blocks will become a stake test and will admit BitCoin One and will be part of this ecosystem. We need an electronic payment based on cryptographic tests instead of trust, which allows two interested parties to conduct transactions directly between them without the need of a trusted third party. We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value.

With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet. We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value. With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet.

We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value. With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet. The race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet.

We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value.

With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet.

The race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet. We do not need banks or governments to control our money and decide its value.

With cryptocurrency, anyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, race or religion have the financial freedom to set up a free wallet without identity verification and transfer any amount to anyone on the planet.

Bitcoin One is a cryotocurrency and a decentralized project, and we would love to see people and businesses around the world adopt what our project could do to help them, especially by taking control of their own funds. In addition, BitCoin One is a decentralized currency that serves as a global payment system. Companies, individuals and business partners can send and receive funds using the BitCoin One digital currency.

BitCoin One wants to make a difference and that is what this project and mission is all about. Our goal is to make a difference for all people who do not have a bank account.

We have 10 million cards in circulation, out of a total of 21 million. We have allocated tokens for investment and development, in this way the demand and the underlying value of the tokens will be high due to the limited amount in the market. These actions will turn it into a stable and safe currency to invest.

Amount of card in circulation: 10,000,000
Development / Operations / Reverse: 8,900,000
Market / Reward: 2,100,000

BitCoin One symbol: BTCONE
Decimals: 18
Type: ERC20
Total supply: 21,000,000
Circulating supply : 10,000,000

In 2018 we are going to have an APLICATION lunch that will support our payment solution, so that everyone can use and pay with BitCoin One all over the world, as long as they have a mobile phone. In addition, we are looking for a virtual wallet so you can have your BitCoin One security stored in your own wallet on your PC or mobile phone. We are adding more excahage where you can buy or sell BitCoin One.

The core team behind BitCoin One has experience in its development, Banking and Marketing.
We have a great vision of banking and we know what the challenges are that many people face when opening a bank account today. In addition, we have major developers who have been active in other encryption projects and these skills will help us develop BitCoin One and also take us to the next step, which will be our own blockchain solution.

Bitcoin One Listed Exchanges 

Usrename profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Kamis, 08 November 2018

Vena Network aims for STRONG Token Model

At present, CoinMarketCap.com is tracking over 2,000 cryptocurrencies. This is a massive figure, and it keeps growing.

ICOs have, collectively, allowed entrepreneurial teams to raise billions of dollars this year. While a lot of money has poured into tokens, it’s becoming aware that many projects had developed weak token metric and utilities and thus their tokens failed to maintain ever their ICO price.

Initial coin offerings are still a novel form of fundraising and so it is understandably difficult to attain a perfect token economy. However, there are a number of projects that have developed a token utility model that successfully aligns with the success of the project.

A new blockchain project, Vena Network, is standing on the shoulders of giants to develop a token model that incorporates some of the best features available in the market. It aims to place a token utility that adopts the best features of the successful tokens so far.

First off, What is Vena Network?

Vena Network is a project developing an ecosystem in which the financial interactions (and trades) can be decentralized, while sustaining the degree of security needed to ensure funds are safe.

Vena Network utilizes Vena Nodes that can issue loans. Anyone who has the knowledge to successfully hold the role can attain this role if he or she (or it) stakes VENA tokens. As loans can be a complicated system and can sometimes fall into a gray zone, Vena Network will utilize a Jury Network, members of which would also need to stake tokens.

The staking of VENA tokens is what brings security to the platform as it ensures the decision makers are not just platform users, but are also token holders whose best interest aligns with the success of the platform. Thus, the VENA token plays an essential role in the platform.
A Sustainable Token Utility

VENA tokens do not play a transient role as they are not there just for an expense, though that is a part of their purpose. Vena Nodes and members of the Jury Network will be paid for their services via VENA tokens. As the platform evolves and attracts a greater userbase, the transactional flow of these tokens will grow.

However, a mere transactional flow has proven to not be a strong enough cause of building a long-lasting token value. Staking, on the other hand, has shown be a good means of developing sustainable token utility and value. As more individuals desire to participate in a p2p lending system as a Vena Node, more tokens will be constantly needed to fulfill the staking demands. This ensures that there’s a consistent demand to ensure token circulating supply is lowered.

The combination of transactional demand and the utilization of the VENA nodes in nodes provides a compound effect on the token’s dwindling circulating supply. This is the key feature to developing a token model that aligns with the platform’s success.

Essential Links

🌐 Website: http://vena.network/en

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Gric Coin - Increasing Food Products - Reviews

Agriculture is the activity of producing food, industrial raw materials or energy sources and managing the environment by using human-made biological resources.
The agricultural sector plays a strategic role in the structure of economic development. It absorbs agriculture, contributes to income, contributes to food supply, contributes in the form of agriculture and capital as a raw material supplier. This concept is expected to enable sectoral agriculture to grow, which can be a source of new growth for the Indonesian economy, especially in terms of achieving farmers' welfare objectives, providing employment, and as an equitable means Interregional development, market entry into the agricultural industry, foreign exchange creation, income growth, sustainability of resources.
This blogger explains how GRIC can disrupt and change agriculture and agricultural practices with the launch of the GRIC project, a smart block chain for agriculture focused on Africa. It will also have a positive impact on the overall cryptocurrency market. GRIC aims to create an agriculture platform based on a distributed, open-source block chain that allows common investors and farmers to benefit from new technologies.

Gric Coin is a cryptographic project aimed at creating a brand that will be a benchmark in the agricultural industry, eliminating counterfeit goods for food production / supply, securing transparency through block chaining, and creating a medium for people to actually invest. They get compensation for their farming.
The agricultural and agricultural market is one of the oldest markets in almost every country in the world. However, despite the tremendous technological advances that have transformed other markets, such as the metal, oil and energy markets, in most countries, they remain a raw market.
Gric Coin's vision is to create an open source currency decentralized before the end of 2019. Focusing on Africa, it focuses on improving agricultural practices and raising agricultural productivity around the world.
With the help of innovative block-chain technology and financial resources from selling Gric tokens, the project aims to increase agricultural practices and food production around the world, focusing on Africa.
Check out this short video.
Gric Coin is a future agricultural project. When you invest in the Gric Coin Project, you invest in a three-to-one project. All milestones and the Blockchain Project that have reached our farm can have a positive impact on Gric Coin. As a result, the value of the precious metals increases due to the increase in monetary demand and price increase.
Good results - you can pay Gric coins in utility projects and increase your return on investment.
The future of agriculture - Buying Gric Coin will help you invest in the future of agriculture.
Good Stage - Buying Gric Coin can hire hundreds of farmers to be hired on the farm.
Farming Investments - Gric Coin tokens allow you to invest in live farming projects on the Farmpartner platform and earn revenues for income
The Gric Coin Project aims to create a brand that will be a benchmark in the agriculture industry, eliminate imitation of food production / supply, ensure transparency through block chaining, The goal is to create a reward for the investment.
Farm Project - Includes 1000 acres of land for the mechanized farming and processing industry for processing agricultural products. Farm projects include farms, processing industries and block-chain websites that will be used for product certification and validation.
Coin Utility Project -  www.FarmPartner.ng The process of upgrading a project and creating an app for your site with funds generated by ICO. In this project, investors visit the FarmPartner website to select a variety of farm businesses in different parts of the continent. Each farm business has a certain cost and return on investment. Investors can invest in Gric Coin by choosing their own farm. At the end of the agreed period, the investor will recover the initial investment and agree on the return on investment. Gric Coin is the only payment method on the FarmPartner website. This greatly increases the use of coins and increases the demand for scarce resources.
Adoption of services - The Gric Coin project shares profits with the annual coin holders. Over a period of time, we share about 20% of the profits generated by the farm / processing industry with all coin holders. It will be done in a straightforward and easy way, not through a smart contract.

How does it work?

All items produced and packaged at the factory are provided with bar code for all imprisonment information for a verifiable smart contract signature code. The details include the date of production, the total quantity of items produced in the batch, the item content, the production plant and the plant location.
At the time of purchase or purchase, consumers can visit www.Agric.io to scan barcode signatures on our Blockchain system. They can sign the signature of a smart contract by scanning the code or entering a number in the search box, get details about this product, and see if they have purchased or purchased a genuine Gric Coin Project item.

Advantages of Gric Coin
Global  - The global network of computers uses block-chain technology to jointly manage databases that record Gric transactions.
Safe and secure  - Gric is capturing the world by storm. Distributed digital calling is a secure payment platform that anyone can use.
Quality Performance  - Quality Performance </ p> <p> Gric offers superior quality in every respect compared to all other products.
Ease of use  - Any country in any age group can accept Gric in minutes.

Token details
  • Token name: Gric Token
  • Symbol: GC
  • Type: Ethereum
  • Technology: ERC-20
  • 1 Gric Token's price: $ 0.004
  • Token supply: 10,000,000,000
  • You can purchase it with the following products: ETH, BTC or Fiat
Token allocation and sales progress


For more information, please visit the link below:

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Bistox is the currency exchange new cryptocurrency which claims to be one of bursa's most sophisticated and secure in the market today

Bistox is the currency exchange new cryptocurrency which claims to be one of bursa's most sophisticated and secure in the market today.
This is supported by the technology of the NEM and has the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) immediately. To find out more about it, read our reviews.
This is the exchange of crypto semi-decentralization aimed at traders who are in the level are very different in their career. Bistox have a machine that can be used beginner without any difficulty to understand the trade and veterans can explore to get more profit when they need to trade.

Some of the key features of the company is how he offers a notice of pre-trade and education in post-trading by using intelligence, neural network, deep learning. Basically, this exchange will give You a signal so You can know when You should trade and You will be able to use it later to test Your strategy using historical data.

You can fully control Your risk management with the use of this platform and can target the news that interests You so it can predict the market with better, using the algorithm of learning a day-to-day and even come up with Your own strategy based on the behavior of other traders that You can find on the internet.
The company currently sells the token BSX. 55% of them will be sold in sales, while 5% will be a gift of, 10% will be advisor, 20% will go to the team and 10% will be in the reserve fund. Close the software from the sales will be 5 million USD with a hard cap of 25 million USD.

30% of the money will be used in research and development, 25% marketing, 15% in administration and support, 15% as a reserve fund and 5% in legal fees.

Token BSX will represent the assets of the user in the blockchain NEM and You will be able to use BSX to pay the cost of recording, trade on the platform, withdraw Your profits or as the cost of margin trading.

The company currently has a private sale, which will be completed in August. Only investors who are accredited, strategic partners , and investment funds that can participate in this phase, which has a maximum limit of 5 million USD and the minimum limit of $ 100,000 per investor and a 30% bonus for the price.

Pre-sale Bistox will have a bonus of 15% and this phase will start on 9 September. You should enter the white list through the process of Know Your Customer to be able to invest in this phase and You will get bonus 15% when buying the token. You should get at least 5 ETH in the token and a maximum of 25 ETH. This phase will end on 5 October and will also have a hard cap of $ 5 million USD.

Finally, there is the public sale of tokens BSX, which will have a hard cap of $ 15 million USD and the minimum limit 0,1 ETH per person but there is no discount when You buy tokens. This last phase will begin on 10 October and will last until 9 November. You also have to pass a white list of KYC to invest.

The launch of the testnet exchange will be made on the 10th of October, because the public sale was launched, and the launch of Alpha will be done on October 30. Finally, there will be airdrops on November 14, and the token will be audited. The Beta launch will be done on November 29.

This doesn't seem like a great investment. Although this project promised a lot of things, it doesn't look serious. You just need to see how the site was filled with parts that are not complete and that the bug and there is no information about many important aspects to be aware that it is just a bad idea to invest Your money in Bistox .

Also, he is not even stated who the people who work in the company, which is often a huge red flag. You should look for a stable platform and promises, so avoid this one.

More info in:

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Minggu, 04 November 2018

Alive Casino | ICO Overview

Hello, my dear friends. I want this information about the Technology Project called Alive Casino to be more popular and attractive to many new users who have hungry eyes and short information. The latter must collect crumbs, check your own time and wallet. To answer which question is the right money to invest, which ICO will take 100%, I can't, but I will try to tell and photograph me about the money. Today we will analyze the Alive Casino project. Is this ICO and is it worth investing in it

Alive Casino - VR virtual casino
- has long been a well-known technology, which already has a lot of fans. And imagine a casino with the integration of virtual reality? In my opinion, this is a fantastic blockbuster. Today we will talk about this in our review.

The article is dedicated to all lovers of gambling. Always dreamed of visiting Las Vegas? For those who do not know this city of gambling and casinos. Millions of people daily visit colorful places where, by virtue of their luck, they can win a fortune by playing, for example, a slot machine. Still sitting and thinking how to get to this beautiful city? After all, far from everyone will be able to visit the world of gambling, by virtue of their salary, which mainly goes to life and travel once a fortnight to Turkey on a tourist trip. I want to tell you about the great opportunity to visit this casino online through virtual reality!

With the help of VR-headset, any user around the world can play any game of chance while sitting at home. The game will be really realistic and interesting. The main difference from conventional casinos you will win the cryptocurrency of the company Alive Casino, which will also change in value and just holding the tokens of the company, you can increase them without doing anything by increasing demand for this type of activity. Of course, the casino has always carried certain risks and tokens holders will receive 40% of the profits from the company's income. In order to receive this profit, the user must install their e-wallet called Alive's Hold. Profits from the company will be credited to BTC, ETH, USDT and AL every 3 months! Also, every three months, 5% of all tokens will be burned. I want to note,

In order to play in a virtual casino you will need a VR headset. If you do not have it, then you can win it from the company itself. Each player will be assigned a virtual dealer. The dealer is the person who keeps track of your expenses and income. In the future, the company will have its own proven dealers, which you can choose at will. Through the VR-headset, users will see a virtual reality at 360 degrees and the money won will be able to withdraw 24/7. You can also make sports bets, play blackjack, roulette, baccarat, poker bets and so on. Casino support works around the clock, and you can ask them any question.

You can play online poker through your mobile phone or PC. You can choose the place that you like best and customize game bets. You can also play backgammon with any person on the planet. The platform has a lot of different games, and any user will be able to choose a game for themselves. It is possible to create your team with which you will hold tournaments between other teams.

The creators of the platform did not accidentally choose the blockchain technology, since with the help of it the players will get the win instantly and avoid intermediaries. I believe that the tokens of the company will only grow, as the casino industry has existed for a long time and has a very large audience in which a lot of money is spinning. And the holders of tokens holding their coins in their wallet will only be glad, because the casino always wins and receives a huge profit, which will also be transferred to the participants. Developers will release new customized games for users. In general, you will not get bored anyway!)

Right now, the company is pursuing its ICO to sell the product. You can invest in fiat currency, Bitcoin, ethereum, and so on. The token itself is called AL. The minimum funds for the sale of the product is $ 2 million, and the maximum is $ 30 million. The price of the token is $ 0.015. There are also various bonuses at the ICO stage.

If you believe in the project and are ready to invest your money there, then you have the opportunity to earn even more with the help of the referral program, which then will be declared the winner and you can win various prizes. To unlock your referral bonuses you need to invest a minimum of 0.1 Eth.


Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

MPCX — ico review

Hello, my dear friends. I want this information about the Technology Project called MPCX to be more popular and attractive to many new users who have hungry eyes and short information. The latter must collect crumbs, check your own time and wallet. To answer which question is the right money to invest, which ICO will take 100%, I can't, but I will try to tell and photograph me about the money. Today we will analyze the MPCX project. Is this ICO and is it worth investing in it?

What is MPCX?

MPCX is a financial service platform driven by digital blockchain for innovative crypto investors. It’s important to be passionate and have dreams. we believe that financial services must be as transparent as possible and designed to help people to achieve their wealth goals. The FinTech community proposes solution to various problems, but when it comes to crypto related assets there are several solutions available and this fact is of concern initial crypto adopters. We believe there is a strong potential for interference with blockchain technology and the ICO represents innovative ways to increase capital. We want lead by example and support disruptive use cases.

To improve our project development, we have decided to seek support from members Blockchain and Crypto communities that share our vision. That’s why we are decided to fund the development of the MPCX Platform through publishing XDMC tokens that will be used to pay for platform services and participate in platform development. Our ICO will have several stages including one pre-ICO round, to be improved funds for the development of the MPCX platform. During the pre-ICO round, XDMC tokens will be distributed with maximum discount from all funding rounds. More information about XDMC Token Sales and various ICO stages is provided in this document


MPCX is a digital blockchain driven financial services platform. At the end of

the third stage of the MPCX Platform’s development we will have

implemented the following ecosystem:

Our solution will be based on the Ethereum Blockchain and has the

potential to significantly disrupt the banking and wealth management

landscape. Fully digital solutions will make it possible for clients from the

mass and mass affluent segments to recieve for the first time high quality

crypto trading and wealth management services.

Onboarding, KYC, AML Paymet and Banking Solution MPCX Digital

Wealth Management.

For more information, please check the link below:

Website : https://mpcx.co

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Jumat, 02 November 2018

IZIChain allows users to interact with smart contracts

IZIChain is a Public Hybrid Blockchain hyperlink platform providing blockchain custom solutions for financial markets with social and real-life applications. IZIChain allows users to interact with smart contracts, participate in smart contract completion via AI and Big Data mechanism, and operate blockchain-powered financial applications such as asset digitization, digital asset trading, and loan offer and transaction.Both individuals and entities may develop and provide standalone financial applications on IZIChain’s blockchain platform. IZIChain’s application: IZIChain completely change the way financial markets work by financial asset and real asset digitization on IZIChain’s blockchain platform.


The blockchain is an undeniably ingenious invention – the brainchild of a person or group of people known by the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto. But since then, it has evolved into something greater, and the main question every single person is asking is: What is Blockchain?

By allowing digital information to be distributed but not copied, blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet. Originally devised for the digital currency, Bitcoin, (Buy Bitcoin) the tech community is now finding other potential uses for the technology.

Bitcoin has been called “digital gold,” and for a good reason. To date, the total value of the currency is close to $112 billion US. And blockchains can make other types of digital value. Like the internet (or your car), you don’t need to know how the blockchain works to use it. However, having a basic knowledge of this new technology shows why it’s considered revolutionary.

The blockchain behind bitcoin is a public ledger of every transaction that has taken place. It cannot be tampered with or changed retrospectively. Advocates of the technology say this makes bitcoin transactions secure and safer than current systems.

Bitcoin’s blockchain was designed to be a decentralized network. With that, however, has come a number of problems.

One big issue is that transaction times and costs in bitcoin have soared as the network has become more congested. This has actually led to disagreements by a number of parties that uphold the network regarding how the technology should develop in the future in order to address these issues.

Responding to this problem, IZICHAIN is present as "The Global Blockchain Platform For Capital Connection". IZICHAIN came to the realization that, right from the beginning, the blockchain technology were full of huge gaps but, luckily, those were fillable by using many other technologies, for instance the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)-based tangle structure implemented in IOTA... By aligning many technologies together, our team developed a new and unique technology structure because previous structures did not meet IZIChain’s ambition. We are on the course of implementing this new technology and would like to call it ‘Hologram Lattice Chain’ (HLC).

The HLC Technology brings about a lot of values: User-friendly interface, easy to use, no transaction free, optimized speed, fair, maximum security.


Digital Exchange
Intended for users with the need for mutual trading of digital asset, enabling fast and non-profited peer-to-peer transaction.

Real Exchange
Intended for users with the need for mutual trading of regulatory asset, regulatory asset and digitized asset, purchasing, advertising...

Digital Banking
Intended for users with the need for depositing or funding, based on peer-to-peer lending structure.

ICO Platform
Intended for users with the need for creating notification code for purposes such as membership card, share,...

Talk P2P
Empower user-to-user correspondence, addressing issues such as price negotiation, discussion, or collaboration.

Token Sales
Token Name IZIChain
Token Symbol IZI
Token Base ERC20

Decimal 4
Total Supply
Softcap 4.000 ET
Hardcap 24.000 ETH
Contact Address 0xdf59c8ba19b4d1437d80836b45f1319d9a429eed

Round Duration Price ($)
Private Sale Sep. 01, 2018 – Sep. 20, 2018 0.04
ICO Round 1 Nov. 01, 2018 – Nov. 15, 2018 0.05
ICO Round 2 Nov. 16, 2018 – Nov. 30, 2018 0.06
ICO Round 3 Dec. 01, 2018 – Dec. 15, 2018 0.07
ICO Round 4 Dec. 16, 2018 – Dec. 30, 2018 0.08
ICO Round 5 Dec. 31, 2019 – Jan. 14, 2019 0.09
ICO Round 6 Jan. 15, 2019 – Jan. 29, 2019 0.1

For more information about IZICHAIN, you can send message to info@izichain.network

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim


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