Minggu, 27 Januari 2019

Oath Protocol Announces a Strategic Partnership with QuarkChain

We are thrilled to announce OATH’s first and key strategic partnership with QuarkChain, introducing a new layer of blockchain security — dispute resolution and governance — to a public chain.

OATH is building the first of its kind, community-based dispute resolution protocol, modeled on the common-law jury system, that utilizes blockchain, cryptographic algorithms, random algorithms associated with categories and attributes, juror’s credit level, and case-tracking technology. OATH’s protocol is decentralized, standard, extensible, and chain-agnostic, designed to protect dApp users’ rights and assets.

QuarkChain is a next-generation public blockchain system that leverages sharding as a horizontal scalability approach. QuarkChain is an innovative permissionless blockchain architecture that aims to meet global commercial standards. It provides a secure, decentralized, and scalable blockchain solution to deliver 100,000+ on-chain transactions per second (TPS).

Yin Xu, Co-founder and CEO of OATH Protocol: “QuarkChain showed us a very promising solution to the most pressing issues for blockchain today: scalability and security. QuarkChain has a great eco-system, and lots of strong teams are building dApps for it. OATH wants to provide them with a decentralized blockchain governance protocol, so that the QuarkChain community can be part of the future of QuarkChain. In addition, we want to build close relationships with all the dApps on QuarkChain and become their standard dispute resolution protocol.”

Ting Du, CBO of QuarkChain: “OATH Protocol provides one of the most important protocols for blockchain security. We have all been focusing on technical blockchain security, like anti-hacking, but OATH shows us a different layer of blockchain security, governance and disputes resolution, that will protect users’ rights and assets. OATH is a fair, efficient, and extensible protocol. We are very excited about this partnership. OATH is our first and only dispute resolution protocol, and we can’t wait to show our users this great collaboration.”

The collaboration between OATH and QuarkChain is the first of its kind, and a leading example of a public chain’s use of a decentralized governance protocol. It allows the public chain to give the rights and controls back to its community and gives everyone a fair chance to decide the future of the chain.

With QuarkChain’s high-throughput scalable architecture, great communities, and healthy ecosystem, OATH protocol can be used in a wide variety of scenarios.

To learn more about Oath Protocol, visit our website.

To stay up to date on Oath Protocol news and announcements, subscribe to our Medium and Steemit channels, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and join the conversation on Telegram.

More about QuarkChain:

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

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