Rabu, 31 Januari 2018




Perekonomian dunia berkembang pesat, efisien, internasional ekspor dan import.Bagaimanapun juga perjalanan rantai penyediaan bisnis global mengandung banyak ketidak efisienan.Morpheus Network dapat menghilangkan kerumitan dari proses ini. Kapan saja sebuah dokumen harus dibagikan kepada banyak institusi. Menempatkan sebuah rekaman di Blockchain dan memungkinkan pembaruan terkini yang dapat dilihat. Tapi tidak dapat dirusak atau diubah secara tidak sengaja. Hal ini dapat menghemat waktu dan biaya yang signifikan dalam waktu yang bersamaan, memastikan tingkat kepercayaan yang kuat.

Morpheus Network didirikan oleh Veteran industri yang mencegah ketidak efisienan sebuah rantai penyediaan goblal. Menghasilkan sebuah pelayan penuh, mendunia, otomatis, program rantai penyediaan untuk industri pertukaran dunia, dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dari blockchain. Kami mengetahui blockchain sebagai teknologi yang dapat dimanfaatkan diseluruh rantai penyediaan dengan terobosan seperti sistem otomatis, mengoptimalkan, melindungi, terlihat dan meramalkan.
Pertukaran Dunia

Morpheus Network dapat mengamankan miliaran dollar sebuah perusahaan, menurut laporan Forum Perekonomian Dunia pengaktifan perdagangan : menilai peluang pertumbuhan, mengurangi hambatan dalam rantai penyediaan internasional dapat meningkatkan PDB di seluruh dunia hingga hampir 5 persen dan total volume perdagangan sebesar 15 persen. Ini setara dengan dorongan ekonomi global hingga 3 triliun dollar amerika!
Pengiriman uang dengan instan ke lebih dari 200 negara

Morpheus Network mengaktifkan penyediaan, produsen dan eksportir dari seluruh dunia untuk mendapatkan mata uang lokal di lebih dari 200 negara secara goblal. Sebaliknya, pembelian dengan mata uang negara tersebut dapat melakukan transaksi dinegara lain.Hal ini dapat terintregasi dengan CEPAT yang memungkinkan melakukan transaksi dana langsung ke lebih dari 1.600 bank.Oleh karena itu, jaringan memungkinkan setiap perusahaan atau individu untuk menyelesaikan pembelian dan pengiriman internasional yang kompleks, tidak peduli skala transaksi, lancar, mudah dan instan.

Morpheus Network adalah platform pertama yang dirancang untuk melakukan transaksi dana ke lebih dari 1600 bank secara internasional, menggunakan teknologi blockchain terbaru dan tercepat, sebagai tujuan dalam kontrak cerdas untuk bisnis bertransaksi secara global. Ini dirancang untuk digunakan oleh importir dan eksportir menggantikan transaksi bank tradisional yang mahal, lamban, tanpa jaminan dan hanya ketinggalan jaman.

Sebagai contoh, China saat ini merupakan koridor mata uang utama yang paling mahal, menurut Bank Dunia, dengan biaya rata-rata pengiriman $ 1.000,00 (£ 700,00) dari Inggris ke China yang mencapai angka US $ 98,00 (£ 68,60) atau 9,8% . Bandingkan ini dengan biaya Morpheus Network kecil sebesar 1,5%.

Sumber : https://morpheus.network

Fitur penuh dan rantai penyedia otomatis

Morpheus Network menyederhanakan dan mengotomatiskan pengiriman yang diperlukan untuk pengiriman internasional yang kompleks untuk setiap perusahaan dan individu. Hal ini dicapai oleh team berbakat kami yang terdiri dari ahli pelayaran, bea cukai, perbankan dan akutansi yang memiliki pengetahuan yang mendalam dan pengalaman yang luas di industri masing masing. Hasilnya adalah “PELAYANAN PENUH” Ekspor dan Impor sistem yang mematuhi semua peraturan perundang-undangan dan kebiasaan di seluruh dunia. Disertakan juga dokumentasi organisasi otomatis digital. dokumentasi pelayaran ASLI dengan kontrak yang pertama kali dan telah ditentukan sebelumnya dan singkat.

Keuntungan lain dari Morpheus Network selain meningkatkan kepercayaan kepada importir dan pembeli, adalah layanan pembayaran uang muka kami. Berdasarkan kontrak cerdas yang ditentukan sebelumnya, dengan pembayaran di muka, dana tersebut hanya akan tersedia bagi eksportir setelah penyelesaian tujuan kontrak cerdas. Kepercayaan yang lengkap pada penjual tercapai karena semua tujuan dalam kontrak cerdas harus diselesaikan sebelum melepaskan dana secara otomatis ke pedagang!

Morpheus Network menggabungkan pantauan teknologi blockchain lainnya untuk dimasukkan sebagai tujuan yang diperlukan dalam kontrak cerdas yang diberikan.

Sebagai tambahan, Morpheus Network menggunakan Artificial intelligence/ AI untuk mengoptimalkan setiap rantai penyedia dengan mengumpulkan data logistik yang besar dari blockchain tersebut. Temuan ini memungkinkan pelabuhan pelayaran kontainer direncanakan dan diarahkan terlebih dahulu dan sesuai kebutuhan berdasarkan lalu lintas global, penundaan pelabuhan, cuaca serta banyak faktor dan sumber data lainnya. AI juga digunakan untuk persiapan dokumentasi kepatuhan untuk impor yang dihasilkan oleh Morpheus Network, dengan memperkirakan waktu kedatangan dipelabuhan yang lebih akurat.

Selain itu, pengguna sistem peringkat kami memberikan calon pengguna Morpheus Network Jaminan bahwa mereka berurusan dengan mitra bisnis yang memiliki reputasi baik dan berpengalaman.

Morpheus Network menggunakan izin blockchain yang menyediakan campuran antara model kepercayaan rendah dari masyarakat blockchain dan kepercayaan tinggi dari privasi blockchain. Morpheus Network mengizinkan blockchain mempertahankan privasi dari pengguna data. Tanpa kekuatan konsolidasi dengan suatu organisasi.
Kenapa Morpheus Network

Layanan berbasis blockchain dan non-blockchain lainnya yang tersedia, seperti TenX, Monaco, Paypal, Alipay dan Wechat, tidak menawarkan keamanan dan fungsi yang sama dalam hal transfer internasional yang terkait dengan industri impor dan ekspor.Membangkitkan dan menyimpan dokumentasi asli pada blockchain seperti kontrak manufaktur atau kontrak kerja dan formulir pengiriman (faktur komersial, daftar kemasan, dokumen asuransi, daftar muatan) adalah fitur utama untuk jaringan dan bukan bagian dari dunia pemrosesan pembayaran ritel. Dunia pengolahan pembayaran apakah ditulis dengan teknologi blockchain atau tidak. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk banyak fungsi utama Morpheus Network seperti mengotomatiskan rantai penyedia, pembayaran uang muka kontrak cerdas, mengintegrasikan teknologi blockchain lainnya, pembuatan dokumentasi pengiriman otomatis, layanan tutorial impor / ekspor, dan banyak lagi.

Morpheus Network tradisi perhubungan, bertransaksi internasional dengan teknologi blockchain terbaru!
Penjualan Token

Penjualan token adalah cara yang inovatif untuk sebuah perusahan yang mengumpulkan dana. Selama penjualan token, perusahaan menerbitkan koin atau token yang dapat mewakili apapun dari hak untuk mengakses atau melisensikan sistem perusahaan, hak untuk menjual produk dari sistem perusahaan, kepentingan ekuitas di perusahaan, atau hanya hak untuk menggunakan sistem perusahaan dan output. Ini adalah pergeseran yang kuat dimana setiap orang di dunia dapat memperoleh hak-hak tertentu di sebuah perusahaan tanpa memandang kekayaan atau status mereka. Token Sale memungkinkan siapapun dan setiap orang memiliki bentuk kepemilikan di perusahaan yang mereka dukung.

Untuk mengetahui tentang Morpheus Network lebih lanjut, kalian dapat mengunjungi situs resmi kami. Silahkan kalian mengklik Link dibawah ini :
Username profile BTT:Galih_al karim


ELLCRYS-the first hosting platform that allows people to build software projects without leaders and decentralized


In this paper, we present Ellcrys, a network for creating and managing open, decentralized organizations comprised of globally distributed collaborators working together to build software products and services. Ellcrys offers a blockchain network that integrates Git[1] to allow collaborator build software collectively and from anywhere. Anyone can create or join a project, contribute and get compensated by the network with coins.

A community contract describes an entity that allows one or multiple collaborators build open source organizations offering software products and services such as a website, API, smart contract, packages, frameworks etc. Collaborators push and pull code to and from the network, perform governance functions by creating, approving proposals and receive compensation from the network.

Ellcrys is on a mission to create an ecosystem where open source collaboration goes beyond offering contributions during free or leisure periods to one where collaborators can build open source enterprises that can be proftable, thus, enabling them to spend more time building great products and improving open source ecosystem

Ellcrys’ goal as a network is not to become another decentralized network with the purpose of making centralisation irrelevant — Ellcrys is not anti-centralisation. Ellcrys leverages on blockchain technology to provide and enforce transparency between collaborators, node owners and the Ellcrys organization.

Ellcrys’ communities need a mechanism to reach agreement on topics or issues surrounding operations. Te model employed by Ellcrys is a Proposal/Approval Voting scheme where contributors create proposals and solicit approvals from other contributors.

Community contracts building software products intended to be accessed from a browser or as a web service may implement and structure their project to be compiled and executed by any centralized cloud hosting platforms that support Ellcrys’ buildpacks and host protocol.

Ellcrys Host Protocol
Token Sale & Budget Plan

Researching and developing the ideas above will require money. Although, the current team has contributed extensive time and money into research and development of prototypes for various components, we will need additional funding to continue. To this end, we will be hosting several token sale rounds. During the Pre-Sale, tokens will be issued on our own wallet system. After the main token sale, We will issue ERC20 tokens which will be swapped for the main network tokens when it is launched. Tis will be a 1:1 swap. Below are the details of the tokens distribution, Pre-Sale and Token Sale:

Te Pre-Sale will be available to the public and will last for 8 weeks. It is targeted at early backers of the Ellcrys projects and includes a maximum of 30% bonus.
Pre-Sale Launch Date: February 1st, 2018
Pre-Sale Ends: April 1st, 2018
Duration: 8 Weeks
ELL available: 800,000,000
Price: $0.1 / ELL

Tokens not sold will be available for purchase in the main token sale. Below is the bonus structure for the Pre-Sale.
Week 1: 30%
Week 2: 20%
Week 3: 10%
Week 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8: 5%
Token Sale (ICO)

Te primary token sale event will occur 6 months after the Pre-Sale. Purchases will include a bonus of up to 30%.
en Sale Launch Date: June 1st, 2018
Pre-Sale Ends: July 1st, 2018
Duration: 4 Weeks
ELL available: 900,000,000
Price: $0.35 / ELL

Tokens not sold will be equally shared to the mining and universal node reward supply. Below is the bonus structure for the Token Sale.
Week 1: 30%
Week 2: 20%
Week 3: 10%
Week 4: 5%

Username profil BTT : Galih_al karim

Selasa, 30 Januari 2018


Ethereum platform combining all the best properties of this platform

Hallo all, this post tells the story of HingrewardCoin and for that hopefully can be fully useful for you all, the following Reviews:
HighRewardCoin is a monetary system built on the Ethereum platform combining all the best properties of this platform. we continue to improve our bot ability to avoid many mistakes by humans during trading on the global exchange. Humans often carry emotions, moods and other external factors. our company’s bot trade is free from such risks and therefore we can guarantee maximum profit. We invest significant resources into the development of core networks so that our bots will be able to broaden the spectrum of traded instruments and work with a broader range of exchanges and financial products

. Simple transfer
. remittance convenient assets
. Fast P2P transactions instantly
. The total number of tokens is restricted
. HighRewardCoin is completely free of government or banking management
. The blockchain booklet guarantees your funds from hackers, scammers, and violence.

. Nama koin :High Reward Coin
. Simbol : HRC
. Platform : Ethereum
. Total Supply: 12,000,000 HRC
. Total For Sale ICO: 9.24 million HRC
. Total Refferal and Bounty: 10% of seling HRC
. Token Sale Price: 0.8$-1,75$ = 1 HRC
. Price After ICO: 15 $
Sell ​​Token will open from 20.01.2018–20.02.2018
Soft cap : 1.000.000 $
Hard cap: $ 12.730.000 (this amount can be lowered)

That is with referral system where each participant will get profit according to the level.
HighRewardTalk token trading coins will include a wallet where users can store, track and handle their personal HRC funds. its interface will provide you with an easy and automated tool for token purchase and investment backlog as well as current assets. This wallet is designed for use in token sales and with the following active HRC spaces. It is based on the Ethereum strategic ERC20 protocol and is assumed to be used to store the token HRC exclusively. our HRC wallet is currently under development and will be presented shortly so that you will be able to store your tokens in the wallet based on our proprietary platform.

HighRewardCoin has developed a token that complies with the standard ERC20 rooted in Ethereum books and enables efficient implementation of HRC tokens.
ERC20 is a reference protocol that ensures the compatibility of coins, which contributes to the survival of HRC cryptospace. This means that all coins based on the ERC20 token of Ethereum follow a strictly defined standard. to integrate a specific series of commands into smart contracts in terms of proper implementation, to have access to the following functions:
Generate total reserve coins
Calculate the balance of the wallet
Sending token
Confirm coin transfer

The HighRewardCoin platform will become accessible to our customers after initial scheduled ICO sales. This platform will provide our users with original accounts and customized tools to participate in ICO, utilize digital wallets, join affiliate programs and loans. Track ICO schedules and sign up to extract maximum benefits from our platform and testify for the efficiency and usefulness of the tools provided, settings and options.
At this time we have a ready platform PC and mobile device web browser and plan to launch mobile apps for the most popular systems that will be available on Apple Store and Google Play.

The amount of tokens you buy will be automatically delivered to the wallet on the HighRewardCoin platform, and the same applies to coins allocated to members of the affiliate program as soon as directives are approved. These coins are stored in the wallet until the finalization of ICO, and after that you can choose to sending them to one of the exchanges listed on our site where they can be traded.
To find more detailed information and join the current HingrewardCoin project please visit the following link:

Username profile BTT: Galih_al karim



What is SP8DE?

Sp8de is a protocol for a decentralized, blockbuster based platform with many features that are necessary for the growing blockchain gambling industry and whose robust implementation is missing in any of the currently existing projects in this space.
Token Utility

Software License

Accessing the application universe simply requires having a proprietary token of our SPX system.

Game chip

The rates within the Sp8de ecosystem are only performed using SPX. With SPX, you participate in the success of the protocol.


SPX is used to reward developers at the protocol level.

Game Search Engine

Spade is a platform for developing decentralized applications for casinos.

Inspired to create

Spade is a decentralized market for frictionless games and no barriers to entry.

White Noises Powered Fair

The voting mechanism is implemented at the protocol level: the rating of the application reflects the true consensus of the interested parties and is unchanged.

From a legal point of view

Spade is designed to fully meet all the necessary requirements.


Decentralized 3.0

The basis of Sp8de, the Cardano is the first Proof-Of-Stake protocol without compromising security.

Scalability and efficiency

Tens of thousands of transactions per second: no user experience limitations.

The scripting language Smart-Contracts, specifically designed for this

Each token sold has a specific factor associated with it, the jackpot factor. The probability of winning is much proportional to this factor.

Of course, that jackpot factors are ordered: even during one round of sales, the previous fee is rewarded with more “powerful” tokens. The distribution of these factors for each round is shown in the table above.

Participants in earlier rounds of the jackpot have a small chance to win a big game, while those who later participate have a higher chance of winning, but are awarded in smaller batches.

In addition, earlier participants participate in more rounds of the jackpot. This should not prevent late participation: the largest pooled pool of prize tokens is played during the fourth round of the jackpot.
Distribution of tokens

There are 8,888,888,888 SPX tokens that are ever delivered. Initially, during the ICO, SPX will be released on the Ethereum block chain as ERC20 tokens. More detailed information can be found in the technical document and the description of the SPX ICO. The sale of tokens is organized into 9 stages: one pre-sale and four sales of tokens, followed by a round of jackpots.

As shown above, the price of one SPX coin increases with each round of sale. The number of tokens sold and purchased increases every subsequent round, except for presale sale. Each jackpot is played back among all existing tokens holders.

Early participation allows you to participate in more jackpot-rounds. For example, participation in the Pre-Sale and the first sale gives access to all four jackpots. Nevertheless, participation in, say, a third sale will only give access to Jackpots three and four.

Before taking part in this event, make sure that you understand the mechanics of the Spade ICO process. Do not rely solely on the chart and do not forget to understand the meaning of all of its components and especially the dedicated segments of the jackpot.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (middle front) and Alexei Kashirsky (right) at the Moscow Mining University. At that time Alexey taught information technology in the mining industry.
Now Alexey is a senior research fellow at the Blockchain Center and Quantum Technologies MISiS (National University of Science and Technology MISiS).



Igor Ribakov (right) Founder of TechnoNICOL and Ribakova Foundation and student and entrepreneur Mikhail Krapivoy (left) at the Predactum World Cup final on the initiative of Mail.ru Group. Michael is a champion in online poker and chess. He believes that Blockhane is here to save the world.
Team and advisers

The General Director and co-founder of the
IT mining engineer
graduated from Moscow State University in
the MBA program of mining engineer Nitu “MISiS” to the
General Director of
NP “Miners of Russia” and to the
adviser of the Russian Academy of
Natural Sciences
in the association
“Industrial minerals” –
presidential aide.

Alexei Kashirsky and co-founder

CIO and co-founder of
ex Ceo of Man & Machine
Robotics Research Company

Champion of several entrepreneurs in online poker and chess.
Member of the research association AI
Blockchain Evangelist
And just a cool guy.

Mikhail Krapivoy CIO and Co-Founder

experienced business expert,
specializing in
investments in crypto-currencies,
Fin-Tech and affiliate
marketing from 2013.
Co-founder of a number of Fin-Tech projects, the
last of which is DCEX,
digital currency exchange.

Evgeny BorchersCVO & Co-Founder

Responsible for
marketing, media
and creative
development content
to develop and
maintain brands of a
number of enterprises.

Alexander BaikievCMO & Co-Founder

A crypto-currency
evangelist, an experienced
trader of virtual assets
and very passionate
about the
development of business
in Blockchain Space.
8 years of experience in
business development.

Sergey NovoseltsevCBDO

Highly specialized senior
architect of the blockhouse
with more than 3 years

experience in developing

distributed systems,
secure multi-party protocols
and demonstrable security.
released during the first
round of funding)

Has deep knowledge of
Solidity, Ember.js
and PostgreSQL and others.

Zhusup BolotbekovBlokrain developer and games

A highly specialized
senior architect of the blockade
with more than 5 years of
experience developing
systems, secure
multi-party protocols
and demonstrable security.

Dmitry Lipnikov

Social media

With 8 years experience
copying writer
email marketing

Renata GalikbarovaMarketing

Radion has 7 years
as a seller

he sold securities
for large corporations
across Russia and Kazakhstan.
He very much believes in
bitkoyn and crypto

Manager Radion MartynshSales

Being a
risk manager in a number of firms in
the financial services industry, he has
built systems and risk processes that
support the provision of liquidity for
crypto-currency exchanges,
and has developed
arbitrage trading strategies. The Economic Advisor
of the Open Trading Network project and the
chief expert on strategy for
exchange – DCEX.

Lyubomir Serafimov Adviser on Defense Issues

far-sighted. He has experience in
placing ICO in several
projects (SONM, Humaniq, etc.).
Director General of the
digital agency “Russian Media”. 8-year
experience of Internet
and creation of web services.

Alexander Uglov Marketing Adviser

user interface designer and visual
and visual style for
web and mobile applications. Manager of
visual design and
head of design department, studio “Yodiz”.
Cool dude.
He loves Blockhane.

Advisor Artemy ZorinGraphics Design
Road map


The online gambling industry is ready to bet on Blockchain.
The new start-up, SP 8 DE, seems to think so: online casinos lay the table and tear us apart, and Sp8de is here to fix it.

Sp8de announces Blockchain for the internet gambling, Pre-ICO is
Live Blockchain technology, and the emerging crypto currency industry stands for a bold and exciting rethink of online gambling, based on transparency, security and anonymity. Blocked casinos are growing, creating profitable investment opportunities with an approximate growth last year by 292%. Blockchain has the potential to destroy the online gambling industry, providing transparency for all transactions, dramatically reducing the house’s advantage and reducing transaction costs, ensuring the anonymity of participants and the security of all exchanges.

From Las Vegas to the block code. SP8DE ICO goes …
Like everything else, the gambling and betting industry has undergone transition periods, some of them were good, and some were not very good.

Follow us for the latest updates from us:

Follow us:
1. https://sp8de.com/ Official website
7. https://www.youtube.com / channel / UC68xGMGDA_mo – 3ZqQu5ZdgYoutube
Username profile BTT: Galih_al karim

Royal Cash

RoyalCash monetary coin

Royal Cash is a limited liability company established in Hong Kong. In the near future, the company will work closely with the Royal Casino Platform and other online casinos and royalty rates to develop Royal Cash, so it can become a next-generation block chain, optimized for Casino & Betting Online.

Royal Cash is a crypto-currency unit in the light of the ETH flowchart, which includes Smart Contract Innovation and the ERC20 standard. At the same time, Royal Cash is also an ETH token and an open

non-concentrated trade in block chain Ethereum.

The Royal platform offers Royal Cash customers more than 20
entertainment facilities in the club, including club recreations, roulette, poker and
other betting options, despite the usual rates and rates for esports. On
In fact, advertising bets are one of the best zones and games on
the amount that the gambling market in 2017 reached a mark of 100 billion dollars. In particular, the use of electronic sports was the most dynamic at the time, as the contests for a million dollars were held in various sabotage titles, such as Dota 2.

Unlike bankruptcy in illegal rates, Royal Cash gives you peace of mind, as legislators do not control crypto-currency, and their exchanges are very safe. You can use Royal Cash to bet on the huge amounts that they have on the planet at low exchange rates, combined with the highest level of security.

Original offer of coins
Royal Cash seeks to build a platform that tracks the volatility of the 20 most valuable crypto-currency units. In addition, Royal Cash hopes to provide investors with a valuable token and huge profits, as well as provide Royal Cash players with useful information about the crypto-currency and crypto-currency market so that they can better decide on investing

ICO Royal Cash announced two goals

Royal Cash and provided Royal CashSMS holders. Retail and profits from online casinos and online betting. The activities of the ICO are divided into 16 rounds. Unsold coins in each round will accumulate and be sold at the next session. At the end of the last round, Royal Cash, which has not yet been sold, will be burned (a coin burn).

If you do not arrange a minimum daily profit, you can take the opportunity to increase this profit up to 32 times. Every day, users will have up to 5 opponents to participate in the game with cubes to increase the speed. Because it's gambling, so if you lose, you will not get a daily profit.

Additional information:
Website: https://royalcash.io/
Whitepaper: https://royalcash.io/assets/doc/whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RoyalCash5
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2814892.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Royalcash.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAENuw-VG3sOjbi3Fgg
Username profile BTT:Galih_al karim


Давайте инвестировать в SnapCity!

Что делают SnapTokens?

SnapTokens позволяет пользователям создавать проблемы на SnapCity. Для обычных пользователей это в основном для удовольствия, вы можете бросить вызов своим друзьям, чтобы сделать что-то безумное. Вы также можете создавать публичные вызовы, которые видны всем, кто рядом с вами. Первый человек, который выполнит задачу, получает значки в качестве награды, и создатель этой задачи вознаграждается в зависимости от того, насколько популярна проблема (сколько записей было). Пользователи также могут использовать токены в качестве скидок на предприятиях, а затем предприятия могут использовать токены для создания общественных задач, приносящих больше людей бизнесу.

Разница в токенах заключается в том, какие местоположения они действительны, красные жетоны действительны во всех местах, оранжевые жетоны в большинстве мест, а желтый - в нескольких местах.

Проверьте WHITEPAPER здесь https://www.snapcity.io/whitepaper.SnapTokens начинается с примерно 0,06 доллара США, и для создания проблемы для бизнеса требуется лишь небольшая часть токена, поэтому мы считаем, что приложение становится более популярным, и количество пользователей увеличит значение токенов, безусловно, повысится!

Здесь находится информация о токенах SnapCity https://www.snapcity.io/

===== Название маркера: Yellow SnapToken 
===== Token Price: 25,000 SNPT = 1ETH 
===== Количество токенов: 50 000 000 
===== Контракт: 0x1B33c83F9032d30b24E92073A6Dd12457F7D98Aa 
===== Десятичные числа: Символ: SNPT -Y 
===== Платформа: Ethereum 
Принятые методы покупки: ETH ===== Маркер Ethereum ERC20

SnapCity Crowdsale уже сейчас живет. Не пропустите эту возможность! SnapTokens - это токен ERC20 и развернут в сети Main Ethereum



MediChain Platform Medis in Blockchain

What is medichain? 
MediChain is the Big-Medical Data platform. At any personalized hospital or clinic, the patient's data is stored or stored in a manner that each physician or physician in the future who is assigned to the patient may have a medical history or medical history to work with, or as reference for similar cases and each recipe this could be applied.
MediChain is a blockchain medical system built using the Big-Data Platform's proposed framework that allows patients to record specific information on their own off-line in the appropriate physical space, and gives access to doctors and specialists everywhere, little objections to the whole payer or on the other hand EMR is used. Essentially, MediChain aims to link patient data or information to the physician's disposal whenever regardless of proximity or location. This is good news because it will reduce fears of data errors or have lost patient data problems in some health centers or facilities because of one problem or another.

MediChain is beneficial not only for patients, but also for physicians, hospitals with a set of data in a cloud of complaints that are part of the MediChain ecosystem that use the chain block to store instructions and regulations on the health care system. use and privacy, while the main data store off-line in the cloud complaint 
It does MediChain platform, it does not end, is also useful for researchers and the pharmaceutical company and industry will have access to data or information in a fully anonymous format as the original owner of the data will not be published. This hypothesis can be used for prescription / administration.
It may seem dangerous for the personal data of patients available to the public, so MediChain has made arrangements for the authentication key. 
Key Factor Authentication: is a measure imposed by MediChain to ensure that the right people have access to the right data. The key is used in the case of passwords, tokens or later in the form of smart cards with numbers like 1, 2 or 3 and also a combination of letters like FA which will provide solid information about the identity of patients and doctors. 
Other MediChain network development projects are planned:
Diagnostic tool
Related algorithm;
Personal supervision
Academic medical study;
Insurer Insurer (SmartCard integration at this stage is introduced);
Integration of EMR (Electronic Medical Records);
National Resources. 
How MediChain works:

Applications or devices are available when the patient is able to add references to the Etereum block, a decentralized digital record of patient-collected data, via a medical device or practitioner, administering a prescription or medication, or purchasing directly a medicine not preserved.
The blockchain serves as a record for storage purposes and also wraps the hashes that approve the offline data. The blockchain ecosystem will take into account or record serious medical information, filled with an essentially honest cryptographic database stored by a personal computer system open to anyone who runs the software and requests the consent or permission of the patient to access a specific cryptographic key. Properly implemented and respected, patients will have additional control over their information and reorganize the exchange of medical records so that it is safe.
MediChain will offer development in Electronic Medical Records (EMR) by giving or authorizing an open source program to add MediChain to any EMR without administrative limitations. MediChain is a modified response to the needs of patients, the medical community and medical researchers. 
Like a traditional hospital where a certain amount is allocated to each service, on the MediChain platform, a utility token known as the MCU (MediChain Utility Tokens) is introduced and will be useful in the following areas:
Voting Research Program
To buy storage and transfer of personal medical data.
Buy personal medical data services
Delivery of the MediChain utility
Institutional medical data services, including diagnosis.
Search for medical data services. MediChain Utility Token (MCU) 

token (MCU) characterizes the actual load of the patient's random information block. This proof can be obtained from the platform during symbolic sales.

The health they say is wealth and according to MediChain, "knowledge has no value unless you use it"

Without appearing to be an evangelist as morning mourns in the street, we are all aware of the individual challenges facing the hospital for obtaining patient data and getting in touch with the right doctor at the same time. Blockchain technology has given rise to the development of an unborn generation will not recover. Putting it on a medical line is a relief and therefore an invitation to join symbolic sales so that even beyond the expectations of this platform, medical and medical services can move to the next level. 
Definition of terms:
1FA - press or swipe the card
2FA - Chip and pin or chip and password,
3FA - chip and pin plus fingerprint or iris scan
DME - Electronic Medical Records 

References and Social Platforms MEDICHAIN 
Username profile BTT: Galih_al karim


CrowdCoinage:This Blockchain Platform Is Here To Provide An All-In-One Solution To Budding Startups

CrowdCoinage is not just a platform where founders and startups find team members but a place where they can ask for help or feedback from other members of the community. The platform also offers wide variety of different financial services based on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Our system allows founders and business owners to set up their own smart contract instead of generating their own token to make the transaction process much simpler. This, in turn it saves the founder’s valuable time and resources that can be used more effectively for other development of their projects.
Many useful tools like loans, insurances and trading will be built on the platform and will be available to the companies/ startups as a database need of venture capital or know-hows. Regarding P2P loans, the existing lending sites such as Bondora are promising but come with a lengthy lending process. With CrowdCoinage’s technology, there will be a decentralized nature of blockchain-based P2Ploans that would support cross-border P2P lending, and not just available for a single jurisdiction.
These loans could be of two types- either cryptocurrencies with pre-agreed percentage of interest, or in fiat currencies, and paid back in the matching amount of a cryptocurrency.

Website : https://crowdcoinage.com/

Wallet and Insurance
With regards to wallets, each user will receive their wallets during the sign up process where we use Keys to protect additional encryption, and Two-factor authentication will be used as an additional layer of protection. The conversions would be fully transparent and current daily exchange rate from the exchange will be used to complete the real-time conversion. Also, our CrowdCoinage OS payment API will be similar to PayPal's shopping cart. Pubic data can be accessed by anyone with API access. And to make things more time saving for our users, we have CrowdCoinage OS plugin, CCPay, and in just a few minutes we can start accepting Bitcoins, Ethers, CCOS coins or other cryptocurrencies stored in their CrowdCoinage OS.
We have built a fully automated insurance model which is peer-to-peer that would suit many types of insurance models. For instance, our broker model, insurance policyholders will from groups online and insurance premiums will be paid into a group fund.

ICO and team details
CrowdCoinage’s Token Symbol is CCOS. The Exchange Rate is, 1 ETH = 1,000 CCOS tokens. The sale of tokens will commence on 15th of January 2018, 11AM EET. The Token Sale Period Pre-Sale will go on from 2018/01/15 11AM EET until 2018/01/22 to 2018/03/12. Our hard cap is allocated at 100,000 ETH and Pre-Sale Cap is set at 30,000 ETH.
Our team consists of Peep Paum, Co-Founder & CEO, Silver Liiv, Co-Founder & frontend developer, Tauno Poks,Co-Founder & CTO, Marina Baslina, CMO, Sven Kauber, Co-Founder & senior backend/ blockchain developer.

For more details visit

Senin, 29 Januari 2018


OTHO NETWORK adalah platform multi-mata uang yang paling banyak didistribusikan.

Otho Wallet akan memenuhi semua tanggung jawab Anda. Pengalaman berbelanja termudah. Untuk aplikasi yang dikonfigurasi sebagai satu instalasi, Anda tidak perlu mendownload aplikasi yang tidak perlu dari berbagai toko web. Saat ini, aplikasi tersebut merupakan versi alfa, masuk ke tahap awal uji coba, web, smartphone, didukung pada Windows, platform OSX. Jaringan adalah pertukaran enkripsi yang paling aman, platform kami bebas untuk digunakan, dalam portofolio kami
Otho Network dapat dengan bebas memilih bagaimana pedagang ingin melakukan pembayaran. Pedagang dapat menerima pembayaran melalui aplikasi mobile Otho. Dalam sistem pemrosesan transaksi, ia mencatat dan memprosesnya.
Otho Network menawarkan pengalaman pelanggan yang lebih menarik dan fleksibel. Anda bisa berdagang via mobile meninggalkan dompet fisik di rumah.

Otho Wallet akan memenuhi semua tanggung jawab Anda. Pengalaman berbelanja termudah. Untuk aplikasi yang dikonfigurasi sebagai satu instalasi, Anda tidak perlu mendownload aplikasi yang tidak perlu dari berbagai toko web. Saat ini, aplikasi tersebut merupakan versi alfa, masuk ke tahap awal uji coba, web, smartphone, didukung pada Windows, platform OSX. Jaringan adalah pertukaran enkripsi yang paling aman, platform kami bebas untuk digunakan, dalam portofolio kami

Jaringan Otho memiliki 54 lapangan terbang, masing-masing peserta menerima persentase token tertentu. Pengguna yang dikonfirmasi diperiksa sebagai bagian dari survei pencegahan dan survei status pencucian uang. Lebih dari 2.000 pengguna kini bisa berdagang. Anda harus meminta pengguna yang telah divalidasi untuk peraturan dan peraturan.
Inilah link penting Jaringan OTHO, Anda harus tahu berhak mengikuti kampanye Aidrop dan Bounty.
Website: Http: //Otho.Network/ 
Twitter: https://twitter.Com/Otho_Network 
Telegram: https: 
//T.Me/OthoNetworkCommunity Jaringan Otho Furom: Http: //Forum.Otho.Network/showthread.Php ? tid = 57
Usernane profile BTT: Galih_al karim


HOME LOANS : Blockchain Backed Up By Real State Platform

The HOME LOANS platform started as a company in 2011 to focus on real estate transactions and real estate secured loans in 2013, aimed at delivering optimum solutions to its customers. To improve the professional level in the field of real estate sales and mortgage loans every year, our employees are trained, as evidenced by the related certificates. Every year our organization participates in all forums, which take place in the framework of mortgage lending. Our partners are like giants like Sberbank, VTB 24, Gazprombank, URALSIB. To program this platform, we have attracted smart contract programmers and experts. Also in the development and development process we will attract specialists from the blockchain.
HOUSEHOLD LOANS is an easily accessible financial platform whereby people from all over the world can turn their savings into real estate-backed HLCoin currencies to get a return on real estate loans, property purchases and income protection from inflation. In the future we will be able to help all the 1.6 billion people who do not have their own housing, and also all those who, for whatever reason, are rejected by the bank, adding it to the new global decentralization cryptosystem.

International loan platform for real estate HOME LOANS provides loan types such as: 
1. Loans for housing under construction.
2. Loans for secondary housing.
3. Loans for commercial real estate.
4. Loan for land purchase.
5. Loans for own property.
HOME LOANS platform uses complex algorithms to predict creditworthiness of all customers and in just 20 minutes a borrower can get their very first the first loan to purchase real estate in his her life just from their smartphone. All customers have an ability to pay less interest and have a higher credit rating, if they use our platform more often.
All aggregated Big Data and Credit Histories are stored on the Blockchain. Thousands of investors have access to millions of new customers that we bring into the world economy and millions of people will have the opportunity to purchase a property anywhere in the world.In its development throughout the United States or even in the world calculated in large numbers, many markets are declining because they have no different ideas and creativity. But HOME LOANSonce again coming up with unique ideas and creativity as a fundraiser for the blockchain platform with real estate trading themes. The problems in the real estate industry globally include:
Access to decent housing is the universal right of everyone. Meanwhile, seize 1.6 billion people in the world.
- Failed to meet minimum requirements.
- A negative credit history or no credit history.
- High credit load.
- Low income level. Fraud.
- Debts for administrative or criminal liability.
Banks are reluctant to communicate with foreign customers, citing the high level of risk. One of the main reasons for giving you a mortgage, is a secret letter from the largest Bank in the world, which you must position as a paying customer.
The solution provided by the HOME LOANS platform :
as a platform for investment in real estate secured loans worldwide, is built on the basis of the Ethereal platform. The HLCoin Token platform will be equipped with real estate objects and will be traded on crypto exchanges. HOME LOANS platforms use complex algorithms to predict the credit worthiness of all customers and within just 20 minutes borrowers can get their first loan to buy real estate in their life only from their smartphone.
All customers have the ability to pay less interest and have a higher credit rating, if they use our platform more often. All Large Data and Aggregate Credits are stored in Blockchain. Thousands of investors have access to the millions of new customers we bring into the world economy and millions of people will have the opportunity to purchase property anywhere in the world.
Quick Links
Username profile BTT:Galih_al karim


PECUNIO — Blockchain Investment Safe And Easy

Pecunio is a decentralized investment platform with a cryptocurrency card and a free digital currency exchange, allowing easy saving and spending of crypto assets. We are the one-stop shop for the average non-tech-savvy user, high equity investor as well as angel and venture capitalists.

Pecunio also specialises in providing expert consulting services to distinguished blockchain start-ups by providing each individual client with a taylor made business plan because we recognize diversity.We want to open the vibrant cryptocurrency market to everyone — demystifying blockchain investments and allowing everyone to participate in the new economy of the 21 century.

By tokenizing all our funds and assets, we simplify investments into selected ICOs, angel & venture capital funds and cryptocurrencies. All major cryptocurrencies will be interchangeable on the platform for free. Pecunio opens an exclusive investment universe to everyone.

A multi-asset prepaid debit card, enabling token spending in fiat currencies around the world. These prepaid debit card payments without local exchange fees make digital currency spending a whole lot easier. Pecunio enables cryptocurrency spending with instant liquidity.

Our expertise in traditional and hedgefund management qualifies us to accompany blockchain businesses successfully spreading their wings. We launch ICO campaigns with a dedicated fund, management support, legal advice and more. Pecunio shares the profits with its token holders.

Pecunio’s mission is to open the vibrant cryptocurrency market to everyone, encouraging blockchain adoption and democratizing ownership of cryptocurrencies. As the economic fruits of technological innovation are usually harvested by affluent investors with deep pockets and insider knowledge only, Pecunio now makes it possible to own, transfer and invest into cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum & others by the average individual, allowing participation in the new economy.

We personally believe in the philosophical mission established by Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the idea of the blockchain, creating a fund universe that is safe, easily accessible and affordable to the average person.

Within the last 30 months, the ICO market grew from a mere 14 million US $ to a whopping 2.6 billion US $. Finance & Investments is still heavily underrepresented as a category, due to a lack of innovation and decentralization. With its unique business proposition, Pecunio is expected to capture a significant market share in its ICO proceeds and beyond.

The dawn of a new investment era began starting with the incredibly successful Ethereum ICO in July 2014. Imagine having invested an amount of two thousand dollars in ETH at that time. Right now in 2017, in less than three years, those two thousand dollars would be worth over 1 million US $.
The same applies for blockchain solution “Stratis”: Only 12 month after its ICO, tokenholders have multiplied their initial investment by factor 600. ICOs can multiply your investment and are the most rewarding investments ever, when done well. It is our business venture to spot, target and support potential top performers in this hyper-dynamic market.

Investing into ICOs and tokenized AC & VC leverages the performance of our funds compared to regular cryptocurrency investments by far. Our fund management avails of profound experience from the traditional- , as well as from the hedge fund industry, managing funds with volume size of 250 million $ US and more.

Pecunio’s cryptocurrency card is a multi-asset prepaid debit card, enabling token spending in all fiat currencies around the world without exchange fees. The user will be able to manage assets via the platform, charging the card with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Dash, Ripple and many other cryptocurrencies more to come.

All of our tokens are ERC-20 standard and based on Ethereum; a global, secure decentralized verification network, that enables tokenizing our blockchain funds. Pecunio’s PCO tokens receive proceeds from three sources: The management-, the performance-, and the ICO fees. Pecunio will earn substantial amounts from commission in short time, making it a true blue chip investment for its token holders.

Our platform simplifies the access to the sometimes complicated handling of smart contracts for nontech-savvy users. Active customer support, together with an easy-to-use interface, contributes to our platforms value. Part of our customer-centric approach will be a free exchange for cryptocurrencies, making Pecunio a one-stop-shop for easy investments.

Another supporting pillar of Pecunio´s unique position in the market. Our user have customerlifetime-value since as we are not a product-centric seller or exchange, but a care taker with active management and active customer support.
Why Blockchain?

+ Tyler Winklevoss, Co-creator of Facebook, top investor in Bitcoin
The Blockchain is a foundational technology like the Internet itself — a big system enabling applications to be built on it and value to be stored and transferred safely via a transparent public ledger. The idea of a decentralized, global payment network with low cost and settlement time has profound implications across the world-wide financial system.

Abstracting away from solely the financial sector, the transparency and integrity of data on the Blockchain may transform broad industries and industry standards in areas like record keeping, logistics, law, identity management, securities settlement, application development and many more. Furthermore corporate formation & governance, asset representation, contract & agreement structuring, and the traditional thought processes associated with; each are rapidly being challenged, questioned, re-thought, reapproached, and re-structured because of the spark ignited by the concept of the blockchain.

We now find ourselves at the forefront of a huge wave of innovation. Approximately 80% of banks are developing their own blockchain technology today. This is one of the main reasons the world’s biggest firms are now investing into this promising technology and/or adopting it as well.

The real value of the blockchain is that it renders intermediaries completely obsolete. Middlemen acting as third party establishing “trust” between unknown parties are no longer inevitable. The blockchain basically replaces these middlemen.

+ Financial Services
Banks are essentially secure storehouses and transfer hubs for money. Blockchain’s secure, decentralized, and tamper-proof ledger addresses this function — at a fraction of the cost. A company called “Thought Machine” has already created a “blockchain bank.” Clearing houses and stockbrokers are also in the firing line for the same reason. Companies like Western Union and MoneyGram have always dominated money transfer services. But blockchain start-ups are trying to create a competitive scenario by offering faster, cheaper and versatile forms of money transfer.

+ Real Estate
When most people think of buying and selling property, they think of copious amounts of paperwork, a long, drawn-out process, and high agent fees. Using blockchain, anyone can manage, track, and transfer land titles and property deeds — no need for intermediaries. A firm called Ubitquity is providing this service right now.

+ Music Streaming
Music streaming is great — well, maybe not for the musicians. It’s estimated that artists lose up to 86% of the proceeds of their music because of illegal downloading. The blockchain makes it possible for artists to earn royalties on their
music without going through a record label. Grammy Award Winner Imogen Heap has created a blockchain-based streaming platform called MYCELIA that is, besides others, facilitating this issue
Why Fund Management

Despite Bitcoin’s impressive annualized returns since its inception in 2009, the reality is that blockchain technology is still in its infancy and no one knows whether it will become globally accepted. This uncertainty surrounding blockchain and Bitcoin’s future is reflected in the price volatility of cryptocurrencies. When it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs, there are a few risks investors need to be aware of and mitigate:

+ Regulatory Risk
Probably the biggest risk to the future success of Bitcoin, as both a currency and as an investment class, is regulatory risk. If China, for example, decides to ban its citizens from holding Bitcoin, the price of the digital currency would crash. China is by far the largest market for Bitcoin trading, with over 90 percent of trading occurring in the People’s Republic. Hence, any negative regulatory changes would have a direct impact on the world’s Bitcoin investments.

The same goes for leading Bitcoin start-up hubs like the U.S. and the U.K. Should any large economy ban Bitcoin, the price will collapse and struggle to recover.

+ ICO Scams
Many ICOs/token launches lack legitimacy for one of the following reasons:
+ Some ICOs are outright scams. Their founders simply cash in on the absurd amount of “dumb money” that people throw into token launches. (The “investors” can often be people who missed the boat on Bitcoin and/or Ether, who truly don’t understand the differences in between the various cryptocurrencies, particularly when it comes to value.)
+ Other ICOs are illegitimate because they are essentially a solution without a problem — not everything needs a decentralized application with its own currency. Because of these risks, a significant set of due diligence questionnaire has to be implied before buying into a potential ICO.

It is asked too much, for an average individual with a day job to occupy oneself with all the details of a rapidly changing market. In order to react to these dynamic systems it needs experts and due diligence; both are pillars of our performance policy, which is the reason why we preferred active management of our funds in order to adapt to fluctuated markets. Additionally portfolio diversification mitigates market volatility, fraud and operational risks while as being a hedge fund renders us profitable even during falling markets.

The user signs up to create an account on Pecunio’s platform by providing an email address, a user name and a password. Upon confirmation via email, a personal wallet is created and he is automatically directed to the user dashboard where he finds an overview of his personal account and holdings.

After successfully transferring cryptocurrencies or fiat money into his account, it is now the user’s choice whether to spend it via the crypto card or rather exchange or rather invest cryptocurrencies into Pecunio’s investment products.

Every investor has the opportunity to invest into different type of funds. For now there are three fund tokens available, besides the exchange-tradable Pecunio token.

Generated value is distributed to investors by the PCO utility token, which returns fees from tokenized ICOs, AC & VC and cryptocurrency funds. Additionally, value is guarded by regular burning of tokens

Another important function of the Pecunio Platform is the regular distribution of fund fees. 25% of the proceeds are reinvested to multiply the return to the investors via compound interest. 25% of the proceeds are paid to the investment advisor in form of a performance fee. 50% of the proceeds are distributed among the fund’s token holders via a buy-back process. In this way, distribution of income provides liquidity of the fund’s tokens. Bought-out tokens are burned so that income will continue to increase for the remaining fund tokens.

Pecunio‘s innovative business model is profound and elaborate, but has short operational history in the young cryptocurrency fund market. It is a delicate task to evaluate prospects and future financial results with absolute precision, which is why we offer three possible scenarious to help understand different levers and possible outcomes for our project:


The asset tokens will be represented as smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Coding and customizing work will be done in Solidity, a high level programming language similar to javascript, targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is the runtime environment for smart contracts in Ethereum.

The PCO asset contract collects 2–6% yearly management fees on all funds, as well as a performance fees (between 15% and 30%, depending on the fund offering). PCO token holders will be able to access their assets through a “redeem and burn” mechanism.

To fund the project, we conduct a token sale issuing 40 million Pecunio tokens (PCO) in total after the ICO campaign successfully ends. The total supply amount of tokens is 100 million PCO tokens.

+ Our crowdsale is yet confidential but everyone who pre-registered will be personally invited to our closed-end tokensale. It will last 30 days.
+ PCO Tokens are Ethereum ERC-20 tokens
+ 30,000,000 will be sold in the token sale.
+ Exchange Rate: 1ETH (or equivalent ) = 200 PCO
+ The token sale will be hard-capped upon receipt of 150.000 ETH
+ BTC, ETH, XRP and LTC are accepted for the purchase of PCO Tokens
+ No more PCO will be created after this period in order to avoid inflation.
+ Token distribution starts with 1st of February 2018.

Token Value

PCO tokens represent ownership tied to the PCO asset contract (see below), namely the rights and obligations arising from the Pecunio universe of funds (especially management and performance fees), and ICO service fees. Tokens are a digital asset, bearing no intrinsic value by themselves, but the value based on their underlying assets, properties and/or rights. PCO tokens allow their holders to receive these fees on a pro rata basis.
+ 20.000.000 of PCO created during the creation event will be allocated to Pecunio founders
+ 20.000.000 PCO will be allocated to financial backers and early stage supporters
+ 10.000.000 of PCO created during the creation event will be allocated to the company and utilized as a future employee token pool, to strengthen our ability to attract & retail top talent; these tokens will be locked for 12 months
+ 5.000.000 of PCO created during the creation event will be created for and granted to advisors; these tokens will be locked for 3 months
+ 15.000.000 of PCO will be credited to the reserve, but not issued. These PCO´s will be available as an additional source of funding, but may never be issued, depending on circumstances in the future

The exchange works via a matching engine through asset proxies. The interface is therefore linked to external exchanges and addresses via the asset proxy smart contract, which complies with ERC-20 standards.
+ Manipulation-safe
+ Written in a hardware-friendly programming language to maintain speed
+ Closed environment — with consideration of future decentralization

Written in Javascript, among ohters Bitcore framework.


You can share your thoughts on our Telegram channel, or contact us by e-mail, or social media.

Username profile BTT: Galih_al karim


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