Senin, 22 Oktober 2018

ARROUND - plunge into the world of AR

After a long “vacation” in my analysis of projects, I decided that it was time to stop lazing around and start reviewing good startups for you. Leafing through the tape I came across a very interesting project that is a developer in one of my most favorite topics - VR and AR. But since I already wrote an article about VR, it was the turn of the analysis of a strong project from the field of AR. To begin, I will explain what kind of technology.

AR is a technology that makes it possible to obtain information from the world around it by imposing the latter on the real reality.

So, Arround itself is aimed at creating AR technology using the blockchain. Smart contracts will be used to interact with third-party projects (for example, companies that want to place their ads in AR), but the data that is collected for the target audience will be in reliable protection and will be transferred only if the user permits.

According to analysts, the market for augmented reality will grow by 20–100 times over the next 5 years. This gives the project significant advantages, because the project will be built on blockchain technology.

One of the advantages of the project is the reward of users for creating 3D maps that will help in the promotion of AR technology.

I recently read an article that says that in China people are already using their phone as a passport, driver's license and payment methods. Little by little, these technologies began to appear in our country, just imagine that soon, for example, you can point the camera of your phone at a building, and you will get all the information about it.
About ICO

Sale of tokens will last until November 15th, 2018. Total for the project will be allocated 3 billion tokens, and the price of one coin is $ 0.035. For the success of the elections, an amount of $ 5 million has been announced, and the maximum level of fees is $ 30 million.


The team consists of strong professionals in their field who can give this project a successful start as well as further development.

NEIL BRYANT RUSSELL - CEO. An experienced Internet manager who previously headed the project as a CEO (and this is a very cool experience that will help the company in proper development).

EVGENY DOBROVOLSKY is the founder and chief business development specialist. He has tremendous experience in the management sphere thanks to which some Russian companies have passed the stage of the global crisis. He is also the founder and co-founder of many large companies.

ARKADY YASASHNIY - financial director. He is a leading financial expert in Russia, and also holds senior positions in the banking industry of the country. It is also positioned as a successful entrepreneur in the blockchain field.

TEMUR SHAKAYA - founder and advisor on strategic partnership. A co-owner and member of the Board of Directors of the pharmacy chain “36.6” is one of the first entrepreneurs in the field of the pharmaceutical business in Russia to be a serial entrepreneur.

It is clear that here I have listed not all the members of the team and the council, here on page 42 you can find more information.

The blockchain market is not in the best position right now, but due to such projects, the description of which you read above, it has every chance to shoot, because I consider this startup very promising.
Project links

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim


I welcome you my dear friends.Today I want to tell you about a very promising project.I want to introduce you an unusual resource . What is unusual about this service? The most proven way to avoid public shame online - it's nothing to write in blogs, do not register in social networks and do not post "controversial" photos. But if you still need, then celebrities should remember that now the blunders will not disappear. is a news aggregator that aims to make the Internet media and celebrities more responsible for what they publish. It keeps copies of everything they create and puts everything they edit or delete in the spotlight.

Any user of Undelete news can track any person or celebrities on social networks, even if they are not on our website.

Memory is a revolutionary data warehouse that uses blockchain technology as the basis for its development. The mission of Memory is to create a self-sufficient ecosystem that includes many applications to meet the needs of companies, government organizations and people in the ultra-secure storage of all kinds of valuable data.

The memory API allows third-party developers to create desktop and online applications for decentralized encrypted storage of various types of data without extensive research into the technical details of blockchain technology. The developers of these applications receive compensation for a portion of all charges for storage of files downloaded their applications.

That is, all the tweets, news, posts and deleted articles, all will be stored using Memory (fully decentralized, ultra-secure encrypted data storage on the blockchain) you yourself can add a celebrity to the list of people whose activities you would like to track. You'll see all posts that have been deleted, edited, published, and so on. Undelete creates an international version of the site, each version of which will have its own set of media and celebrities. In its useful resource, many media should think that in the pursuit of a loud headline, many can not avoid the temptation to twist a little what is happening and thus attract the audience, then clean up the article and voila — it was so, but with will be different. Now nothing escapes our careful eye, and the media and celebrities may have a chance not to lie to us. In partnership with Memory, the company is sure to be a success. 
Right now, the platform is Memority ICO, left quite a bit to 5 000 000 softcap.

More info in:

Username Profile Btt : Galih_alkarim


I welcome you my dear friends.Today I want to tell you about a very promising project.

Building in growth with a better level of quality leads to an increase in good potential in the present and in the future thanks to innovative innovations that continue to evolve, as well as builds quality in the best development of the community and links the possibilities of connecting good in the present and future, by controlling at a level of decentralized control that is able to maintain the quality of growth and dissemination of data in a well-organized ecosystem, which can ensure good growth and be able to have a standard of living that is getting better in the present and future, combining different qualities of different people with better quality skills that are able to provide quality in maintaining a higher level of decentralization in the present and future, with Koala Lee to maintain quality life growth for the better, the development of quality in an increasingly better life, maintaining stability in construction and life in koalas is improved with better service.

Koala life through the best technology in building life and the level of decentralization, which is built better and better, in order to be able to establish the level of connectivity between different groups on the platform, which is able to develop and overcome various problems in building the level of circulation on the platform, which is better supported, with the block chain technology provides a higher level of stability of the platform, as well as in overcoming the problems within the network on a well-structured platform, as well as stability in the provision of more and more quality services in the present and future, with more and more improved services and continue to bring a good level of benefits, which will undoubtedly lead to the emergence of more and more high level of demand in the present and future through a variety of innovative innovations, as well as the development of good services that will undoubtedly bring comfort to the customer is getting better now and in the future to realize a better quality of life that has good potential in the future.

Various functions in the life of Koalas that are able to control well, namely in the creation of networks that are increasingly decentralized well, and then in conjunction with the interaction of different people around the world and able to maintain better circulation in the ecosystem, and then maintain security on the platform well-formed and able to guarantee a better quality of life with the life of Koalas, and this will be able to provide a level of comfort to the client or client in the present and the future, with the development teams and developers., who have extensive experience in their fields resulting in the quality of life of Koalas getting better and the presence of these partnerships will increasingly lead to an improved reputation in the present and future.

About ICO

The beginning of the ICO 03 Sep 2018
ICO End October 15, 2018.


Web site:
Technical documentation:

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2018


The time of holidays is coming to an end and weekdays are coming, someone will go to learn, someone will work, in this connection, I want to introduce STUDENT COIN company As it is easy to guess from the name, this coin was created in 2017 year by Benjamin Stone, for students. What first was a kind of experiment turned into a serious company, with global ideas. A strong team consisting of students solves this platform many problems arising during their studies, as well as at the end of the school. 
We all know how hard it is for students, this is a loan for studies, a problem with employment after graduation from college. All this and much more is designed to solve the STUDENT COIN platform . Company Student Coin Limited, registered in the UK at 41 Millbrook Road, Crowborough, United Kingdom, TN6 2SB, as well as the company signed a contract with the Citizenship and Management Center (CCEG), which makes the project legal and unique. The platform is designed to help bring students together into a single, strong, integrated community and help them invest in their future, giving them support and confidence in the future - offering financial stability through education. STUDENT COIN will help you realize the most ambitious plans, create your own company, get a loan, solve the housing problem and much more. STUDENT COIN created by students for students. For investors:

Pre-ICO beginning: from 15 to 30 September 2018
ICO beginning: October 1, 2018
ICO end: October 31, 2018

Payment: BTC, ETH, ETC, LTC, UK £, US $, EU €

Token SER is a trading Standard Digital Currency Ethereum ERC20

Total : 40,000,000 (40 million)
Student Supply : 20,000,000 to your Foundation (20 million)
Investors : 10,000,000 (10 million) HARD CAP
Stakeholders : 10,000,000 (10 million)
Private Placement : UK £ 5 million soft cap target
Platform : Ethereum ERC827

Bounty distribution:
  • YouTube / blog / articles (content creation) 30% 
  • Facebook Bounty 10% 
  • Twitter Bounty 10% 
  • Translation and flow control Bounty 10% 
  • telegram Bounty 7.5% 
  • Instagram Bounty 7.5% 
  • Others (competition) 25%

Summing up, I want to say that the project is transparent, understandable, practical and useful, with which you can safely look to the future, and a strong investment portfolio will make this future brighter And let me remind you once again of legality, it is such a rarity now.


Just now a bounty company is underway that will last until the end of sales on October 31, 2018.

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Eatonomy strengthens the market for loyalty in the future

Greetings to the whole community, I am passionate about encrypted parts and I am a supporter of good projects like Eatonomy. In this new publication, I would like to present the Eatonomy project. I'm sure you've heard a lot about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrency, ICO ... but Eatonomy's blockchain is the coolest, and for more details we cover the following topics:

If we observe the evolution of society, tribal society, we have moved to a different social structure in the modern world, where people work in a specialized way and can do it in a global environment, from all over the world thanks to the advent of technology. and the Internet. Eatonomy is a social media platform with financial investors based on blockchains. The social network Eatonomy will be one of the unique and encrypted social networks allowing cryptography enthusiasts to find themselves on a common platform and spread the appeal of information, including financial, without missing all important updates.

Traders, sellers, asset managers and investors. Eatonomy will allow all these participants to interact in real time without problems by posting updates, blogs, images, analysis, personal situations, video channels and anything else that could be important

OVERVIEW of Eatonomy
Eatonomy strengthens the future loyalty market by introducing a decentralized platform that allows brands and retailers to easily create interoperable, smart and engaging loyalty programs for modern buyers. Eatonomy's loyalty ecosystem of brands and retailers is designed to bridge the gap between traditionally inefficient and expensive loyalty programs and the high expectations of today's buyers. Create a channel loyalty program without prior technical knowledge or customer experience. Introduce real value interoperability, intelligence / distribution and loyalty programs.

High operating costs

A fully functional digital loyalty program is very expensive to manage - it results in less value for customers and a barrier for small brands / retailers who run a digital loyalty program.

Restrictive Rewards

Today, rewards can only be redeemed with the retailer / issuer brand. As a result, customers are disengaged, resulting in a low exchange of rewards.

Lack of intelligence

Brands / retailers do not have in-depth knowledge of their customers to create personalized programs that reward loyal behaviors, commitment and repeat purchases.

Eatonomy solution by the mission

Eatonomy's mission is to enable intellectual loyalty programs - to imagine where brands / retailers can identify the most valuable customers, understand their behavior and reward their customers. Goods for purchase and their habits.

Use Eatonomy's loyalty program - brands / retailers can create loyalty programs in just a few minutes - without the technical knowledge or experience of a chain of blocks.

Our foundation is fundamentally different from other chain attachments, since it was built on Stellar. Stellar solves the technical problems associated with launching a DAPP client that relies on the Ethereum-based DAPP - portfolio management, transaction costs, transaction duration, and tag liquidity.

How it works?

The application level includes the Loyalty Management Suite + Mobile Biology app.

Customer Loyalty Management is what brands / retailers use to create loyalty programs, assign refund rules (for example, 10 codes for $ 30), report report code via the TRE API and monitor / analyze the performance of their programs. Brands / retailers can choose to launch their loyalty program in mobile apps - where consumers can buy and trade food / products with TRE or fiat cards or a brand / seller. Individuals can run the program using their own infrastructure.

Benefits for brands / retailers

We eliminate the complexity of creating smart and personalized customer programs.

User-friendly program

Provide an in-depth analysis of loyalty programs - create tailored custom campaigns for high value customers.

Cost reduction

Eatonomy is the most economical basis for managing digital loyalty programs with a comprehensive set of analytics.

Turn your customers into powerful people

Reward customers for their purchases - join a brand as a social equity or complete an offer during the holidays by plane.

Less responsibility, more value

Eliminate the responsibility of maintaining loyalty by assigning yourself to your category by offering a free reward for loyalty.

Customer benefits

Discover the unlimited reward really - your way. Absolutely portable for your favorite rewards, BTC, ETH or fiat!

Reward for participation and purchase!

Earn TRE tokens to interact with your favorite brands / sellers - buying, participating in social networks and more!

Can switch completely

Redeem your ERP to a retailer / brand participating in Eatonomy - or trade / give / sell your card to anyone, anywhere.

Get extra chips by sharing

Earn multiple TRE cards by completing surveys, linking credit cards and sharing information so brands / retailers can offer individual offers.


TRE never expires and retains real value (refundable rewards, BTC, ETH or even fiat).

Supported by Stellar String Block Protocol

Stellar lets you perform some of the fastest, most efficient, and most secure blockchain transactions compared to other popular protocols, such as Ethereum. Why wait 6 minutes to process a transaction, and it's also a lot more than a credit card processing fee? With Stellar, transactions are valued at less than one cent, while Stellar allows you to trade 40 times more per second than Ethereum! Loyal customer loyalty, fast transaction times, and low commissions are critical to the success of Processing tokens as a practical alternative to existing, limited tier reward programs. high transformation.



August 2016

Creation of Eatonomy


April 2017

Developed MVP (iOS and Android app)

November 2017

Won $ 100,000 start-up awards in Canada


April 2018

Integration of 11 restaurants for beta testing and 5,000 organic app downloads without marketing

October 2018

Start of TGE


February 2019

End of TGE

February 2019

Integration Layer Development: API for TRE Import and Mobile Wallet Development

March 2019

Platform development (application layer, exchange layer)

March 2019

Aboard the main CPGs and restaurant chains in North America

September 2019

Expansion in the EMEA and APAC markets

Made of Eatonomy,

At the end of 2017, Eatonomy won the prestigious Best Toronto Startup Enterprise Award at InnovateToronto Pitch, among 200 other competitors. The contest was a collaborative partnership between the University of Toronto, the City of Toronto and Ryerson University, focused on using innovation to shape the next 150 years in Canada and beyond.

For more detailed information, visit:

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2018 - лучшая платформа для криптовалютной торговли в мире, прочно построенная на технологии Blockchain

Обзор проекта
Вау, это превосходно. Мы рады приветствовать вас на самой прозрачной, расширяемой и нерушимой платформе. К настоящему моменту вы должны проявлять бдительность в том, что в последнее время криптовалютный бизнес привлекает к себе вселенское внимание? Так много людей инвестировали в криптовалютный рынок и увеличивают прибыль. Стоит отметить, что криптовые инвестиции, которые представляют собой онлайн-инвестиции, основанные на технологии blockchain, достоверно очень выгодно выгодны.

Люди всегда исследуют инвестиционные проекты, которые очень надежны и имеют большое будущее. Теперь вспомните, как я сказал вам, что мир в основном управляется бизнесом, а бизнес, с другой стороны, управляется информацией в этом поколении, правда, кто бы ни был, заключается в том, что объем информации, которую вы имеете о бизнесе, определяет, насколько вы успешны в этом бизнесе. И именно поэтому мы здесь, чтобы привлечь наших читателей, - криптоинвесторы обновляют крупнейшие мировые ICO. Я всегда отслеживал криптовалютные новости, и сегодня я столкнулся с очень увлекательным проектом с хорошим криптовалютным будущим. Позвольте мне познакомить вас с одним из проектов cryptocurrency Exchange - - это криптовалютный обмен с ежедневным распределением прибыли между держателями токенов TPX и вознаграждением за торговые потери. Несколько обменов с распределением прибыли находятся на рынке, но нет ни одного, что компенсировало бы потери до 100% в случае неудачных инвестиций в криптовалюту.

Торговля и инвестирование в валюту крипты за последние несколько лет доказали, что она может быть очень прибыльным предприятием, и в последние годы объем торговли на криптовалютном рынке увеличился в разное время, в то же время общая рыночная капитализация криптоактивных активов значительно увеличивается каждый день. Биткойн и Этерий представляют собой первостепенную часть общего рынка, но стоимость других криптоактивных активов резко возрастает, а также их количество. В прошлом году рыночная капитализация Биткойна упала до 43%, и на рынке появилось много конкурентов, которые сейчас могут занять свое место. Обмен криптовалюты между собой и валютой в основном осуществляется на централизованных торговых биржах, где общая капитализация определенной валюты является решительной. Exchange использует разрушительную силу технологии blockchain, чтобы значительно вызвать революцию в биржевой индустрии. зарекомендовала себя как одна из самых передовых и надежных децентрализованных платформ для криптовальной торговой платформы с высокой степенью безопасности - одна из самых безопасных, быстрых и мощных платформ сегодня. Это сложный метод, который позволяет упростить работу на обмен и минимизировать убытки в случае неудачных торгов. Это не только платформа для обмена криптовалютами, но и полноценный финансовый инструмент с огромным количеством возможностей благодаря уникальной архитектуре, которая позволяет в кратчайшие сроки выполнять большое количество сложных алгоритмов. Обмен также создает необходимые условия для прозрачности, удобства и простоты с минимальными рисками для трейдеров.

Внедрение технологии blockchain позволяет совершать электронные транзакции безопасным, детерминированным и защищенным от несанкционированного доступа способом. Технологии Blockchain и криптотермины являются двумя ключами к более продвинутому, демократическому и независимому обществу. Технология Blockchain стала силой, которая порождает новые, децентрализованные структуры, которые формируют будущие общества, экономики и каждого из нас в отдельности.

Технологии Blockchain и криптотермины являются двумя ключами к более продвинутому, демократическому и независимому обществу. Технология Blockchain стала силой, которая порождает новые, децентрализованные структуры, которые формируют будущие общества, экономики и каждого из нас в отдельности. Развитие технологий и цифрового мира вызвало потребность в появляющихся криптовалютах, и в то же время существует много краж через слабые системы в отсутствие сильной безопасности в защите активов криптографии.

Платформа направлена ​​на снижение рисков и всевозможных барьеров при входе на криптовалютный рынок. Таким образом, делая криптовалютную торговлю очень простой и доступной, которая является ее основной ценностью - простотой и доступностью.

Как работает

Каждый член биржи сможет включить функцию компенсации потерь на свой личный счет и при совершении сделки он автоматически подпадает под компенсацию, платя комиссию при совершении сделки. Если во время торговли криптовалюты его общий первоначальный баланс по той же торговой паре уменьшается, то в конце дня он будет компенсирован убытками от компенсационного фонда, что составляет 25% от общей прибыли биржи в течение 24 часов. Объем компенсации будет рассчитываться исходя из объема негативных транзакций по отношению к общему объему отрицательных сделок других участников торгов. Кроме того, если участник владеет токенами TPX, то один раз в 24 часа ему будет зачисляться оставшаяся часть прибыли (75%) в процентах от общего количества держателей токенов на бирже.

Неиспользованный компенсационный фонд переносится на следующие 24 часа, что позволит компенсировать значительную часть убытков за счет значительного снижения обменного курса определенной валюты.

Преимущества / Экономическая модель Exchange очень хорошо понимает, что из-за относительной новизны рынков криптовалюта характеризуется повышенной волатильностью, как таковой, создает обмен нового поколения, делая глубокий анализ конкурентной среды в сочетании с систематическим подход к снижению неопределенности торговли криптовалютой. Модель обмена позволяет хеджировать риски волатильности для трейдеров посредством транзакций с компенсацией убытков.

К преимуществам относятся:

· Экономическая модель, лежащая в основе, направлена ​​на снижение рисков волатильности.

· Решения безопасности сайта направлены на снижение операционных рисков.

· Маркетинговая кампания и успешное функционирование сайта по самому своему существованию будут привлекать трейдеров и инвесторов. Поэтому снижение риска ликвидности.

Детали токена / ICO

Токэкс-токен будет доступен для продажи 19 сентября 2018 года. Во время Public Crowdsale 5000 токенов TPX будут зачислены за 1 ETH. Каждый этап продажи подразумевает дополнительные бонусы. Во время ICO мы продадим 70% от общего количества токенов.

Обмен токенами будет проходить в несколько этапов.

· Первый этап Частной продажи будет доступен для инвесторов Angel, которые получат 40% бонуса.

· Второй этап будет проведен для всех желающих в течение месяца. Первая неделя второго этапа вознаградит всех инвесторов с 30% бонуса. Вторая неделя вознаградит всех инвесторов с 20% бонуса. Третья неделя будет вознаграждена 10% бонуса. На прошлой неделе бонусы будут отсутствовать.

Все жетоны будут заблокированы до конца ICO.

Обмен токенов может закончиться раньше, если будет достигнуто максимальное количество взносов. Максимальное установленное количество взносов - 20000 ETH или 10 000 000 $ (эквивалентно 1ETH = 500 долларов США).

Дорожная карта

Для получения дополнительной информации о проекте, пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь к любому из каналов;

Техническая документация:

имя пользователя Btt : Galih_alkarim

Ich begrüße Sie meine lieben Freunde.Ich möchte Ihnen ein sehr Interessantes Projekt vorstellen.Viele Benutzer des Netzwerks haben sich mit einem Konzept wie ICO konfrontiert. Sie können sicher sein, dass eine bestimmte Kategorie von Menschen immer noch am Rand des Ohres ist, aber davon gehört hat. Also, was ist das?

ICO ist eine Art Form der Anziehung von Investitionen für kryptowährungsprojekte, die keine regulatorische Basis haben. Dies bedeutet, dass der Initiator der primären münzplatzierung jede juristische und Natürliche Person sein kann. Der Kernwert von ICO ist die Idee. Es ist für die Umsetzung einer Idee / Projekt und eine Sammlung von Investitionen durchgeführt. Der gesamte Prozess impliziert die Durchführung mehrerer Phasen:

Vorläufige Ankündigung. ICO-Initiatoren erzählen der öffentlichkeit Ihre Idee.
Offerte. Dies ist ein Kooperationsvorschlag. Im Fall von ICO - über Investitionen.
Marketing-Kampagne. Wenn fast alles bereit ist, ein ICO-Startup zu starten, beginnt sich das Werbe - «Schwungrad»zu entfalten. Im Gegensatz zur Vorankündigung kann ein Startup hier bereits mehr über sein Produkt/seine Dienstleistung erzählen, die Investitionsbedingungen, Ziele, technische Details offenlegen.
Start Verkauf. Ein vollwertiger Start des Token-Verkaufs wird auch crowdsale oder Token genannt. Zunächst bietet das Startup Investoren an, ein Token innerhalb seiner Plattform (Website) zu kaufen.
Um jedoch das Interesse an Ihrem Projekt zu erhöhen und Informationen zu verbreiten, verwenden Unternehmen am häufigsten Hilfskräfte. Bounty (Bounty) ist eine Belohnung, die von den ico – Machern für bestimmte Dienste angeboten wird. Einfach gesagt, ein Startup gibt dem Menschen seine Token für seinen Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Projekts.

Namek ist genau für diese Beziehungen entwickelt, die Entwicklung von Beziehungen zwischen ICO-Entwicklern/Organisatoren und Nutzern, die Ihnen Ihre Dienste anbieten.

AirDrop-Plattform. Ihr Ziel ist es, das Bewusstsein für die Einführung von Fundraising und Projekt als ganzes zu erhöhen. Unternehmer belohnen Nutzer dafür, dass Sie sowohl in der Community als auch in den sozialen Medien teilnehmen. Als Enthusiast erhalten Sie ein paar Token von Projekten, die Ihnen wichtig sind.

Bounty ist eine Plattform. Hier können Sie Ihre Talente und Fähigkeiten in voller Pracht zeigen. Für bestimmte Aktionen erhalten Sie Token. Sie können die Richtung wählen, in der Sie gut sind:

Signatur BitcoinTalk. Fördern Sie ICO mit einer benutzerdefinierten BitcoinTalk-Profil-Signatur.
Social-Media-Kampagne (Airdrop). Erhöhen Sie den Mundpropaganda-Effekt um die ICO, indem Sie es zu einem Hauptthema für Social-Media-Diskussionen machen. Dies kann sogar durch likes und reposts erreicht werden.
Übersetzung. Machen Sie ICO Global. Wenn Sie Fremdsprachen perfekt beherrschen, helfen Sie dem Projekt, ein großes Publikum zu erreichen.
Herstellung von Videos. Erstellen Sie eine Erklärung, eine Anzeige oder ein marketingvideo, um das Produkt und die ICO zu veranschaulichen.
Artikelschreiben. Erstellen Sie sinnvolle Artikel und blogposter, um die Sichtbarkeit von ICO auf dem Markt zu erhöhen.
Booth Bounty. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie Identitäts-und Berichtsfehler und UX-Probleme bei der Verwendung eines ICO-Produkts identifizieren können.
Alles, was Sie tun müssen, um an diesem faszinierenden Prozess teilzunehmen:

Konto erstellen
Projekt auswählen
Aufgaben ausführen
Erhalten Sie Belohnungen
NMK-Token und Details der Durchführung von ICO.

Das NMK-Token ist der wichtigste Weg, um die Dienstleistungen von Boni und Agenturen für Startups auf der Plattform zu bezahlen. So kann absolut jeder Teilnehmer der Plattform, der NMK-Token besitzt, Token von Kunden erhalten, die ein ICO über die Plattform nehmen oder es als Verteilung Ihrer Airdrop verwenden möchten.

Plattform: Ethereum

Akzeptierte Währungen: BTC, ETH, LTC, USD
Gesamtmenge der ausgegebenen Tokens: 400.000.000 NMK

Soft Cap-2.000 ETH
Hard Cap-20.000 ETH
Token-Kosten: 1 NMK = 0,00048 ETH

Die neue Token-Lieferung findet am 21. Oktober 2018 statt.

Minimale Investitionen-0,0048 ETH
Maximale Investitionen - ohne Einschränkungen.


Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018

Overview of the project Papusha Rocket Technology

Absolutely all the countries of the world that have refineries, are faced with the same problem, which can not be solved. We are talking about the recycling of waste from refining, as well as their storage. When current heavy grades of oil are being processed, the proportion of waste reaches a high value, at the level of ten to twenty percent. All this waste causes great harm to the environment. There is a project that can change this.

No name-1.jpg

About the project:
Papusha Rocket Technology is the first rocket and space technology on the planet. It is necessary to obtain fuel from the waste of oil refineries from the developer who created the program "Energy-Buran" by Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Papushi A.I. This is the newest technology for the destruction of waste refineries around the planet. Instead of "killing" flora and fauna, refineries will receive diesel and gasoline, which will go on sale.

The technology of transonic combustion, which was developed by Papus A.I. in order to eliminate supertoxic wastes found its application in the field of oil refining. Only due to the fact that there were small improvements, the innovative installation began to do the previously impossible, namely, with waste that practically did not use such demanded products as kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel and rather valuable synthetic oil.

The main benefits of a PRT installation are:
  • Safety equipment
  • Compact dimensions
  • The low price of creation, and also operation
  • Great performance and quick payback period
  • Multifunctionality and autonomy
The main objective of the project is the processing of hazardous waste from refineries due to demand from large investors. Nevertheless, the possibilities of technological processes of transonic combustion and the PRT-2 units formed on its basis are much wider and will require minor modifications during the production. On the entire planet there is a huge number of toxic waste that is harmful to the environment. And due to the lack of processing technology simply stored. Papusha Rocket Technology has such an opportunity to process this waste - therefore, for this purpose, it was originally created. A large surface of the Earth can be saved from the bad effects of toxic waste.

How does it work:
1. During the processing of oil a huge amount of waste is generated, which cannot be used in the future and they are considered dangerous for the ecology of the whole Earth. Oil refineries pour waste into specialized tanks or into so-called “storage ponds”, creating great harm to the outside world and depriving themselves of possible profits from their processing.

2. The PRT-2 compact processing plant uses the contents of similar ponds as a starting material. Oil waste processing occurs at high temperatures (more than one thousand ° C) at transonic speeds (~ one thousand m / s) with the addition of specialized impurities. In such cases, the processed elements undergo radical physical and chemical changes, most of which are transformed into synthetic gas. Then the substance enters the cooling unit, where a positive product is synthesized (kerosene, fuel (gasoline), oil, etc.), with all that safe water vapor and carbon dioxide emit into the atmosphere.

3. What is obtained by an ecologically clean method is that important raw materials are accumulated in specialized tanks, ready for subsequent transportation and sale.

ICO details:
  • Token: PRT 
  • Platform: Ethereum 
  • Standard: ERC20 
  • Quantity: 100,000,000 PRT 
  • Price: 1 ETH = 3,500 PRT 
  • Payment: ETH 
  • Quantity: 75,000,000 PRT
Beginning of ICO: 07/25/2018.
Completion: 09/25/2018

Road map:

1 quarter 2018 - Preparation for ICO. Creation of a team, execution of technical documentation. Smart contract development and token economics.
Q2 2018 - Launching the ICO. Marketing campaign Conduct a round of private sales.
3Q2018 - ICO Papusha Rocket Technology. PRT token output on exchanges. Development of operational documentation.
4 quarter 2018 - Production and purchase of necessary equipment and components. Creating and configuring the first installation of PRT-2-30. Certification, obtaining TU for connection.
2019 - Launch of the mass production of PRT-2 units, first sales. Development of modules for the processing of brown coal. Work on the refinement and implementation of a gas generator, providing cheap electricity for mining.

I consider this project quite promising. The PRT installation will be able not only to improve the state of ecology on Earth, but also to process oil waste into valuable resources. I advise you to pay attention to it.


Knowledge comes in many forms, for which several means of aggregation and curation have been developed. With the publication of scrolls came the creation of libraries to hold them, one of the more ancient examples being the scroll-based library of Alexandria in ancient Egypt. Even when protected, access to knowledge is a consistently increasing challenge. In the eras of the Alexandria and Bodleian libraries, access to knowledge was limited by literacy and physical proximity. In the area of the European enlightenment, literacy was a limiting factor, and academic institutions grew to enable broader literacy.

What is Omnity?
Omnity is a self-assembling, decentralized knowledge curation system, interconnecting private document repositories at all scales (of, by, and for people, companies, organizations, and Governments). Semantic interconnections are made both within internal document sets and with external high-quality, third-party vetted public data from throughout the world (see Figure 2). Omnity does not scrape the web; rather we harvest and interconnect massive sets of public and private documents systematically uploaded through APIs and connectors to uncover hidden and unexpected patters of high value.

Omnity Storage Monitor (SM)

The storage monitor watches all data indexes for existing and new files. When new files are added to the index, the monitor sends a request to the file handler to store this file on the DSN. When an existing file becomes unavailable, the SM sends a request to
the recovery agent that retrieves the file from the DSN and restores it onto the index. There are several potential reasons as to why existing files might become unavailable such as natural disasters, data corruption, hardware failures, and network hacks.

Enterprise-Scale Consumption of Omnity

Enterprise-scale consumers of Omnity currently include Fortune 500 in a range of knowledge-rich and innovation driven industry verticals, including Aerospace, Energy, Materials, Medical Devices, and Pharmaceuticals, as well as State and Federal

The effect of Omnity

Express your voice and connect with impact
Omnity enables advocacy and policy professionals in all fields to rapidly and efficiently detect otherwise hidden patterns of relevant document interconnections. Whether for awareness, education, lobbying, or resource allocation, Omnity allows real-time insight into complex document sets, enabling advocacy and policy making professionals to efficiently and systematically answer a wide range of questions.

Place research in context, Fast

More than 2,500 scientific papers and 2,200 patent applications are published every day. Just the last five years of most scientific and engineering fields have produced on the scale of 100,000 documents. Reading these one an hour would take 50 years, a professional lifetime. Pair-wise comparison of these documents at three minutes per comparison would take more than 9,000 years, nearly the length of recorded human civilization. Omnity enables research and development professionals in all fields to rapidly and efficiently detect otherwise hidden patterns of relevant document interconnections.

Finding the right investment, fast
Omnity enables investment professionals of all sorts to rapidly and efficiently detect otherwise hidden high-quality investment opportunities within that sea of noise. Whether in corporate development, venture capital, or buy-side investment, Omnity allows real-time insight into complex document sets, so that investment professionals can answer a wide range of questions.

Express your voice and connect with impact

Omnity enables advocacy and policy professionals in all fields to rapidly and efficiently detect otherwise hidden patterns of relevant document interconnections. Whether for awareness, education, lobbying, or resource allocation, Omnity allows real-time insight into complex document sets, enabling advocacy and policy making professionals to efficiently and systematically answer a wide range of questions.

Features of Omnity token

The Early Acceptance Program (EAP) allows the token value to increase when used and resold internally (depending on value-added cumulative value).

Tags can be used to launch discovery bots (search agents discover content cyclically selected by the user)

Can use tags to customize the import of large documents

Mechanics of Token Sale

Omnity tokens are securities (investment contracts) being offered within the U.S. pursuant to 506(c) of Regulation D and outside the U.S. in reliance on Regulation S. Omnity tokens will be sold in multiple stages, with a private sale followed by a presale and then a public sale. In the United States, only accredited investors will be able to purchase Omnity tokens. Of funds raised, 74% will be allocated for Omnity’s operations (as per Figure 11); 15% in reserve, including use for the Early Adopter Program; 6% for employees, advisors, and partners; and 5% for founders.

Omnity Advisors
Personal opinion

My first attraction at the project was a strong team of industry experts who helped make the project a success. And of course the idea of ​​the project is also something that is interesting to me. Competition is great but I believe the things on the project will grow strongly in the future.

More information

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Criptonity Building Community-Oriented Exchange

Cryptonity is a combination of two words Crypto and Community. but solid and significant is the purpose of exchanging cryptonity, which is considered by the Community Cryptocurrency. Cryptonity strives to provide the most complete, safe, straightforward and shared exchange platform market.

Cryptonity intends to convey a great thrill to Crypto World, misusing the "main benefit" strategy of public exchange. They will release their special token called Cryptonity Token with the XNY ticker. Cryptonity tokens will be pushed initially on the Ethereum blockchain. Faster than later, Cryptonity intends to build their own Blockchain, and will start taking shots immediately after the Token Sales offer.

Making cryptocurrency currency exchange is not a simple job. Making exchanges that provide complete regulation of the apparatus and capacity is much more troublesome. Cryptonity knows that this is about time, free effort, enthusiasm and diligent work, similar to the effort carried out in cryptocurrency exchange.

In any case, Cryptonity believes that cryptocurrency exchanges, including those that have been available for a long time, can be increased from various points of view. Flawlessness is very difficult to achieve, but we tried to approach it as far as we could.

From a Cryptonomist perspective, there are two different classes of digital money exchange: big players, from one point of view, and the other, on the other hand.

Those who we call candidates abstractly do not care about their clients or customers and do not seem worried about their unwavering quality. Most of them list every coin that agrees to pay their expensive fees, and that's it.

They don't connect with their clients, don't make improvements, (for example, redesigning the UI) and concentrate only on increasing their income. They are at all times indirect at the point where it is sometimes troublesome for us to see how some clients can confide in them and withdraw their cash on this trade. We imagine this is the reason that some coins with a "low cover" can only be accessed on this exchange.

Finally, this is related to security and candor issues. This reality is surprisingly more frightening for big players, because they are the main focus for programmers and criminals.

A book can be compiled about issues identified with cryptocurrency trading, and those mentioned above are only a few insignificant things from things that the market can improve the situation. Meanwhile, cryptonomist understands that cryptocurrency exchange is related to various problems and hazards.

Apart from issues of security and candor, cryptonomists also see problems identified with client meetings, for example, the absence of exchange instruments, inadequate dialect support, moderate forms of results, and so on.

Solution of Cryptonity:
Cryptonity strives to provide the most affordable, safe, and easy to share exchange platform. One important part of our job is security, Cryptoniy gives its clients the safest exchange platform.

To achieve this goal, cryptonity will work with the most well-known specialists in the security field available, review twice each year by the free security organization and report the results of the review to each of our clients. Their security foot will be said on our site.

To push forward, ensuring our clients' knowledge of exchange is the safest, we will establish safeguards to return our clients if misfortune arises due to attacks. More detailed data about our protection strategy will be found in the "Standard exchange" segment.

Another critical perspective is the connection with their clients. It is more normal for us to include our clients in developing the cryptomity platform.

They will have different correspondence channels that will be open to associations with our clients, and we will immediately react to our clients' requests.

There are three main features of Cryptonity
1. Comprehensive "Cryptosystem"
Providing our users the most ergonomic and high-performance trading tools.Users who have our Token Cryptonity (XNY) are given the lowest cost on the market.We plan to develop our own Blockchain and decentralized exchanges with the participation of our community through valued programs

2. Security & Insurance
Providing our users the safest trading platform, working with the best security experts on the market, audited twice a year by independent security companies.The first crypto exchange to provide insurance to return our users in the event of a loss.

3. Community-oriented trading platform
Involve the crypto community in the evolution of the platform to meet their needs and requests: features to be developed, coins to register, etc.Responsive multilingual customer service, low cost and fully transparent policies.Features of "Forks", "Airdrops", "Staking Rewards" and "Masternode" to be implemented.

This Cryptonity Token (XNY) will become a utility token, and in this way the cost will be identified with its usefulness. The token will give the investor half the price of the Cryptonity Exchange installation. This will also allow the owner to pay attention to special matters such as voting in favor.

Cryptonity Token:
Our Cryptonity Token will run original on the Ethereum Blockchain. We plan to develop our own Blockchain in the near future and we will start working on it as soon as our Token Sales are complete.

The Cryptonity token will be a utility token and the price must be related to the utility. Our tokens will give the owner a 50% lifetime discount for the Cryptonity Exchange fee. This will also allow the owner to take part in special features such as the voice for "Coin of the Month".

Token Details:

Token Symbol: XNY
Token Type: ERC20
Total Token Supply: 100,000,000
Token Price: 0.23 $
Minimum transaction: 0.05 ETH
Minimum target: $ 500,000
Maximum Destination: 20,120,000 $
Token Sales:

General Sales 1 Starting: 31 Oct 2018 - End: 30 Nov 2018
General Sales 2 Start: 30 November 2018 - End: 14 December 2018
General Sales 3 Start: 14 December 2018 - End: 31 Dec 2018
No new tokens will be created, all unsold tokens will be destroyed.

Details token allocation



For more detailed information, visit the link below:

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Senin, 08 Oktober 2018 aims to make earning cryptocurrency possible for anyone who receives a paycheck.

Hasil gambar untuk workchain steemit

Mission Statement aims to make earning cryptocurrency possible for anyone who receives a paycheck. We give workers instant access to their paycheck the moment they clock out. It’s their earnings on their terms – true financial control that everyone deserves. And by automating the entire work to paycheck flow on the blockchain, we free employers from payroll processing time and costs.


Integration Partners / Mainstream Adoption


And more to come.
User and Partner Incentivization Programs

Users - With our proprietary user-incentivization application users can be rewarded on the platform for signing up, referrals,etc.

Partners - An additional revenue stream as well as value-add service to their existing business.


Stage 1 - Early Adopters / Proof of Concept will switch to full workPAY, alongside pilot users from 5 additional businesses.

Adoption by successfully-funded ICO companies to pay their employees in crypto. Available only to companies with 4+ rated ICO that successfully raised in the past 12 months.

Based on industry data, this is $250m in payroll (crypto, fiat and tokens) that can be processed via, with potential $5m annual revenue. (source)

Stage 2 - Employees First – Integrating with established payroll and workforce management companies to connect with established systems to provide immediate utility to employees.

Stage 3 - Partnerships -- Partner with on-demand/gig work providers to enable instant payouts for their workers.

Stage 4 - Businesses -- As the technology advances, completely replace outdated payroll solutions businesses rely on today with workPAY. App Token (“WATT”)
Your Membership Token to the Future of Payroll

The transactions made through the ecosystem and the interoperability of its applications will be powered by the platform’s native utility token, App Tokens (‘WATT’, ‘WATT Token’).

The functionality of WATT Tokens will naturally expand over time in step with the adoption and growth of As the number of users on the platform grows, so will the utility and common product use of WATT Tokens.

Token Information:

Token Distribution

Token Vesting

Our team is in this for the long run.

All tokens will be vested transparently through smart contracts. Our token model further encourages long-term staking (12 months-plus) by protocol participants.


Staking is the primary use for WATT Tokens, enabling different participants access to the network and to perform more work on based on the size of the stake.

Primary Parties and their benefits in Staking WATT Tokens: Application Users (“Users”)

WATT Tokens will be a membership token that acts like a software license key, unlocking access to the platform and its various features. Users will always be required to have at least one token to access the platform.

With the upcoming launch of our workPAY and workPAY ADVANCE products, priority access and prime borrowing opportunities will be given to users who stake the most WATT Tokens. Business Users (“Employers”)

In order to get real-time payroll for their employees, businesses will not need to pay monthly subscription, but they will need to stake a number of tokens relative to the number of their employees that are on the platform.

Work Record Validators (“Validators”)

Validators are third-party systems that can provide Proof of Work Records that someone has completed their work. For example time and attendance, or time tracking systems such as or

Similar to API Service Fees, Validators will be required to stake more tokens for the right to do more work on the Platform.

Through the work performed, Validators, will have the potential to earn an additional income stream for their business through rewards earned for their work on the network.

Fund Providers (“Lenders”)

Lenders on the platform can be any party. For example, an institutional lender, an Employer, or User with extra capital that they would like to use to generate an investment return.

In order to get first in line to lend their money, and to secure the best rates for their loaned funds, Lenders will need to stake more tokens. Priority goes to those with the largest stake. And more money lent equals more interest earned.
Value Exchange

WATT Tokens enable secure and verified transactions – the sharing of value – between individuals and entities on WATT Tokens are vital to the adoption, functionality and future mainstream success of

Writing Data

WATT Tokens will be earned by entities and individuals who provide trusted data to to build the platform’s records. A reward for trusted, verified data.

Verifying Data

WATT Tokens will be awarded to users who verify data shared on In this way, WATT Tokens work alongside the Trust Score Protocol as an internal measure of quality for the verification of data.

More Work = More Revenue

All ecosystem revenue is split between and Workers (lenders and work validators) that make the transaction possible.

Small transaction fees (<5%) on all services and applications used on our platform.

A % of loan interest collected directly in stable coin.

WATT tokens collected and resold when used in transactions.

Transaction fee revenue share on our payroll debit/visa cards when used at merchants (Merchant Fees).

Ecosystem Revenue Model Scenario

Substantial opportunity for revenue growth from transactions as # of users increases
As demand increases more tokens are required to stake

Revenue split to workers is meaningful to facilitate adoption and further network demand
Partner / User Incentives

Quality data is what will fuel the creation of trusted records and rapid user adoption of the platform. With this in mind, a sizeable percentage of the total WATT Token supply will be allocated as incentives to users and partners to drive platform growth and adoption.

User Incentivization
Individual users who build up their workID profiles, integrate their accounts with third parties, refer users and validate data on will be rewarded with WATT Tokens.

Partner Incentivization
To build the vibrant partner ecosystem, platform partners that onboard their trusted user data to build work records will be rewarded with WATT Tokens.

For both partners and users, WATT Tokens are logged in a user’s wallet as they’re earned. And then can be put back to immediate work through accessing the functionality of the platform. This makes the token wallet an intrinsic part of platform use – not a static side-product like with many blockchain projects.
WATT Token Technical Specification

WATT Tokens will be Ethereum-based ERC20 tokens. ERC20 is a technical standard used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for implementing tokens that have intrinsic value and can be sent and received on the blockchain. Some of the advantages of using the ERC20 token format include:

Transferability of ERC20 tokens to other DAppChains
Broad adoption of wallets and exchanges
Strong community of the Ethereum blockchain makes ERC20 reliable
Ethereum has scaling plans that will enable faster transactions
Security and dependability - Ethereum is the second most prominent blockchain network

Business / Product Road Map

Q3 2017 Project Starts

Q4 2017
Application Development Begins

Q1 2018 Closed Alpha Version Release

Public Release of Vision
Q2 2018

White Paper Released Public Beta on Blockchain

Product Launch #1: World’s First Immutable CV Created with workID

Q3 2018
First integration with Proof of Work applications
First workPAY Test Transactions

Q4 2018
Additional Integration with Proof of Work Applications
SDK for Proof of Stake Records
Product Launch #2: First Salaries Paid Through workPAY

Q1 2019
Onboarding Employers
workPAY ADVANCE Beta Release

Q2 2019
Product Launch #3: workPAY ADVANCE Lending Application Launch

Q3 2019
Switch to Fully Decentralized Model

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Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2018

Curaizon - Improve Health, Reduce Costs, Save Life

Imagine you do not have to wait for hours in the reception to see your local doctor. Also, imagine the freedom of accessibility with no barrier of time or distance. What about, a chance that your doctor will miss something or, conversely, over evaluate a piece of information and miss a vital data or information, no matter how qualified and talented, no human specialist can store and process as much data in their mind as a computer ( AI technology), imagine a medical world like that. Ask yourself the question, How would that make you feel?

CURAIZON platform is here to provide a solution that can help it all with the blockchain system and Improve Health, Reduce Costs, Save Life.

We solve real-world problems by helping patients take their medications properly and striving to improve drug adherence and bring benefits that change the game for patients and healthcare providers by becoming a leading provider of data compliance and solutions around the world .

Medical researchers are challenged to find better new drugs and treatment programs for chronic diseases. But, what if the answers to improving health outcomes for many patients are simpler than developing new drugs? What if it's as simple as making sure more patients keep using their treatment regimen?

The Workings

Curaserve ™
• Communicates with patents using non-intrusive reminders.
• Enables family members to support patents. Supports
healthcare providers with a real-time view into patent behavior.

Curaview ™
• Integrates with health services legacy systems.
• Ensures that all patent data is current.
• Provides real-time feedback to electronic medical records.

Curadata ™
• Collects unique and valuable data.
• Holds only demographic and adherence data. Patent identifiers held by health service.
• Available through CuraToken ™

Token Details
CuraToken ™ Utility Tokens (CTKN) allows token holders to access our exclusive and anonymous medical data in blockchain. CuraTokens ™ is the only way to access Curaizon ™ technology. CuraToken ™ holders can access data that uses strong analytics, predictions, AI and large data in the war against drug noncompliance. CuraTokens ™ provides real-time analysis of patient behavior and compliance. CuraTokens ™ allows the use of blockchain technology to manage authentication, confidentiality, and accountability by allowing individuals to control their data, providing protection, security and compliance with all necessary regulations, including GDPR.

Curaizon is the only company that offers a complete healthcare ecosystem that supports reducing drug non-adherence. The ecosystem includes CuraServe, CuraData, and Cura View and helps to lower healthcare costs and advance medical research. We targets countries with national health services. It currently includes 1.4 billion people and that number is growing.

Useful links

Username profile Btt :Galih_alkarim


Proven grip with Fiat edition exists since 2015 in the USA total market. In 2019 BRAVO will provide an upgrade to pay out with our cryptocurrency (BVO Symbol) permitting for quick, secure and unknown obligations worldwide.

BRAVO ran and constructed on its blockchain system

BRAVO is developing rapidly

• Showing industry

• Peer-to-peer payments

• Debts settlement

• Micro-merchants payments

Why is BRAVO building a movement to Blockchain?

BRAVO has an existing program based portable macro and micro-pay business that this time providers the US total marketplace with tens of hundreds of regular dynamic users. BRAVO’s anonymous cellular obligations technology offers to continue changing into a “following era” payment system by incorporating blockchain technology into their business. This technology can be a stage additional in producing obligations even more confidential, much less costly, worldwide and most importantly, building the purchase period while providing the consumer with complete control of the purchase quicker.
How can I demand to sign up for the Whitelist?

To join the Whitelist, please check out and submit your email address to sign up for our Whitelist. By putting your signature on up, you agree on BVO email improvements and ICO launch time.

What will end up being the cost per BRAVO symbol?

The BVO token will be price at $0.10 for the open public ICO sale.

Which country and jurisdictions are excluded?

This is not forward to, or intended for use by:

U.S. people, people, located in the United Areas or occupants of the United State governments,

people positioned in the Republic of Singapore or Canada and any additional nation banned to perform business with businesses place in the United State governments.

people in any various other jurisdictions where the conversation or receipt of such details is usually limited in such a method that provides that such people cannot receive it. In particular, such people or people performing to the benefit of any such individuals are not allowed to review these web pages.

Nothing of the details included on the web pages thus nor any duplicate thereof may become used or sent in or into, or distributed, whether or directly indirectly, in or into, the United State governments or any additional jurisdiction as defined above. Failing to acquiesce with this may result in an infringement of U.S. laws, including the Securities Action, or the legal necessity of another jurisdiction.

Any potential offerings by BRAVO shall be completed in international transactions with zero directed selling efforts in the U.S. and subject matter to other limitations to ensure that BRAVO refuses to record any potential sale of a gold coin not really produced under Regulations Beds and all appropriate laws and regulations of the United Claims.

Is the BRAVO system secure?

Presently, BRAVO uses bank-grade encryption in our FIAT payments Beta version which is available in the US at App Store and Google Play. We will enhance this additional beyond bank-grade encryption with our blockchain technology which provides many layers of protection and basic safety with data immutability and high level of anonymity matched with continuous software program maintenance, improvement, and audits.

What will end up being the source of BRAVO and how will it end up being distributed?

There will be 1,000,000,000 BVO bridal party in total circulation. Small distribution:

• Angel Circular = 9%

• ICO Pre-Sale = 17%

• ICO Primary Sale = 24%

• Group and Founders = 20%

• Bounty Hindrances = 2%

• Advertising = 8%

• Advisors = 5%

• Primary Source = 15%

How can the money received end up being used?

• 20% = Advertising, support of BRAVO community and ensure strong promotions around the system and BVO symbol.

• 20% = Source account for airdrops, benefits, obligations of bounties and additional

blockchain systems.

• 9% = Operational expenditures.

• 3% = Legal expenditures.

• 3% = Miscellaneous.

Will BRAVO become an ERC-20 symbol?

Affirmative, BVO is undoubtedly built about best of the Ethereum Blockchain to utilize their sensible contract system in the Bravo, business magic size.

You can Visit here for more information:

Username profile Btt :Galih_alkarim


Welcome my dear friends.Crypto currency is experiencing serious shocks and it is difficult to choose a worthy project. But today my mind was drawn to the project .
I advise everyone to look at this project.Since the team offers a unique product, and this product will be in demand.BlokBiz is a reverse conversion platform in the cryptocurrency segment. The goal is to create a platform on which all registered ICOS are scrutinized by our team using compliance and anti-money laundering techniques that are globally harmonized. Only companies that can appear on our platform fully comply with the above procedures. Investors can take a look at our ICO investment platform knowing that every company is thoroughly vetted and evaluated.

Blockbiz also sends the amount financed by the company in installments, based on their budget plan and project progress. If the project is not continued, the amount to be financed will be sent to the investor. Our tools to achieve this goal are around the clock customer service, professionalism, strict policies, helpful attitude and project managers specifically for registered ICOS to maximize control and increase productivity.

BlokBiz is a secured and monitored crowdfunding portal. It is an intermediary that
combines blockchain technology with the most secure compliance methods used by
big commercial banks.

BlokBiz gives solution to the current ICO and cryptocurrency
investment issues. Filters financial criminal activities such as scam ICOs, money
laundering, terrorism and black market financing. We dedicate a project manager for
each and every ICO project, so it is directly monitored and guided by our Team.

We issue our own tokens (XBZ) for several reasons. While this helps us Finance most projects, it will also help our investors minimize their investment costs and allow them to benefit from our operations in the future. Our goal is to make the ICO market much safer and more transparent. We will create a truly friendly platform for Investors and listed companies to reduce costs and energy spent on their fundraising. Our vision is to create a service package named BlokBiz that represents trust and security. A group of platforms that creates and maintains a strong center in the ICO market.

The coin market is getting more and more spread among the Investors. 

Thepromising high yield encourages more people the rearrange their assets to the
cryptomarket which is inevitably increases the number of frauds. The daily amount
of frauds is about 20 million in USD. Our company’s goal is to curb the spread of
scam ICOs and create a crypto-investment portal, where all the investors can be sure
that the company they are investing in is a fully-monitored, fully-checked and guided

BlokBiz uses the following methods to put the cryptomarket on a more trusted road:

Companies are monitored by our compliance department. Compliance experts
are reviewing the projects’ goals, Cash Flow Projections, history of all owners,
organizational chart till the Holding, Bank Reference from company and owners. etc.
Function Blocksize.

Our method of improving the efficiency of investment in ICO. Compliance check.
Our team requires official companies and documents related to bias. Every owner is verified in standard AML software worldwide.

We will sign contracts and smart markers for the company
BlokBiz to issue and manage shares financed by the company. In this way, we prevent the artificial "Pump and dump" circuit produced by the company.

Project selection
Successfully pass a compliance check does not determine the feasibility of the project. BlokBiz interviews members of the company's team and assesses their professionalism and feasibility of the project.

Pay without changes
The company should organize cash flow plans and roadmaps. Our compliance experts review the plan, approve the amount of Ethereum needed for the project, and send it to the company in installments depending on the progress of the project.

Special project Manager.
If the company conducts an interview, a special project Manager will be assigned to the project. The project Manager will be in close contact with the members of the company and will inform investors about the progress of the project.

If the company has raised a target amount with a set deadline but shows no progress, investors will not lose all the Ethereum coins they invest.

Technical information
The purpose of the issuance and delivery of tokens to the investors consists of two parts.

This speeds up the project development process so that it can get started early. However, the launch of the platform does not depend on the successful sale of tokens. Raising capital from the sale of tokens has to be accelerator. This is why xbz tokens can be returned during the sales period.

The presence of the token XBZ will reduce transaction costs of the owner on the platform BlokBiz. Investors have the opportunity to get these tokens at very reasonable prices during the pre-sale and soft margin, but the tokens will be available during the Blokbiz platform at a higher price.

Token Info BlockBiz

Character Token: XBZ
Platform: Ethereum
The total amount of the offer: 100 million XBZ
85% tokens will be sold in
the token will be available for purchase after the sales period as it can be used to reduce transaction costs through the BlokBiz portal
Prices at the start of sales 3252 XBZ = 1 ETH

No Whitelist
When the sale ends, BlockBiz will start offering us the price of the markers XBZ = 1 ETH of 1891 and will probably change to the stock supplies related they own.

Further information: 

Username profile Btt : Galih_alkarim


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